
作者&投稿:帛董 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

初三英语的一道填空题 麻烦大家给予解答
说明:正如come, go, leave, move 等表示位置移动的短暂性动词的进行时态可表示将来意义一样,但它们以现在分词的形式出现在“there be+名词+非谓语动词”结构中时,它们也可表示将来意义,与相应的不定式所表示的用法相似。如:There are ten people coming [=to come] to dinner. 有十个人来吃...

ed在做谓语动词时,表示做过,非谓语中表示被动 例如,a lost cap cap是被弄丢的,是被动做的 ing在做谓语动词时表示正在进行的动作,非谓语中表示主动 例如,rising sun 太阳是自己升起来的,不是被别人升起的,是主动做的 to be done表示将被完成但尚未被完成 例如,My work is to be done....

首先这个题不能选B,因为只是一个简单句,没有连接词and, but ,or ,that which等连接词,而且只有一个句号,没有分号,所以它是一个简单句,英语中一个简单句只能有一个谓语动词,这句话已经有了谓语动词are,所以就不能选动词原形,而选非谓语动词(to do,doing,done),to do表将来,表目的,...

...they dived into the water. 用动词适当形式填空
回答:这是考察非谓语动词的使用,主句中的they是主语,与非谓语从句中的take 是主动关系。所以用ing的形式。如果是被动关系就用done的形式。所以应写taking谢谢

在做语法填空题时谓语动词和非谓语动词的be 动词怎么判断有无,和时态问...
看句子,先找主谓宾,如果句子里已经有谓语了,那自然不会有be动词作为谓语动词出现了。如果里面都是动词ing和to do 形态的动词,填空后面又是动词ing形态,那八成是需要现在进行时形态,谓语动词就是be动词。非谓语动词的be动词很少,being 通常是充当了主语或宾语的一部分。比如动词或介词后的宾语(I ...

独立主格也算是非谓语作状语 Flags flying,the army men marched in the streets。旗帜飘扬,军队在街上行进。All his ribs broken,he lay half dead。他的肋骨全部折断,半死不活地躺着。Today being Sunday, the library isn' t open.今天星期天,图书馆不开放。There being no buses,we had ...


第一题:答案是C. Left Left there, the old house can remind us of the past now and then. 这个句子相当于 If the old house is left there, it can remind us of the past now and then.Left there或者If the old house is left there功能是一样的,都是做条件状语,不同时前者为...

1. D allow doing sth. 允许某事 allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 符合该两种用法的只有D,所以D正确 关于allow的用法,可参见:http:\/\/www.iciba.com\/allow\/ 2. A struggle to do sth. 努力、奋力做什么事 这里句意需要使用动词不定式的被动,前面是:孩子子在餐桌上说话声音...

B that never admits making a mistake even when it is pointed to him 定语从句修饰 one ,关系代词that在定语从句中充当主语,定语从句的谓语动词应和one保持一致 1.one of+限定词+复数名词+ 定语从句(定语从句修饰复数名词,当关系代词做主语时应和复数名词保持一致)2.当 one of+限定词+复数...

戢倪13826532476问: 5道非谓语动词填空.1.they went along the main road_____(lead) to the city.2.Family is the feeling of_____(belong) and love.3.we can prevent this from______... -
原平市慢肾回答:[答案] leading belonging(注意BELONG没有被动态,有种归属感要用它的ING形式) happening,controlling to be done,to move(make sb.to do sth.) being discovered

戢倪13826532476问: 非谓语动词填空1.why not 后面跟to do 还是do?2.现在进行时的watch呢?是不是也跟do?是不是wathching sb do something 3.特殊:do you know when____... -
原平市慢肾回答:[答案] 1.do 2.如果说看某人正在做……就是wathching sb doing something (do的话表示经常,如:I often watch him play basketball.) 3.疑问词后面加to do,这个屏语感 4.feel +宾语+do sth 感到……做某事 We felt the house shake. 刚才我们感觉到房子的震动. ...

戢倪13826532476问: 非谓语动词填空.容易1.ask sb 是to do something .还是do something?2.allowed sb.是to do something ,doing someting 还是do something?3.let sb.do sth.还是to... -
原平市慢肾回答:[答案] ask sb to do something allowed sb to do something .let sb.do sth order sb.do sth saw sb.do sth.&或者doing sth 前面都是双宾语带to see可以加原型也可以加进行时 用进行时强调正在发生,一般用原型 call

戢倪13826532476问: 初一非谓语动词填空题,Ⅰ.非谓语动词:1.No_____(talk)in class?2.Do you enjoy - ____(work) in China?3.They want - _____(be) scientists.4.What do you ... -
原平市慢肾回答:[答案] 1.talking 2.working 3.to be 4.to do 5.to get 6.to go ,go 7.reading 8.to cook 9.walking 10.eating 11.playing 12.teaching 13.feel 14.eating 15.flying

戢倪13826532476问: 非谓语动词填空 -
原平市慢肾回答: 1.do 2.如果说看某人正在做……就是wathching sb doing something (do的话表示经常,如:I often watch him play basketball.) 3.疑问词后面加to do,这个屏语感 4.feel +宾语+do sth 感到……做某事We felt the house shake.刚才我们感觉到房子的...

戢倪13826532476问: 非谓语动词填空1.是不是told sb .to do sth?2.refuse to do sth 还是refuse doing something?refuse什麽意思?3.特殊:i have something - __________( tell) your ... -
原平市慢肾回答:[答案] 是told sb .to do sth refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事 to tell order sb not to do sth not to shoot palying notice something 相当于 pay attention to 是注意某事的意思

戢倪13826532476问: 几道关于高考非谓语动词的填空题(见补充)In order not to be disturbed,I spent 3 days    (lock) up in my studyIn April,thousands of holidaymakers remained... -
原平市慢肾回答:[答案] being locked up(用动名词的被动,即将自己关在书房里) sticked(remain接过去分词,表示状态) amused carried being lost

戢倪13826532476问: 非谓语填空(1)The milk passes right through the channel,only - __________ - (get) a little thicker and sweeter.(2)He turned up the driveway,only - ______ - (... -
原平市慢肾回答:[答案] (1) The milk passes right through the channel,only to get a little thicker and sweeter. (2) He turned up the driveway,only to find his way blocked. 这两句都是非谓语动词作结果状语,常放在 only 或 never 之后. 第一句是预期的结果,to get the milk thicker ...

戢倪13826532476问: 学霸们给20道非谓语动词的填空
原平市慢肾回答: 1. Sometimes we find her _______ (drive) the tractor on the farm. 2. Li Lei is asking his uncle, an English teacher, _______(help) him think of a foreign name. 3. --- Hi! Li Hong. I didn't see you at the party. --- Oh, I was busy _______(get) ready for the...

戢倪13826532476问: 英语非谓语动词填空 -
原平市慢肾回答: 1, 正在建造的 being built 2, 将要建造的 to be built 3, 建造好了的 built

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