
作者&投稿:子丰房 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

心中的梦想作文1 梦,是一个人的梦境;想,是一个人的思考。梦和想这两个字加起来,就是一个人一生的目标或是在某个阶段想实现的目标。 我的梦想从幼儿园到小学之间变来变去,数不胜数。 我上幼儿园时,依稀记得我那天真的梦想,如:去买糖、去动物园看动物、去花园看美丽的花朵,等等……而妈妈则能尽力满足...

我喜欢的食物作文 篇1 一次偶然的机会,老爸从超市买回来一袋“重庆怪味胡豆”,乍一看这种食物的名称,我就对“怪味”这两个字产生了强烈的好奇心:什么样的味道才是怪味呢?为了尽快得到答案,我便迫不及待地打开包装袋,飞快地拿了一颗放在嘴里细细地品尝,味道果然不同凡响。从此我就迷上了这种味道特别的风味食物。

一件有趣的事作文400字1 别人的童年是一幅五彩缤纷而且朝气蓬勃的锦画,而我的童年却像一阵大风,吹过后,什么也没留下。但其中,却有一件事让我难以忘怀。每当想起这件事,我都会笑得前仰后翻。 在一个风和日丽的中午,我与我的同学因为一件小事大吵了一架。我们本想用男子汉的方法解决——打一架,但是其他...

作文一:《大学英语作文1900字:珍惜生命》2100字 精选公文范文管理资料 大学英语作文1900字:珍 惜生命 大学英语作文1900字:珍惜生命 -Attitude to Our life attitude to our life i have been shocked many times by some accidents in my life through which i find human,s life is like a delicate vase tha...

★ 我的暑假 生活英语 作文 ★ 暑假游记作文1 这个暑假,我去了伊犁哈萨克自治州,玩儿了察布察尔县、新源县、巩留县等等。 在察县,我钓了好多鱼,也吃了锡伯族的早餐,很好吃,我最喜欢吃锡伯大饼。 在新源县,我碰巧看上了新源好声音,但都唱的不太好。新源虽然是一个很小的县城,但是,那里的广场有好几个,都...

求一篇关于校园安全的英语作文 The electric door guard has replaced the traditional "door lady" in a dormitory at Shanghai Songjiang University City, within the range of many universities. In the future, more electric door guards will take the place of "door ladies." The electric door guard ope...

南村的旅游景点介绍英语作文 介绍家乡旅游景点英语作文
介绍景点的高中英语作文篇1 Dear Nick, Ilsquo;m glad to hear that youlsquo;re coming to Sichuan in August. Sichuan Province lies in southwest of China which is a good place for people to enjoy many world-famous places of interest, such as Jiuzhaigou and Dujiangyan Irrigation Project. Jiuzhai...

下面是我帮大家整理的秋游六年级作文,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 秋游六年级作文1 10月30日上午,我们六年级来到婺州公园秋游。 自己各自摆好桌布吃过零食后,就开始四处游玩。不远处,一个叔叔带着一只小狗从江边走过,同学们不由分说便朝小狗跑去。每一棵树和每一块石头都被我们甩在后头。 小狗可爱极了,一双...

民族团结作文 篇1 “五十六个民族,五十六枝花,五十六个兄弟姐妹是一家”每当这一首歌在我耳边响起时,我都深有感触。 记得那一年,我和爸爸、妈妈来到大草原上,我们访问的是呼和浩特,我们从机场到大草原花了两三个小时,在这两三个小时里,四周全都是茫茫的大草原。初入草原,看不到什么东西,但能听到小鸟委婉的歌...

你所见过的作文是什么样的呢?以下是我帮大家整理的二年级作文6篇,欢迎大家分享。 二年级作文 篇1 在一个美丽的小山坡上,住着小蚂蚁一家,门前不远处有一口池塘,池塘里有许多美丽的小鲤鱼。 一天,小蚂蚁跟妈妈说:“妈妈,我想跟小鲤鱼去玩,好吗?” 蚂蚁妈妈说:“池塘的水很深,掉下去很危险的,你千万不能去啊...

成王曼19120404453问: 关于烧烤的英语作文加翻译 -
和田县氨基回答: One day,ourteacher said our class want to organize a picnic activities will enable students to their own portfolios, and division of labor and materials to the school tomorrow to take a good picnic. Xu had hardly faded from the teacher, the students ...

成王曼19120404453问: 写一篇关于烧烤的英语计划书,100个词左右 -
和田县氨基回答:[答案] Section I,the basic situation of the company and its future development strategy First,the basic situation of the company Second,entrepreneurial background and the quality of staff

成王曼19120404453问: 英语作文“烧烤” -
和田县氨基回答: Now we can finally barbecue, I with the speed of the unexpected took a chicken leg on a "strong" the barbed wire, sometimes search, sometimes with a little sweet catsup, and sometimes add some chili powder, slowly, bouquet, you can't help ...

成王曼19120404453问: 关于烧烤的英语作文 -
和田县氨基回答: That day, our school organised a barbeque for us. It is a very good function and I like it so much. Barbeque is a good thing because I can eat a lot of food and I can play with my friends. Before I go to barbeque, my mum said if you ate too much food, ...

成王曼19120404453问: 高中英语作文:一次难忘的经历(关于烧烤)带翻译 -
和田县氨基回答: A long time ago,I was lucky to have an unforgettable experience about barbecue.At first,I had questioned about wether the barbecue were clean or not.But the smell of it sure captured me.With the urge of a friend,I started eating one of the barbecued ...

成王曼19120404453问: 淄博烧烤英文介绍 -
和田县氨基回答: 淄博烧烤英文介绍. Zibo barbecue is famous in China for its unique taste and cooking methods. This particular style of barbecue originated from the city of Zibo, located in the Shandong province of China.The Zibo barbecue typically involves the ...

成王曼19120404453问: 以五年级的水平写一篇英语作文题目是烧烤最多5句话 -
和田县氨基回答: Today was Sunday, I was so happy because our family had a big meeting, we went to the park to have the barbecue. We called our relatives to join us, it was such a great party. As the family members haven't got together for a long time, so my ...

成王曼19120404453问: 求一篇简单的英语作文~~题目A happy weekend..100字左右,内容和朋友去公园烧烤~~~ -
和田县氨基回答: On Saturday,the weather was sunny.I got up at half past eight.After that I washed face and brushed teeth. I did my homework from 9:00am to 4:00pm.My father came back at 4:30pm.I said to my father: “I want to see a movie The Lord of Rings with ...

成王曼19120404453问: 英语作文一次有趣的烧烤活动怎么写? -
和田县氨基回答: 关于烧烤的英语作文(推荐以下两篇):That day, our school organised a barbeque for us. It is a very good function and I like it so much. Barbeque is a good thing because I can eat a lot of food and I can play with my friends. Before I go to ...

成王曼19120404453问: 以一次烧烤命名,写一篇英语短文 至少50个单词(标点符号不算)11月7日要交的. -
和田县氨基回答:[答案] I to the speed of the unexpected took a chicken leg on "a rock-solid" on the barbed wire, and from time to time search, sometimes with a little sweet, and sometimes add some chili powder, slowly, fine...

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