
作者&投稿:毋郎 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

最终解释权由本人所有的翻译是:The final interpretation is owned by me

transfer via MT 103\/23 Worth commodity total \/ monthly value for shipment against POP Documents in possession of Seller Bank.一份不可撤销的保兑的SWIFT电汇,格式为MT 103\/23格式。买方见卖方银行的PDP文件付商品的所有\/月度款给卖方发货。外贸五年从业人士为你解答,欢迎采纳,有不懂可追问!

问题二:“产权” “房屋产权证”用英语怎么说 产权 property right 房屋产权证 housing property right certificate 问题三:房屋产权证 英语怎么说? Property Title Certificate 问题四:“郑房权证字第0801051080号房屋所有权证”这句话 中的“郑房权证字第XXX号”怎么用英文翻译呢 郑房权证字第...


"本活动最终解释权归本公司所有" 怎么翻译英语
英文是:The company reserves the right of final interpretation of this activity.重点词汇:company 英['kʌmpəni]释义:n.公司;陪伴,同伴;连队;演出团;宾客 vi.<古>交往 vt.<古>陪伴 n.(Company)(美、瑞)孔帕尼(人名)[复数:companies;第三人称单数:companies;...

法律专业名词英文翻译: 安全权、知情权、公平交易权、求偿权、经济效益...
依次是:the right to safety the right to information fair trade rights right of claim economic effectiveness network transaction

Letter of Attorney This is to grant A Corporation the right to use the three patterns under brand T created by B Corporation in K, which is only limited to develop seersucker product and use brand T of B Corporation.Deadline of attorney:参考资料:www.siyuanfanyi.com ...

权宝贝 英文:Right Baby

权为民所系情为民所系利为民所谋英文是Power is for the people, emotions are for the people, benefits are for the people。1、权为民所用:就必须正确看待和运用手中的权力,始终以党和人民的事业为重,为人民掌好权、用好权,用人民赋予的权力服务于人民、造福于人民,绝不以权谋私。2、情...

Property law in accordance with People's Republic of China. Housing ownership rights certificate is proof of ownership housing. This card is the right to enjoy the proof of home ownership. Housing owners, interested parties can query the Housing Register Housing agencies register in ...

锺疤15138812685问: “版权所有”求翻译成英文 -
正镶白旗三七回答: All right reserved 或者 Copy right

锺疤15138812685问: 英语翻译“版权所有 翻版必究”就这8个字. -
正镶白旗三七回答:[答案] All rights reserved 其实这个不用别人翻译,你看看很多音像制品或者国外的商品上都会写的,

锺疤15138812685问: 英语翻译版权所有,侵权必究! -
正镶白旗三七回答:[答案] 版权所有,侵权必究: All rights reserved,the right infringement must investigate!

锺疤15138812685问: "版权所有,仿冒必究" 在英文里一般怎么说 -
正镶白旗三七回答: 版权所有 [词典] [法] all right reserved; [例句]版权所有,翻印必究. All rights reserved; those responsible for unauthorized reproduction will be prosecuted. 仿冒必究 Counterfeiting

锺疤15138812685问: 版权所有,翻版必究,用英语怎么说 -
正镶白旗三七回答: 版权所有,翻版必究 All rights reserved

锺疤15138812685问: "版权所有,侵权必究"用英文怎么说啊? -
正镶白旗三七回答: All rights reserved.(Violators will be prosecuted.)

锺疤15138812685问: “版权所有 翻印必究”的英文翻译方法? -
正镶白旗三七回答: All rights reserved.

锺疤15138812685问: 英语翻译Copyrights (C) 2007 DDN,inc.All Rights Reserved.著作权 版权所有(C)DDNinc -
正镶白旗三七回答:[答案] (C)是Copyrights的意思,版权 DDN是数字数据服务Defemse Data Service inc.是including的简写,包含...在之内

锺疤15138812685问: 翻译:版权所有,翻版必究? -
正镶白旗三七回答: 一般用一句话就可以了: All rights reserved. Copyright reserved.

锺疤15138812685问: 保护版权英语怎么说?? -
正镶白旗三七回答: Reserve 版权所有,违者必纠的最常用说是:All copyrights reserved.

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