
作者&投稿:亓严 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

非常高兴,这次能进入到进入英语演讲比赛的决赛。所以非常感谢华东师范大学的相关 领导 ,给咱们 提供 了这次机会。 在这次演讲决赛中,我取得了第一名的成绩。我的成功,除了自己的努力,还要感谢非常多人。首先我要感谢我的三个外籍教师,他们给我非常多有用的建议,无论是语法还是发音,都给予我非常大的帮助。其次要感...

从小我就对英语学习抱有浓厚的兴趣,英语成绩一向很好,高中时被郑州外国语学校报送至重庆大学英语系。对英语这门语言的领悟和对演讲技巧的掌握以及坚持不懈的努力最终让我获得了这次比赛的冠军。 最后,再次感谢在整个比赛过程中对我带给了极大鼓励和支持以及帮忙的老师,同学,家长,期望我能进一步提高自我的演讲技能,在北京...

4、Thank you for your kind co-operation.谢谢,合作愉快。5、Thank you for your attention to this matter.感谢您对此事的关注。6、Thank you for your consideration.感谢您的关注。7、Thank you once again for everything you’ve done.再次感谢您所做的一切。8、How kind you are to help ...


求英语感谢信 Tom在生日时送你玫瑰花,写感谢信表示感谢并祝福
Dear Tom:I am very grateful for your kindly participation in my brithday.Furthermore,the appreciations are beyond my words for your generosity,i like the roses so much.You are one of the best friends.Thank you so much.best regards ...

Dear I was very happy to receive your flowers for my birthday.The flowers from you made me feel so worm and I was proud of owning a friend like you.when you have free time,I want to ask you to play with me.Also,when your birthday comes ,I hope to take part in your ...

Dear teacher ,亲爱的老师,I am writing to you to express my thanks for your help in learning English and speaking English.我写信给你,对你在学习英语和说英语方面的帮助表示感谢。During these days in your class, I have learned much from you and it is very helpful to me. Firstly...

…你对我们的爱,我们无法用语言表达呀! 回头想想,无论是成功后的喜悦,做错事的愧疚,莽撞后的尴尬,离别后的思念都值得我们细细采撷,慢慢体会。 岁月匆匆,花开花落,敬爱的老师我忘不了你那谆谆的教诲,忘不了你那慈祥的目光,你把一生都献给了你的事业,中,国演。讲网对我们倾注了无限期望和...

感恩老师英语演讲稿 演讲稿具有逻辑严密,态度明确,观点鲜明的特点。在现在的社会生活中,很多地方都会使用到演讲稿,写起演讲稿来就毫无头绪?以下是我整理的感恩老师英语演讲稿,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 感恩老师英语演讲稿1 There is a song called "when they grow up, I became you": a child...

Dear Friends,I just wanted to thank you again for the birthday party last night.I was really happy when everyone sang the Happy Birthday song.I liked the presents too.It was a really nice surprise.I will never forget that birthday.Thank you so much!I am very lucky to have ...

巴德13540708804问: 假如你是李华,上周五你校举办了英语演讲比赛,你荣获一等奖.英语作文 .给外教Susan发一封电子邮件告诉她你获奖的消息,并对她过去对你的指导和鼓励... -
玛纳斯县槟榔回答:[答案] Dear Susan,I am writing the letter to tell you that I got a first prize in the English Speech Contest held in my school last Friday.Thanks for your guide in my English study.You gave me a lot of help....

巴德13540708804问: 英语作文假如你是李华,你参加的演讲比赛得了第一,给刚回美国的外籍老师brooke写一封邮件,对他对你的帮助表示谢意 120以上 -
玛纳斯县槟榔回答:[答案] Dear Brooke: You will never guess what I am going to tell you in this letter. I have got the first place in the English speech contest. I should be grateful to the help you gave me. I will never forget how many times you rectified my pronunciations. Without your ...

巴德13540708804问: 假定你是李华.你们班的外教Smith先生即将回国.你将代表全班在欢送会上发言.请你用英文发言稿,内容包括:1.赞扬Smith 的人品和工作.2.感谢他在学习和... -
玛纳斯县槟榔回答:[答案] Dear Mr.Smith, It's hard to say"goodbye".Words cannot convey our endless love and thanks to you,for you've done so much for us in these years.(高级句型...

巴德13540708804问: 李华举行学会感恩英语演讲比赛请你写信给怀特教授英语作文 -
玛纳斯县槟榔回答: Towering trees, is inseparable from the earth to nourish it gratitude, so will a seat shade sprinkling the earth, as it is obscure piece of the sun; gorgeous flowers charming, inseparable Grateloupia green leaves set off, it gratitude and, therefore, a ...

巴德13540708804问: 假设你是李华,近日你在全国中学生英语演讲比赛中获一等奖.给我校外 -
玛纳斯县槟榔回答: 英语作文.假设你是李华,从互联网上得知某镇欲办一次历史展览,你想组织自己所在学生社团参加,请写一封电子邮件询问有关信息.内容包括自我介绍,开幕和闭幕时间,团体票是否有折扣.词数100左右.Dear sir or Madam,

巴德13540708804问: 写一篇欢送外籍教师的英语作文 -
玛纳斯县槟榔回答: Dear Webslin,How are you doing? It has been two months since you first came to our school. With your help, I made rapid progress in my English study. Learning that you are leaving our school to attend your graduation test, we all feel sorry about....

巴德13540708804问: 假设你是新华中学的李华.下周六是外教Mr. Smith的生日,你们班同学准备给他举办一个生日晚会.请给外教写一封邀请函,内容包含以下要点: 1.感谢Mr. ... -
玛纳斯县槟榔回答:[答案] >I am Li Hua. I am writing to invite you to attend the party we will hold to celebrate your birthday next Saturday. Since you became our English teac...

巴德13540708804问: 1、假如你是中学生李华.你的外籍教师Tracy已经于上个月回到了美国.请用英语给她写一封电子邮件,内容如下:1、表达对她的思念;2、对她给予你的... -
玛纳斯县槟榔回答:[答案] Dear Tracy How are you doing recently? It's almost a month since I saw you off in the airport. I miss you a lot. Please accept my heartfelt gratitude for all that you have done to help ...

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