
作者&投稿:阎侧 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

白雪公主英语剧本 旁白:In a beautiful country, hope to the king and the queen gave birth to a beautiful healthy daughter, wish her hair as black as ink, lips red as blood, skin is as white as snow. Soon, they gave birth to a healthy and loving daughter, named the king ...

最近老班让我们演一个短剧大家有没有好一点的剧本推荐一下5个角色的不要太长的5分钟左右谢谢~... 最近老班让我们演一个短剧 大家有没有好一点的...后妈女儿(1): Look at yourself, PLEASE! (讥笑) 后妈女儿(2): So dirty and so ugly! Please not to waste the solders’ time! (讽刺) 士兵:...

童话 英语剧本
可有英语的童话剧本,适合7-8个人演出~最好的可以是:《灰姑娘》或《白雪公主》或《海的女儿》,类似的都可以谢谢... 可有英语的童话剧本,适合7-8个人演出~最好的可以是:《灰姑娘》或《白雪公主》或《海的女儿》,类似的都可以谢谢 展开 3个回答 #热议# 【帮帮团】大学生专场,可获百度实习机会!supercathy ...


音乐之声,很经典的英语音乐剧,全场也基本都是女生。网上都有那个电影的,楼主可以参考一下。推荐场景:玛丽教几个孩子学音阶时的那个,里面有一首很经典有简单的英语歌曲,而且场景也算简单,表演性很强 这是剧本:http:\/\/wenku.baidu.com\/view\/c9eeb5c2d5bbfd0a7956732c.html 推荐段落:Maria:...

老鼠嫁女儿 角色(character):鼠爸爸(f)、太阳(sun)、云(cloud)、风(wind)、墙(wall)Once upon a time, there was a mouse father. (很久很久以前,有一个老鼠爸爸)He wanted to marry his daughter to the greatest person in the world. (他想要将他的女儿嫁给世界上最伟大的人)...


海的女儿 英语剧本 邮箱:wangjie1314510@163.com

老鼠嫁女儿 角色(character):鼠爸爸(f)、太阳(sun)、云(cloud)、风(wind)、墙(wall)Once upon a time, there was a mouse father. (很久很久以前,有一个老鼠爸爸)He wanted to marry his daughter to the greatest person in the world. (他想要将他的女儿嫁给世界上最伟大的人)...

猫:(颓然倒在大理石台阶上)是我,夜娘娘,我累坏了那个樵夫的儿子蒂蒂尔和女儿米蒂尔.现在他们到这儿来问您要青鸟了…… is I, a night of empress, I has been tired that woodcutter's son peduncle Teele and daughter rice Teele.Now they to here asked you wanted the messenger bird....

昔疤19431102562问: 谁有《海的女儿》英文剧本? -
来宾市苯磺回答: 《海的女儿》剧本英文版 The daughter of the sea Character :小人鱼(little mermaid、王子Prince、巫婆witch、龙王King、龙母queen、公主 princess、牧师priest、人鱼姐姐(5人)mermaid sisters旁白narrator、群众演员extras(舞dance) ...

昔疤19431102562问: 海的女儿的剧本英语 -
来宾市苯磺回答: 海的女儿英文话剧剧本 The Daughter Of The Sea (此时灯光很暗,背景音乐Caribbean Blue播放20秒左右开始念旁白,旁白结束之前演员就位,旁白念完灯光恢复,背景音乐结束.) 旁白:In the deepest of the ocean stands the castle of the ...

昔疤19431102562问: 求海的女儿的英语课本剧剧本如题,想课上用,大家有的踊跃发额 -
来宾市苯磺回答:[答案] The daughter of the sea Character :小人鱼、王子、巫婆、龙王、龙母、公主、牧师、人鱼姐姐(5人)旁白、群众演员(... and birds can sing so sweetly 女儿们:When can we rise up out of sea 龙母:when you have reached your fifteenth year !You ...

昔疤19431102562问: 海的女儿英语剧本 -
来宾市苯磺回答: The daughter of the sea(海的女儿)Character :小人鱼、王子、巫婆、龙王、龙母、公主、牧师、人鱼姐姐(5人)旁白、群众演员(舞) 故事内容:旁白:Deep in the sea...

昔疤19431102562问: 求助!!!海的女儿的英文剧本!!! -
来宾市苯磺回答: The daughter of the sea(海的女儿)Character :小人鱼、王子、巫婆、龙王、龙母、公主、牧师、人鱼姐姐(5人)旁白、群众演员(舞) 故事内容:旁白:Deep in the sea (在海底),there lived the sea king(他们住在海王国) ,who had ...

昔疤19431102562问: 速求海的女儿英文版剧本 -
来宾市苯磺回答: The Daughter Of The Sea (此时灯光很暗,背景音乐Caribbean Blue播放20秒左右开始念旁白,旁白结束之前演员就位,旁白念完灯光恢复,背景音乐结束.) 旁白:In the deepest of the ocean stands the castle of the Sea King.His mother is a ...

昔疤19431102562问: 求海的女儿英文版小品剧本 -
来宾市苯磺回答: Character :小人鱼、王子、巫婆、龙王、龙母、公主、牧师、人鱼姐姐(5人)旁白、群众演员(舞)故事内容: 旁白:Deep in the sea ,there lived the sea king ,who had been a widower for many years and his aged mother kept house for him...

昔疤19431102562问: 安徒生童话《海的女儿》英文版话剧?急,急!! -
来宾市苯磺回答: In the far, deep ocean, there was the castle of Sea King. He had been alone for many years. His mother helped him. She was a wise woman, especially for her care of her grand-daughters. They were six beautiful children, but the youngest was the ...

昔疤19431102562问: 有没有海的女儿的童话剧剧本, -
来宾市苯磺回答: 《海的女儿》剧本英文版The daughter of the seaCharacter :小人鱼(little mermaid、王子Prince、巫婆witch、龙王King、龙母queen、公主 princess、牧师priest、人鱼姐姐(5人)mermaid sisters旁白narrator、群众演员extras(舞dance) ...

昔疤19431102562问: 海的女儿英文加中文 -
来宾市苯磺回答: While at the prince's palace, and when all the household were asleep, she would go and sit on the broad marble steps; for it eased her burning feet to bathe them in the cold sea-water; and then she thought of all those below in the deep.在...

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