
作者&投稿:藤荔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Fruit:production will be placed above the disk,Sprinkle yogurt can be.

翻译结果:The process of making fruit salad process 英 ['prəʊses]美 ['prɑsɛs]n. 过程,进行;方法,步骤;作用;程序;推移 adj. 经过特殊加工(或处理)的 vt. 处理;加工 vi. 列队前进 process 过程,进程,加工 process management 过程管理,流程管理,进程管理 ...

Ingredients: apple, pear, oranges, bananas, lettuce leaves, salad sauce, cream, lemon juice.Making method:First, apples, pears and oranges and bananas to the skin to seeds and cut into one inch was thirty points wide sliced, into the container inside and mix well. Lettuce leaves...

用英语介绍做水果沙拉介绍如下:范文一:1、Cut up the fruits.切成块草莓,奇异果和菠萝蜜。2、Whisk together honey, orange juice, lime juice and zest in a small bowl.在一个小碗里混合蜂蜜,橙汁,青柠檬的汁和清檬果皮(切成细丝)。3、In a large bowl, stir together all of the pre...

制作水果沙拉的过程其实很简单 翻译成英文 快!!!
Fruit salad production process is simple 这个是直翻!

1. Wash the fruits 2. Cut into pieces 3. Serve on a plate 4. Put the topping\/favour

by myself.First:wash different fruits and peel them.I used an apple、a banana、 one orange and a cup of milk .Second:Cut them and mix them up.I put them on a glass plate.Third:Add salad cream and stir .Finally:enjoy it!It tastes very delicious and I;m so happy....

首先把3个香蕉,3个苹果,3个梨切成块,接着把水果放到一个碗中,然后在碗中放入两勺色拉,最后,把所有的东西搅拌一个,一盘美味的水果沙拉就做好了。(把它翻译,就OK?)huosuwangzi | 浏览12634 次 |举报 我有更好的答案推荐于2017-12-16 17:08:10 最佳答案 First,cut up three bananas ,three apples and...

Then you need to cut them into pieces, and put the pieces into a clean container such as bowl. Finally, you need to add salad source into the bowl and well mix the pieces of vegetable or fruits with the salad. The salad is completed.制作水果沙拉的步骤。首先先把蔬菜或水果洗...

我这有篇关于水果沙拉的英文作法,你不妨参考下 Way of fruit salad The raw material: 100 grams refrigeration fresh milk, 30 grams milk powder and salt 5 gram 70 grams sugar, salad 150 grams oil and lemon 150 grams in the primary juice and 3 in yolk is given birth to Modulate ...

柴旺18732063091问: 制作水果沙拉过程的英语怎么说请高手帮我翻译一下下,这段用英语怎么说:首先把水果切成片,然后把水果放进碗里用沙拉酱搅拌 -
安义县醒脑回答:[答案] First cut the fruits into slices,put them into a bowl and mix with the salad dressing.

柴旺18732063091问: 怎样用英文表达水果沙拉的制作过程? -
安义县醒脑回答:[答案] 1.Remember that fruit salads are often creative -- you decide which fruits to use and how much.Some tasty fruits are berries (strawberries,raspberries,blueberries,blackberries,) apples,bananas,cantalo...

柴旺18732063091问: 用英语写出做水果沙拉的过程 -
安义县醒脑回答:[答案] How to make a delicious fruit salad? Preparation: one apple, two tangerines, one watermelon, a cup of sour milk, three tea spoon of honey. Process: 1. cut the apple into little parts, 2. take out the ...

柴旺18732063091问: 水果沙拉(英语)用英语写一篇短文,叙述制作水果沙拉的全过程,词数70左右peel ut 剥去...的果皮 mix 混合 stir 搅拌 salad cream 沙拉奶油This is how to ... -
安义县醒脑回答:[答案] This is how to make a fruit salad.First,we need an apple,a pear,20 grapes,an orange and two bananas.Then wash the apple,pear and grapes,and peel the orange and bananas.Cut them into small pieces and p...

柴旺18732063091问: 制作水果沙拉过程的英语怎么说请高手帮 -
安义县醒脑回答: 制作水果沙拉过程_有道翻译 翻译结果: The process of making fruit salad process 英 ['prəʊses] 美 ['prɑsɛs]n. 过程,进行;方法,步骤;作用;程序;推移 adj. 经过特殊加工(或处理)的 vt. 处理;加工 vi. 列队前进process 过程,进程,加工 process management 过程管理,流程管理,进程管理

柴旺18732063091问: 做水果沙拉的步骤,谁能用英文写下 -
安义县醒脑回答:[答案] 1.Wash all the fruits. 2.Put all the fruits Chopped into bite-size pieces in a large mixing bowl. 3.Place them on a platter. 4.add with salad juice 5.keep it into frig to chill it slightly

柴旺18732063091问: 怎样用英文表达水果沙拉的制作过程? -
安义县醒脑回答: 1. Remember that fruit salads are often creative -- you decide which fruits to use and how much. Some tasty fruits are berries (strawberries, raspberries,blueberries, blackberries,) apples, bananas, cantaloupe, grapes, honeydew melons, grapefruits, ...

柴旺18732063091问: 制作水果沙拉过程的英语怎么说 -
安义县醒脑回答: First cut the fruits into slices,put them into a bowl and mix with the salad dressing.

柴旺18732063091问: 制作水果沙拉的步骤 用英语答1 首先先把水果洗净,然后切开2 放入盘子里 加入沙拉酱3 搅拌 完成注: -
安义县醒脑回答:[答案] Step of making fruit salad1.First,wash the fruits.Then,cut it.2.Put the fruits into a plate and add in the salad source.3.Mix the fruits with the salad.Then,it is complete.

柴旺18732063091问: 如何用英语表达作水果沙拉的步骤?急需!各位大虾帮帮忙啊! -
安义县醒脑回答:[答案] First,peel the fruit. Next,cut the fruit into small cubes. After that,put some salad into the bowl. Then,stir the mixture. Finally,you can eat it.

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