
作者&投稿:诸葛良 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

会韩语的亲们 !!求助求助
뷰티:这是英语 beauty 的韩文音译,是美丽的意思,发与英文的 beauty一样的音,用汉语写发音就是 “比U体”,用罗马音就是 “beauti”소녀:是少女的意思,发 “ so nye”的音。连在一起就是美少女的意思。

谁能把T-ara 漂亮的女孩(beautiful girl)的汉语歌词告诉我
Beauti, Beauti, Beauti Beautiful girl Beauti, Beauti, Beauti Beautiful girl 我是你的 Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful girl 爽快地走过来 拥抱我的心 我是你的 Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful girl 用我那甜蜜的嘴唇 亲吻你的脸颊 用性感的眼神, 华丽的动作, 想诱惑你 我是你的 Beautiful, Beau...


1. 以my city为题写一篇英语文章 I live in wenzhou.It is a beautigul city.It's my hometown.Every year it attracts large number of tourists e here all over the world.We have oujiang here and many places of interest.I think you will love it when you see it oneday.I wa...

但在景德镇最为流行的说法是china是汉语昌南(原景德镇名)的音译。随着景德镇精白瓷大量流传到海外,才使得瓷(china)成为中国的代名词。”说china最初是昌南地名译音,我觉得很新鲜。景德镇原名昌南镇,在宋真宗景德年间(1004年起)改名景德镇。此时所制瓷器已负盛名,特供御用。按照 “景德镇最为流行的说法...

Little by little, I found English a really interesting subject at school. After two years' hard work, now I can speak directly to my American teachers and be fully understood. I can sing beauti-ful English songs at parties. I can exchange ideas with friends on the other side ...

首先,我不知道你学英语几年了 所以可能有些地方也许你会太高的要求你.其次,文章从总的来看,逻辑还算可以,有的地方也能用比较好的词汇,句型也有变化. 只是缺点还是比较多. 1.高级词汇很不多,而其他的全是普通词汇. 2.有很多地方语法错误 出现缺谓语情况或无主语 等.建议写完至少要检查1-2遍. ...

Beneath Your Beautifl 美丽外表下的内在 You tell all the boys no 你对每个男孩都说不 Makes you feel good yeah 感觉很好吧 I know you're out of my league 我知道你遥不可及 But that won't scare me away oh no 但我仍要迎难而上 You've carried on so long 你一直都孤身一人 Yo...

子丰爽17641946008问: beautiful 的中文谐音 -
蔚县乳宁回答: beautiful you 中文谐音 WO~~~~~~ 搜no扣为你赛挖特呢母了她啦一NO你 啊饿那i哟卢摸大i一特卢米她一你 KI米大to挖卡卢没我痛哦及特摸 啊吗一她i哦翁够ki扣饿一特哭卢 u r such a beautiful woman 一吗苏谷你好悉i哟ki米噶一卢色开一挖 o ...

子丰爽17641946008问: SJ《Beautiful》中文谐音歌词!!急急急~~~ -
蔚县乳宁回答: 李东海唱的吧?You're like complete and beautiful I just can't be without you girl You're complete and beautiful i just can't be without you girl 【强木】八脏库待莫三 ki要开哟 诉诸恩米so 哦so 看马to 恰哇大谷so 哈如窘列库待耶 sin嘎谷咯 阿木谷zo哇...

子丰爽17641946008问: 伯贤beautiful这首歌的中文音译 -
蔚县乳宁回答: Beautiful(心动) 演唱:伯贤 音译:柠檬鹿C_ From@EXO NEXT DOOR han永内给大嘎哇 素ju不喊gi路 安gio(chu)头那 hi米喊够m 搜给搜 努力扑西都咯pan佳gio搜 搜雷一没那tuo莫路给 han吧嘟吧累 给大嘎嘎 诺也gio忒那嘛 诺也米索喂那嘛额...

子丰爽17641946008问: beautiful伯贤韩文音译 -
蔚县乳宁回答: 汉语:beautiful伯贤 韩语:아름다운 백현 /뷰티풀 백현 前者是传统翻译,后面是beautiful的谐音翻译(这个也经常用) 罗马音标:A Reum Da Woon Baek Hyeon / Byu Ti Pwul Baek Hyeon 韩语读音: A Ri-em Da Wun Bei-k Hi-en / Biu ti pu-er Beo-k Hi-en 用哪个都可以哟.

子丰爽17641946008问: 亲们,谁有东海的Beautiful的中文谐音歌词啊? -
蔚县乳宁回答: you're like complete and beautiful I just can't be without you girl You're complete and beautiful i just can't be without you girl cheoum boatdeon geu moseub kieok haeyo sujubeun miso eosaehan malddu chagabdeon keu so haru jongil geudaeui ...

子丰爽17641946008问: 布兰妮beautiful中文谐音歌词 -
蔚县乳宁回答: There was a time Iwas one of a kind lost in the world out of me myself and I Was lonely then like an alien 曾经,我迷失于自旁的世界,感到无比的孤独,感觉如同一位外星人 I tried but I neverfigured it out 我尝试寻找缘由但却无能为力 Why I always ...

子丰爽17641946008问: 你好漂亮的英文用中文音译怎么?你好漂亮的英文用中文音译怎么说
蔚县乳宁回答: 你好,你好漂亮的英文是“You're very beautiful~”. 中文谐音是“油阿歪瑞标踢佛~” ,希望能帮助到您!

子丰爽17641946008问: beautiful 2pm 中文谐音 -
蔚县乳宁回答: 2pm 《beautiful》Beautiful.. You're Beautifulもう君しか爱せないよmou kimi shika aisenai yoこの想い消せないよkono omoi kesenai yo仆だけを见てboku dake wo mite嫌いにさせてくれkirai ni sasete kure仆から出て行ってboku kara deteitteい...

子丰爽17641946008问: u - kiss的beautiful的中文译音???? -
蔚县乳宁回答: U-KISS - Beautiful 音译:F A Bulous° You are so beautiful beautiful beatiful 一吗陌ki米哦ki米哦ki米哦 哦陌带一录嗯大 You are my pretty girl pretty girl pretty girl 带啊他hi卡啦哈集吗他 口累吗得耨ki米头耨集集看哇 卡大哭卡集看大 波哭耨口口楼你赛...

子丰爽17641946008问: beautiful hangover中文谐音歌词 -
蔚县乳宁回答: ma-ma-ma-ma-ma MY beautiful girl ma-ma-ma-ma-ma123 TO the4 sho one like you there ain'no-(body) 123 TO the4 sho-(body)can do them things youdo so turei'm so excited delightedi won't deny it nor fight it baby you got what i need you got me jumpin-jumpin off my feet

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