
作者&投稿:祖国 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、I have been reading a book these days.这几天我一直在看一本书。2、We have been working hard these days.这些天来,我们一直在努力工作。3、They have been building a bridge.他们一直在造一座桥。4、Amy has been playing her radio all morning.艾米整个上午一直开着她的收音机。5、S...


现在完成时时间标志词:before,ever,never,just,recently,yet,already,since,so far,for,in the past。1、before以前。例句:Have you been to the Great Wall before?译文:你以前去过长城吗?2、ever曾经。例句:Have you ever been to Beijing?译文:你曾去过北京吗?3、never从不。例...

7. 过去完成时,例句:The train had already left by the time I got to the station.在我到达车站前,火车就已经离开了。8. 过去完成进行时,例句:At last he got the offer from the university he had been expecting.他终于收到了期盼已久的大学录取通知书。9. 一般将来时,例句...

例句:He has worked for us ever since he left school.三、现在完成时表示重复 这种完成时一般表示:过去到现在不断重复发生的动作或情况;可能继续;可能到此结束。例句:My father has always gone to work by bike.四、现在完成时表示将来 可以在时间状语从句里表示将来。例句:When you have ...

现在完成时(The Present Perfect Tense)1、表示过去开始并持续到现在的动作。例句:I have studied English for eight years.2、强调过去动作对现在的影响和结果。(动词可以使用非持续动词)例句:I have already written ten emails.3、表示习惯性或者重复性,经常和often,frequently等表示次数的词连用...

1、表示过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果。(瞬间动词适用于这种情况)2、表示过去已经开始并持续到现在的动作或状态,可以和表示从过去某一时刻延续到现在(包括“现在”在内)的一段时间的状语连用。(延续性动词适用于这种情况)现在完成时例句:1、This is the first time I have...

现在完成时用来表示之前已发生或完成的动作或状 态,其结果的确和现在有联系。动作或状态发生在过去 但它的影响现在还存在;也可表示持续到现在的动作或 状态。其构成: have (has) +过去分词。I have answered the quesion The quesipn has been solved Computer has been invited for many years Ha...

6. 过去进行时,例句:We were playing basketball at 6 p.m. yesterday. 昨天下午6点我们正在打篮球。7. 过去完成时,例句:The train had already left by the time I got to the station.在我到达车站前,火车就已经离开了。8. 过去完成进行时,例句:At last he got the offer...

6. 过去进行时,例句:We were playing basketball at 6 p.m. yesterday. 昨天下午6点我们正在打篮球。7. 过去完成时,例句:The train had already left by the time I got to the station.在我到达车站前,火车就已经离开了。8. 过去完成进行时,例句:At last he got the offer...

博徐13430097235问: 10个简单的现在完成时的句子, -
常德市川贝回答:[答案] 1.He has turned off the light.他已把灯关了. 2.Have you found your pen yet?你已找到你的钢笔了吗? 3.He has lived here ... 5 years.我在部队已经呆了五年多了. 5.I have heard nothing from him up to now.到目前为止我没有他的任何消息. 6.He has been in...

博徐13430097235问: 现在完成时的例句(越多越好) -
常德市川贝回答: I have answered the quesion The quesipn has been solved Computer has been invited for many years Have you been to the USA? He has gone to home

博徐13430097235问: 英语现在完成时定义 构成 用法及例句(不少于6句) -
常德市川贝回答:[答案] 五、 现在完成时: 1.概念:过去发生或已经完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果,或从过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态. 2.时间状语:recently,lately,since…for…,in the past few years,etc. 3.基本结构:have/has + done 4.否定形式:have/has +...

博徐13430097235问: 现在完成时的例句 -
常德市川贝回答:[答案] 514917837 希望我的资料可以帮助你!现在完成时 现在完成时用来表示之前已发生或完成的动作或状 态,其结果的确和现在有联系.动作或状态发生在过去 但它的影响现在还存在;也可表示持续到现在的动作或 状态.其构成:ha...

博徐13430097235问: 现在完成时 例句基本填空1.How long - ___you_____(live)here?2.when - ____you______(live)here?3.she - ___(study)it fore many years.4._____she____(be)... -
常德市川贝回答:[答案] have lived\did live\has studied\has been\has been,came\do speak\do speak\did go\has known

博徐13430097235问: 英语现在完成时详细讲解、、最好举几个例子、、 -
常德市川贝回答:[答案] 第一,现在完成时表示过去发生了某个动作,并且一直持续至今.比如我们在最初学习这个时态时,都会记住类似这样的例句:I have learned English for 5 years.Tom has lived in Beijing for 6 months.这样的句子固然是正...

博徐13430097235问: 用现在完成时造句用以下词造句,要用现在完成时1.already2.yet3.just4.recently5.ever6.never7.before -
常德市川贝回答:[答案] 1.I have already finished my homework. 2.Have you cleaned your room yet? No.I haven't cleaned my room yest. 3.She has just fed her dog. 4.What have you done recently? 5.Have you ever been to Hongkong? 6.I have never been abroad. 7.Has he been ...

博徐13430097235问: 求现在完成时例句,4个肯定句,4个否定句,别太高深... -
常德市川贝回答:[答案] I have eaten breakfast.---------I haven't eaten breakfast. He has finished his homework.------He has not/hasn't finished his homework She has read the book.--------She has not/hasn't read the book They have been to Shanghai.------They have not/haven't ...

博徐13430097235问: 现在完成时的“已经开始的动作”现在完成时的表示已经开始的动作依然在持续,且有可能继续下去”举几个简单的例句表达现在完成时的这一点 -
常德市川贝回答:[答案] He has lived here since 2000.(2000年开始,一直住到现在) He has worked in this city since he moved here. The film has been on for 5 minutes.(5分钟前开始,一直放到现在,且还要继续)

博徐13430097235问: 用现在完成时造句 -
常德市川贝回答: 1. I have already finished my homework. 2. Have you cleaned your room yet?No. I haven't cleaned my room yest. 3. She has just fed her dog. 4. What have you done recently? 5. Have you ever been to Hongkong? 6. I have never been abroad. 7. Has he been to the USA before?

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