
作者&投稿:莫梅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

野餐 英语作文
National Day holiday the next day, Liu Jiaying, Xu Yajun, Li Ke, WangYueFen and I went to the park, held a picnic in the park. Into the door to the park, we saw flowers blooming chrysanthemums, we'll move forward, saw a small lake, the lake was in boating, there are...

英语小作文 《一次野餐》
It's fine today. We decided to have a picnic outside the city. In the morning, we took an early bus to a mountain. It was quite a colorful world. There were green trees, orange leaves,red peach blossoms. At noon, we reached the place, we sat by the river bank and ...

we playedon the park .At five o’clock, we went home.It was a happy day.上个星期我和父母进行了一次野餐.那是一个晴朗的日子,我们七点出发.我们驾车到公园,公园很大,我觉得里面有上千人.当我们到达公园的时候我觉得肚子饿,我们喝了一些果汁,吃了美味的食物.吃完我们就在公园里面玩,然后五...

We decided to go there at the summer, at that time we can see more beautiful scenery.北京西山现在已经是深春,但天气仍很舒服.今天是周末,我和三个朋友一起去西山郊游.我们在早上8点见面,然后去.我们骑自行车去西山,我们花了40分钟在.我们要去爬山了.爬山是很有趣的.然后我们去野餐.我们准备了一些肉,...

去野餐的英语:Have a picnic 重点词汇:picnic 一、读音:英 ['pɪknɪk]     美 ['pɪknɪk]二、意思是:n. 野餐;愉快的时间;猪脊肉;vi. 野餐 三、例句:1、Let's go for a picnic by the riverside.我们到河边野餐去吧。2、We had a lot of fun at...

The Preparation Before Picnic My father said we were going to have a picnic this weekend, but I had to help my mother buy the food. So, I went to the supermarket with my mother at Friday night. My mother and I picked the blanket at first. Then we went to find other ...

A Happy PicnicLast weekend we went to the countryside to have a picnic.We took several sandwiches and some bottles of water with us for lunch. Of course we didn't forget to take some fruit and we even took some tomatoes and cucumbers.We left home quite early in order to ...

通过野餐,人们可以在户外环境中放松身心,享受大自然的美景,同时也能与朋友和家人共度美好时光。此外,户外活动还有助于提高人们的身心健康,增强免疫力,缓解压力。因此,无论是与家人还是与朋友,去野餐都是一种非常有意义的活动。在英语中,“go for a picnic”简洁明了地表达了这一活动的意图和...

Dear Lily,How are you?I just want to share with you a bit more about the picnic on Sunday. The weather is going to be fabulous according to the weather forecast, it's going be sunny all day. But there will be a lot of people there as the cross country event would be ...

Last Sunday, we went for a spring outing in the countryside. When we got to the destination, a beautiful scene appeared before our eyes. There are all kinds of fruit trees around the village. The folks received us at the entrance to the village. They led us to the fruit ...

巩卢13051641092问: 英语作文《周末野餐》 -
岷县夫坦回答:[答案] I had a picnic with my parents last week.It was a sunny day .We started at seven o'clock.We went to the park by car.This park is very big.I think there were one thousand people there.I felt hungry wh...

巩卢13051641092问: 去野餐英语作文(星期天,和父母一起)时间:这个星期天地点:快乐农场食物:汉堡包,蔬菜,鸡蛋,苹果,橘子汁活动:放风筝,唱一些歌(初一水平, -
岷县夫坦回答:[答案] 时间;这个星期天地点;快乐农场食物;汉堡包,蔬菜,鸡蛋,苹果.

巩卢13051641092问: 写一篇英语作文.假如明天是星期天,你要和你的父母一起去野餐.请根据提示内容,写一篇50字左右的短文,告诉大家你们的计划.Time,This SundayPlace,... -
岷县夫坦回答:[答案] This sunny Sunday,my family is going to have a picnic.We will take hamburgers,vegetabies,eggs,applesand orange juice.What's more,we will fly litesand sing some songs.what a great plan!主要是考将来时态

巩卢13051641092问: 帮忙写一篇英语作文:给你朋友写一封信,介绍一下你星期天去公园野餐的情况,不少于50个单词 -
岷县夫坦回答:[答案] My dear friend:Hello!I want to share my picnicking experience in the park on sunday with you,because I was so happy and really had a good time there.In the morning,it was sunny,so my parents and I br...

巩卢13051641092问: 英语作文根据以下情景写一段不少于70词的短文星期天.天气晴朗.你和同学们一起去公园进行野餐.你们在公园里干了些什么.吃了些什么.最后如何.我可以加分. -
岷县夫坦回答:[答案] Last Sunday was a bright and sunny day.My friends and I went to the park for a picnic.When we arrived at the park,we chose a shady spot under a tall tree.We spread a groundsheet on the grass and laid ...

巩卢13051641092问: 英语作文今天是星期天,天气很好,我和同学们去野餐.我们玩的很高兴.看,小明在摘树叶,小刚在观察昆虫.小红在捉蝴蝶吗?是的.谁在拍照,小丽在拍照.... -
岷县夫坦回答:[答案] today is sunday,the weather is fine.I am on a picnic with my classmates.we're enjoying ourselves.loot,Xiao Ming is picking up leaves,Xiao Gang is observing the insects.is Xiao Hong catching butterflies?yes,she is.who's taking pictures?Ooh,it's Xiao Li ...

巩卢13051641092问: 英语作文. 要求是:上星期天同学们到假日海滩野餐,请描述此活动,60词左右. -
岷县夫坦回答: last Sunday our class went to a picnic on the holiday beach.it was sunshine with a little wind breezing.we took different kinds of food as well as some necessities with us and got there at 9 o'clock.then we began to prepare for our meal.some were ...

巩卢13051641092问: 英语作文:给你的朋友写一封信,介绍一下你星期天去公园野餐的情况,不少于50个单词. -
岷县夫坦回答: Dear ***,Long time no see,how are you recently?I want to tell you something about my picnic.On sunday,I went to the park for a picnic with my parents.We spread out the cloth first,then we started to take out the food and drinks we brought and place ...

巩卢13051641092问: 英语作文50字去野餐 -
岷县夫坦回答: On Sunday. My friend and I went to charity farms to go on a picnic. I brought some eggs and vegetables. Lily took some milk and a kite. Jane took the bread and banana juice. We cook together. I fly a kite with Jane. We are very happy. 翻译 在星期天.我和我的朋友去仁爱农场去野餐.我带了一些鸡蛋和蔬菜.莉莉带了一些牛奶和风筝.简带了面包和香蕉果汁.我们一起做饭.我和简一起放风筝.我们非常开心.

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