
作者&投稿:咎昂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

苹果不光可以做鲜食,还可以做成:水果沙拉、苹果汁、苹果醋、苹果罐头……把苹果切成块,冻在冰箱里,那才叫美味,既可口又凉爽。 苹果全身都是宝,真不愧 “水果之王”这一美称啊! 5. 写一篇关于介绍电子产品的说明文作文(400字以内) 介绍一种物品电脑 电脑,是众人皆知的电子产品,但是,并不是所有人都了解电脑,...

6. 物品介绍作文——400字 我的书桌 我的书桌上,摆满了杂乱无章的东西:在书桌的左上角,有一摞叠成陀螺形的书本(首先申明,这是“自然”而成,没有经过任何加工)。陀螺的底层是一本厚且窄的英语字典,翻看起来特别费力,字小纸黄年代久,属于标准的博物馆陈列物。陀螺的中间有几本从初中到高中的教科书,从...

2. 小学三年级西瓜的作文 专业指导: 西瓜 今天,天气真热,骄阳似火,烈日炎炎,真渴呀!我跟着妈妈来到菜场,挑了一只大西瓜,高高兴兴地回家. 这只西瓜又大又圆,像只大皮球,它表皮的颜色绿绿的,上面还带有黑色的花纹.切开西瓜,立刻露出了红色的瓜瓤,同时淌出了西瓜汁,只见瓜瓤里嵌着一颗颗乌黑的瓜籽,这时,我早...


锺性13066589326问: 英语作文:水果沙拉 字数:120 -
浪卡子县益肝回答:[答案] The fruit salad水果沙拉The fruit salad is made of what you want to do.水果沙拉是由什么而做的,那是你说的算的.Looks like bananas,apples,pears,cucumbers,melons,meats,and so on.I like fruit salad very muc...

锺性13066589326问: How to make a fruit salad?初2英语作文.带翻译、 -
浪卡子县益肝回答:[答案] 这个嘛.让我试试 I like fruit salad,i also know how to make it. first,i cut some fruit in to pices,then,i put all of them in a ball,last but not least,i put some salad on it. It smells brilliant! 我喜欢水果沙拉,当然我也知道怎样做. 我先拿出一些水果,然后切成一片...

锺性13066589326问: 初二英语作文关于做水果沙拉的60字 -
浪卡子县益肝回答: Making salads are actually very easy. Now, please follow me and we will make a wonderful fruit salad. First, prepare fruit: apples, pears, bananas and a watermelon. Also, we need to get ready a bowl, a teaspoon and a cup. Last, we should have ...

锺性13066589326问: 做水果沙拉的英语作文 -
浪卡子县益肝回答:[答案] Fruits salad is a kind of tasting and healthy food.People like to eat it after dinner or between meals .How to make it It is quite easy ,only takes you three steps :First ,you go to chicken,cl...

锺性13066589326问: 四年级英语作文:水果沙拉 -
浪卡子县益肝回答: Fruitssaladisakindoftastingandhealthyfood.Peopleliketoeatitafterdinnerorbetweenmeals.Howtomakeit?Itisquiteeasy,onlytakesyouthreesteps:First,yougotochicken,cleanandcutallkindsoffuritsyouliketoeat.Forexample,kiwiberry,pear,peach,tomato,...

锺性13066589326问: 叙述你制作水果沙拉的过程,英语作文60个单词(1)Wash different fruits and peel (剥皮)(2)Cut them andn mix them up (混合)(3)Add salad ... -
浪卡子县益肝回答:[答案] Today ,I did a fruit salad by myself.First:wash different fruits and peel them.I used two apples、two bananas、 one ... Third:Add salad cream and stir .Finally:enjoy it!It tastes very delicious and I'm so happy. 不是用翻译器翻译的

锺性13066589326问: 叙述你制作水果沙拉的过程,英语作文60个单词 -
浪卡子县益肝回答: Cut them and mix them up、 one watermelon and a pineapple: enjoy it. First;m so happy: wash different fruits and peel them. Third:Add salad cream and stir . I used two apples! It tastes very delicious and I'、two bananas. Second,I did a fruit salad by myself. Finally. 不是用翻译器翻译的 希望能帮到你Today . I put them on a glass plate

锺性13066589326问: 一篇关于如何制作水果沙拉的英语作文80词左右 -
浪卡子县益肝回答:[答案] Today ,I did a fruit salad by myself.First:wash different fruits and peel them.I used two apples、two bananas、 one watermelon and a pineapple.Second:Cut them and mix them up.I put them on a glass plate. Third:Add salad cream and stir .Finally:enjoy it...

锺性13066589326问: 求一篇写制作水果沙拉过程的英语作文,要用到“First,Next,Then,Finally"80词左右 -
浪卡子县益肝回答:[答案] First,I need to wash these fruits .Next,I need to peel these fruits.Then I need to cut them into small pieces.I put them into a big bowl.I add some sauces into the bowl.I use a pair of chopsticks to stir them.Finally,I add some cheese in the bowl.How delicious ...

锺性13066589326问: 帮忙写一篇关于制作水果沙拉的英文作文~!拜托拜托~! -
浪卡子县益肝回答:[答案] Fruits salad is a kind of tasting and healthy food.People like to eat it after dinner or between meals .How to make it It is quite easy ,only takes you three steps : First ,you go to chicken,clean and cut all kinds of furits you like to eat.For example ,kiwi berry ,...

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