
作者&投稿:柏京 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

把握好度 Grasp the sense of propriety 过犹不及。Going too far is as bad as not going far enough.sense of propriety [词典]进退;深浅;分寸;高低;[网络]男女之防的顾虑; 合宜感; 深层;[例句]It depends on the law-executor's sense of propriety.这就有赖于执法者的工作尺度。

请把握好机会 Please grasp the opportunity

The most important thing is to grasp today!

Seize present 是标准的说法哦 下面还有一些有关例句 1. 不能把握当下的人,没有现在;不能主宰自己的人,没有永恒。Those who don't seize the moment have no present. Those who don't master themselves will not change society.2. 把握当下,才能创造继起的生命;展望未来,应该把握当下的...

我们应该珍惜时间,把握学习的机会。We should value our time and catch the opportunity of learning.

Opportunity Some people regard opportunity as the most important part of their life. It's the way to success. So when they see their friends succeed, they will complain that they are not lucky enough to have the opportunity. But other people think that opportunity is sheer luck, ...

把握现在成就未来 英语怎么说?谢谢
Seize the moment, shape the future.如果做口号,最好押韵:Seize the moment, make the future brilliant.

请注意把握时间 用英语表达 翻译如下:Please take care of the time.

对...确定,对...肯定\/有把握 英语翻译
注意,一定要做到,使有把握 1. You can be sure that our team will win.我们队准保胜利。2. You may be sure that Li Ying has a finger in the pie.你可以肯定李英是参与其事的。3. Those who seek it, undertake an arduous journey and can never be sure that they will find it...

翻译:你对这次英语考试有把握么?Are you confident of this English exam?“有把握”其实可以换一种说法,比如:“你对这次考试有信心吗?”在英语中,很多时候,某些汉语无法用英语表达,就可以换一种说法,只要意思不变即可。

住知19733782542问: “有把握”用英语怎么说? -
潘集区益迈回答: sb. can guarantee sth. sb. can guarantee that....

住知19733782542问: 有把握的翻译成英文是什么 -
潘集区益迈回答: be sure about或者be confident of success 希望能帮到你~ 天~

住知19733782542问: 有把握的英文 -
潘集区益迈回答: Has the assurance

住知19733782542问: 对有把握用英语怎么说 -
潘集区益迈回答: sadsadeweqe

住知19733782542问: 对...确定,对...肯定/有把握 英语翻译 -
潘集区益迈回答:[答案] be sure of sth 都可以使用.可以换换的.学英语不要那么死板.

住知19733782542问: 把握这个单词 英语怎么写 -
潘集区益迈回答: 动词1. grasp 把握, 掌握, 握, 了解, 领会, 捉2. seize 抢占, 把握, 夺取, 占领, 捕捉, 攫取3. hold 保持, 持有, 保留, 举行, 握住, 把握 名词1. certainty 肯定, 把握, 某几个2. assurance 保证, 把握, 保险

住知19733782542问: 对 有把握英文怎么写 -
潘集区益迈回答: 我们对自己的未来很有把握 we are very confident with our future.

住知19733782542问: 英语短语“对…有把握”怎么翻译? -
潘集区益迈回答: 短语翻译 be sure of

住知19733782542问: 把握的英语单词怎么写? -
潘集区益迈回答: 把握1.to hold; to grasp; to seize (the chance)2.assurance; certainty; confidence

住知19733782542问: 对.......有把握的英文 -
潘集区益迈回答: 对.......有把握 be sure of 【例句】He seems to be quite sure of it.他似乎对此很有把握.

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