
作者&投稿:仲怎 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Bicycles were introduced in the 19th century and now number about one billion worldwide.They are the principal means of transportation in many regions. They also provide a popular form of recreation, and have been adapted for such uses as children's toys, adult fitness, military and...

“我的第一辆自行车”写一篇英语作文 我的第一辆自行车
I have a beautiful bike.My mother bought it for me.It is the first time for to hav a bike.The bike was very beautiful.I liked it.It is blue and black.The bike is small,but I can ride the bike very fast.I usually ride on my bike,passing gardens,streets,towns,bridges,...

我有一个小毛驴 我从来也不骑 有一天我心血来潮骑着去赶集 我手里拿着小皮鞭 我心里正得意 不知怎么哗啦啦啦啦我摔了一身泥 I have a bicycle.I'd never cycled it.One day I had a sudden whim to cycle to go to the market.My little whip was in my hand.The self-satisfied was...

Bicycle is our familiar transportation

常用商务英语口语学习 第22讲:怎样介绍自行车
Speaking of bicycle, some people think it has outdated in many big cities. However, some people think that it is still popular for them because people can exercise themselves by riding bicycle. For me, I think people can get lots of benefits from riding bicycles.说起自行车,很多人...

用80词来描述一下你的自行车 英语作文
I have a novel off-road bicycles, horn-like set with shiny black slip cover on the handlebars, brakes winding around the new body. Large car basket attached to the car Body, there is a long chain of cars on the two round rubber tires on the bike can be a big help to ...

I have a beautiful bike. My mother bought it for me. It is the first time for to hav a bike.The bike was very beautiful. I liked it. It is blue and black. The bike is small, but I can ride the bike very fast.I usually ride on my bike, passing gardens, streets, ...

Everything has its advantages and disadvantages and the same is true with the E-bike (electric bike) and the regulare bike. The good thing about the E-bike is that you don't have to peddle to get your bike going while for the regular bike you have to peddle to get it ...

I bought a new bike.It is red and small.I have been bought it since 2000,it is made of China.And it can runs very fast.I can use it to go to school,travel,and so on.Don't you think it is a beautiful and useful bike?I really like it....

As more and more cars are used in China, more and more pollutted air that is set off by the cars goes into the sky. It makes our environment dirtier and dirtier. Of course it can make our food polluted. Even the worst, sometimes it can make our mankind ill. I think a ...

归剂15046508812问: 英文产品介绍 关于自行车的如题目所示 自行车产品的介绍 用一小段英文介绍它 例如它的卖点 价值什么的 规格型号等等,谢谢 ! -
泰州市艾思回答:[答案] Hello,everyone, We import a new type of bicycle.Now I introduce it to you.Hope you will know it.It's the best seller in Europe.And the price is economic. Thank you!

归剂15046508812问: 用100字英语简单介绍自行车 -
泰州市艾思回答: Bike is a convenient tool for traffic on two wheels, it mainly depends on the human driving, are all vehicles in the green environmental protection and exercise!

归剂15046508812问: 用英文介绍自行车 -
泰州市艾思回答: Nowadays,it's important for us to live the low-carbon life.The first thing we can do is to ride the bikes.Because first,bikes are cheaper than cars.Second,it's easy to find the place to park bikes.Third,the oil is not necessary for bikes,so bikes won't ...

归剂15046508812问: 用英语介绍一辆二手自行车 -
泰州市艾思回答:[答案] 您可以主要从自行车的外观、用途以及价格三方面来介绍,还可以介绍一下骑自行车的优势.您可以根据这个写英文介绍. 希望能帮到您

归剂15046508812问: 英文产品介绍 关于自行车的 -
泰州市艾思回答: Hello,everyone,We import a new type of bicycle.Now I introduce it to you.Hope you will know it.It's the best seller in Europe.And the price is economic.Thank you!

归剂15046508812问: 用英语介绍自行车,汽车、飞机这三种交通工具.(简单一点是初一英语,不下50个单词) -
泰州市艾思回答: 自行车:bike:This is a kind of vehicles.It has two wheels.汽车:car:This is a kind of vehicles.It has four wheels.飞机:plane:This is a kind of vehicles.It can fly.

归剂15046508812问: 求关于自行车的英语介绍!比如自行车的历史,种类,人们骑自行车的好处等等~ -
泰州市艾思回答:[答案] 这个网站有很多介绍,可以自行查阅

归剂15046508812问: 介绍自行车的英语文章(小学) -
泰州市艾思回答: BikeI have a beautiful bike. My mother bought it for me.The bike is very beautiful. I like it. It is blue and black. The bike is small, but I can ride the bike very fast.I usually ride on my bike, passing gardens, streets, towns, bridges, parks and libraries. ...

归剂15046508812问: 用英语描述单车 -
泰州市艾思回答: a bike in red, which two black wheels

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