
作者&投稿:倪罚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

渎职 misconduct 贪污 corruption 抢劫 rob 盗窃 steal 危害公共安全 endangered public security

罪行 罪恶 用英语怎么说
crime 犯罪的事情, 触犯法律的事情 evil 罪恶, 邪恶,sin 触犯上帝的法律 sin 比 crime 更罪恶, 有些 sin 虽然不触犯人间的法律, 也就是说不是 "crime", 但是触犯了圣经上上帝的法律, 解释清楚了没?

“CB”作为“犯罪分支”的英文缩写,其在不同领域的应用和法律意义_百 ...
英语中的缩写“CB”,通常被理解为“Crime Branch”,即“犯罪分支”的缩写。这个术语主要用于表示在警务领域中,负责处理和侦查犯罪活动的分支机构。CB的英文单词是Crime Branch,其中文拼音为fàn zuì fēn zhī,其流行度为244,属于Governmental类别,特别在警察工作中广泛应用。例如,在一些案件调查中...

黄赌毒 的犯罪行为英语怎么说啊 急
pornography, gambling, and drug abuse and trafficking "We must, according to law, crack down on all kinds of crime and social evils such as pornography, gambling and drug abuse and trafficking."依法严厉打击各种犯罪活动,坚决扫除黄赌毒等社会丑恶现象。

罪有应得 英语谚语
profits by the crime is guilty of it.凡由犯罪是有罪的利润.(恶由利起)society prepares the crime ; the criminal commits it .社会准备罪犯,罪犯对其犯罪.(执迷不悟)Thousands of good deeds do not wipe out one tiny crime.成千上万的善行不消灭一个微小的犯罪.(勿以恶小而为之)

缉毒---catch drug smugglers 边防站---frontier station(s) 戴罪立功---atone for one's crimes by doing good deeds 一网打尽---catch the whole lot in one action

犯罪用英语怎么造句 He committed crime many times and went jail very often.The crime he committed was very serious and he could go to jail for that.I think you have committed the crime without knowing.很希望我的回答会对你有帮助。如有不明白,可以再追问,若满意请采纳,谢谢你,并...

To resist and reduce criminal activities by mobile phone.

这些数字明确告诉我们,犯罪活动正在增加 求英语翻译 用as引导非限制性...
As told clearly in the figure , the criminal activities is on the increase.

sin 英 [sɪn] 美 [sɪn]n.违背宗教[道德原则]的恶行; 罪恶,罪孽; 过错,罪过; 愚蠢的事,可耻的事 vi.犯罪,犯过错 vt.犯罪 crime 英 [kraɪm] 美 [kraɪm]n.罪恶; 罪行,犯罪 v.指控犯罪; 判定犯罪; 处罚军事犯 ...

韶具17520774169问: 犯罪用英语怎么说? -
阳原县橘红回答: commit a crime

韶具17520774169问: 犯罪和安排用英文怎么写、一个单词. -
阳原县橘红回答: 犯罪:词组可以用commit a crime或commit crimes;动词直接用crime 安排:名词用arrangement、plan ;动词用arrange;plan或者deal with

韶具17520774169问: 用英语翻译“他正在描述他的犯罪活动”这句话 He() ()his() -
阳原县橘红回答:[答案]He is describing his crime. 保证准确率~

韶具17520774169问: 用英语翻译“犯罪”
阳原县橘红回答: 犯罪是CRIME Crime is the breach of rules or laws for which some governing authority (via mechanisms such as police power) may ultimately prescribe a conviction.

韶具17520774169问: 继续从事犯罪活动 翻译用engage in -
阳原县橘红回答:[答案] 继续从事犯罪活动 翻译用engage in 那就是: Continue to engage in committing crimes. 或是: Continue to engage in criminal activities. 很希望我的回答会对你有帮助.如有不明白,可以再追问,并祝你进步!

韶具17520774169问: 黑帮犯罪 或 黑社会犯罪 用英语应该怎么说? -
阳原县橘红回答: 黑帮犯罪 Criminal gangs 黑社会犯罪 Organized crime 外语不难学,努力吧

韶具17520774169问: 罪犯 英语怎么说 -
阳原县橘红回答: 一、罪犯英文为:offender 1、英 [əˈfendə(r)] 美 [əˈfendər] 2、n. 罪犯;冒犯者;违法者 二、短语 1、habitual offender 惯犯 ; 屡教不改的罪犯 2、Repeated offender 惯犯 ; 累犯 ; 翻译 3、minor offender 轻罪犯 4、intentional offender ...

韶具17520774169问: 罪行(名词)用英语怎么说 -
阳原县橘红回答: crime 英 [kraɪm] 美 [kraɪm] n.罪恶;罪行,犯罪 v.指控犯罪;判定犯罪;处罚军事犯

韶具17520774169问: 犯罪用英语怎么造句 -
阳原县橘红回答: 犯罪用英语怎么造句 He committed crime many times and went jail very often.The crime he committed was very serious and he could go to jail for that.I think you have committed the crime without knowing.很希望我的回答会对你有帮助.如有不明白,可以再追问,若满意请采纳,谢谢你,并祝你进步!

韶具17520774169问: 他们以宗教的名义进行犯罪活动的翻译是:什么意思 -
阳原县橘红回答: 他们以宗教的名义进行犯罪活动.翻译为英文是: They commit crimes in the name of religion.注:完全没有问题!请及时采纳!

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