
作者&投稿:植咸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

“发生火灾”在英语中可以表达为“a fire broke out”,其中“fire”表示“火”,“broke out”表示“发生、爆发”。这个短语可以用于描述任何突发的火灾事件,例如“a fire broke out in the building”(大楼内发生了火灾),“The forest fire broke out due to dry weather”(由于干燥的天气,森...

柳林风声英文是:Wind in willow forest。一、forest释义 n.森林;丛;大量;林立;福里斯特;御猎场;v.被森林覆盖;植林于。二、forest短语搭配 1.national forest park 国家森林公园 2.tropical rain forest 热带雨林 3.forest fire 森林火灾;森林大火;林火 4.wild forest 野生森林 5.tropical f...

1.生产性火源:农、林、牧业生产用火,林副业生产用火,工矿运输生产用火等; 2.非生产性火源:如野外吸烟,做饭,烧纸,取暖等; 3.故意纵火 在人为火源引起的火灾中,以开垦烧荒、吸烟等引起的森林火灾最多.在我市的森林火灾中,由于吸烟、烧荒和上坟烧纸引起的火灾占了绝对数量. (二)自然火:包括雷电火、自燃等...

...一起森林火灾的报道,警告世人吸姻注意安全 的英语作文
A few weeks ago,a big forest fire broke out in which lasted more than 4 weeks. It is reported that the big fire is caused by a stub thrown by a careless young man.Even though thousands of fireman and local people have been devoted to putting out the fire.The number of pe...

we should put the fire out with water or an extinguisher. If we are not able to, we should leave the house immediately, covering our mouth and nose with wet a towel. Only in this way can we prevent ourselves from breathing in poisonous smoke....

<10> calculation of probabilities [林]可能性推算<11> calibration criterion 校准标准<12> call back 1、[消]火灾报警箱 2、[英]公用电话亭 3、[消]召回<13> Calorific potential 潜热能<14> camp boss [林]营地管理员〈负责建立和管理一个消防营地的人〉<15> campaign fire [林]战役火灾〈要花一天...

下面的话翻译成英语:“正是闪电造成去年那场森林火灾,这些专家们整个上 ...
It was lightning that caused the forest fire last year. These experts spent the whole morning in discussing the problem. Air pollution endangers people's health directly.

[英语] 新概念2里,哪篇文章讲了一条蛇在电线上引发火灾?请附英文...
Forest fires are often caused by broken glass or by cigarette ends which people carelessly throw away. 森林火灾时常由破碎的玻璃或人们随手扔掉的香烟头引起。 Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully, but were not able to find any broken glass. 昨天,消防队员仔细查看...

"2月是个干旱的月份,很容易发生森林火灾"用英语怎么说?? 谢谢
February is a drought month,and easy to take place a forest fire .不一定正确喔`

"森林" 的英文翻译是 "forest"。"forest" 是一个名词,指由树木和其他植物组成的自然生态系统,通常具有较高的植被覆盖率和生物多样性。森林广泛分布于世界各地,对地球的气候、土壤保持和水资源保护等方面具有重要意义。"forest" 这个词源自拉丁语 "folium",意为树叶。在森林中,树木通过光合作用将...

夔石18942492177问: “森林火灾”翻译成英语是什么?
南澳县胜城回答:The forest fire你的采纳 我的动力 希望我能继续帮助你

夔石18942492177问: urged什么意思? -
南澳县胜城回答: urge:催促,怂恿,极力主张,迫切要求等意思 但这句英文表达不当.原因可能是掐头去尾了,句子不完整;也可能是造句表达错误.如果想表达“森林火灾是当务之急”,可以说:Forest fires are urgent issues/problems/matters.Forest fires urged local residents' escape.

夔石18942492177问: 林的英文读什么 -
南澳县胜城回答: 林的英文是:forest 读音:英 ['fɒrɪst] 美 ['fɔrɪst] n:森林,林区,山林.[常作比喻](森林般的)耸立,林立,大量 adj:森林的;在林区的,住在森林中的 vt:植树于,在…植树,造林于…,使成森林 词组短语: forest resources 森林资源 ...

夔石18942492177问: 火灾用英语怎么说 -
南澳县胜城回答: fire 本身就有火灾的意思

夔石18942492177问: 森林火灾的英语对话 -
南澳县胜城回答: Fire needs fuel, oxygen, and heat to survive. In forests, the fuel is provided by trees and bushes. In houses and buildings, the fuel is wood, furniture, books, and papers. Oxygen is not hard to find, seeing as it is all around us in the air. And without heat...

夔石18942492177问: 四川凉山森林火灾英语怎么写 -
南澳县胜城回答: A forest fire in southwest China last month that killed 27 firefighters and four helpers in one of the country'7a686964616f31333431346365s deadliest days for first responders was caused by lightning, investigators said.Acting on accounts of ...

夔石18942492177问: 翻译forest fires kill many plants and animals in an eco - system,which is a group of living thin... -
南澳县胜城回答: 森林火灾杀死许多植物和动物在一个生态系统,这是一组生物及其环境

夔石18942492177问: spark是什么意思 -
南澳县胜城回答: 星火英语

夔石18942492177问: 防火英语的句子 -
南澳县胜城回答: 防火 fire prevention防火检查 fire check防火构造 fireproof construction隔音防火 sound-and-fire proof防火设备 fire protection equipment

夔石18942492177问: 翻译 共享森林美景 严防森林火灾 -
南澳县胜城回答: 楼主急了,自问自答了Share nature's beauty. 共享自然美景(森林也是自然的一部分,只说森林与后面的重复) Prevent forest fires! 防止森林火灾,这里要用复数形式

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