
作者&投稿:马怨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

用现金支付英文pay in cash。双语例句:1.Is there any discount if I pay in cash?如果我用现金支付,有折扣吗?2.Pay in cash don't use credit cards.用现金支付&别用信用卡。3.I paid in cash. 我用现金支付的。4.Will you be paying in cash or with a card?您用现金支付还是用卡...

1、Cash payment现金支付。“现金”的英语是“cash”,“银行纸钞”是“bank note”或 “note”,硬币是“coin”。在英国,自动取款机是“cash machine”。例句:There is a cash machine right across the street.这条街对面就有一台自动取款机。2、Card payment银行卡支付。用银行卡付款是在世界各...

4. 如果是说明某人使用现金支付,可以说"They paid in cash."

money 现金 21.seed money 本钱,本金 22.silly money 来路不明的钱 23.smart money 了解内情的人 24.table money 餐费 25.tall money 大笔的财富 26.trust money 委托金

外贸英语之 付款 Payment Terms
payment at maturity 到期付款 payment in advance 预付(货款)Cash With Order (C.W.O) 随订单付现 Cash On Delivery (C.O.D) 交货付现 Cash Against Documents (C.A.D) 凭单付现 pay on delivery (P.O.D) 货到付款 payment in kind 实物支付 payment for (in) cash 现金支付...

用现金支付 [会计] pay down更多释义>> [网络短语]用现金支付 pay down;pay in cash;cash down 用现金支付吗 Do with the cash;paid in cash 他们用现金支付。 They paid in cash.

9. sb pay for sth\/ sth cost sb+钱 10.had better (not ) do sth 最好【不】做某事 11.make sb do sth.被动 sb be made to do sth【被动语态中的to不能忘】12.thank sb for (doing) sth 词组 13.in style 合时的, out of style过时的 14.固定用法 in cash 【用现金支...

好处:1.可以在家“逛商店”,订货不受时间的限制; 2.获得较大量的商品信息,可以买到当地没有的商品;3.,网上支付较传统拿现金支付更加安全,可避免现金丢失或遭到抢劫;4.从订货、买货到货物上门无需亲临现场,既省时又省力;5.由于网上商品省去租店面、召雇员及储存保管等一系列费用,总的来说其...


手机支付的好处就是可以防止假钞的流动,也可以不用带着这么多的现金出门,还可以直接在手机中购物。手机支付有好处,那也肯定会有不好的地方。Mobile payment if the mobile phone is out of power, or broken, there is no way to pay. There are two-dimensional code, if you encounter a ...

蓟空17288158409问: 求一篇关于对零用钱合理使用的好处的看法的英语作文 -
甘孜藏族自治州冠心回答: Nowadays,it is a commonplace that children own large amount of pocket money.However,I'm strongly against this point of view.As far as I am concerned,parents ought to decrease teenagers' pocket money instead of satisfying them without ...

蓟空17288158409问: 英语作文“电子支付比现金支付更安全” -
甘孜藏族自治州冠心回答: Bill Gates once said that the twenty-first century, or e-commerce, or no business can service! Ma once said, I am very cruel, more brutal tomorrow, day after tomorrow is better. The vast majority of people died in tomorrow night, do not see the sun the ...

蓟空17288158409问: 问一下,英语作文,我喜欢用现金支付的作文,谢谢🙏 -
甘孜藏族自治州冠心回答: there are many kinds of sports that i enjoy, such as swimming, running, and dancing. however, the sport that i like most is bad-minton. when i was in junior high, i started to play it in school. at that time, i found i had loved deeply this sport. now, i ...

蓟空17288158409问: 遍地都是无现金支付,到底好不好 -
甘孜藏族自治州冠心回答: 移动支付已经成为一种潮流,并且相对于90后来说,无现金支付更是方便到极致,如今各个国家都在推动无现金消费,无现金消费的时代已经正式来临,而在无现金消费这股浪潮中,政府无疑是最大的受益者,政府也是无现金消费幕后最大的推手.无现金消费的趋势无法改变,正如互联网给了人们极大的便利,但也侵犯人的隐私一样,科技这把双刃剑并无好坏之分,关键看你怎么用了.

蓟空17288158409问: 无现金移动支付对社会有什么好处? -
甘孜藏族自治州冠心回答: (下面不针对任何国家、地区、企业,仅仅以虚构打比方) 移动支付本身是一种支付方式,终归还是人与人之间的资源交换. 若说对社会的影响,可大了,国家不肯让移动支付过分强大,不仅仅是对货币和某些经济影响,因为有些东西产生的...

蓟空17288158409问: 有钱的利与弊英语作文250词左右有钱的好处有钱的坏处自己的观点带翻译 -
甘孜藏族自治州冠心回答: :Everyone needs money. Men can't live without money. But money isn't everything. I find it is very important for a person to work hard. Somebody loves money and says he needs money every day. In fact,if he owns a large amount of money ,he ...

蓟空17288158409问: 英语作文, 昨天下午你拾到一个钱包,没有现金等物,你把它交到了英语系办公室,办公室人员让你代他们写
甘孜藏族自治州冠心回答: lost and founda good student came to school thisafternoon, he found an purse on the ground, the is no cash in the purse. he was afraid it would be demaged if nobody piched it up and stood there for a while seeing no one intended to pick it up. ...

蓟空17288158409问: 云智停车可以缴费后再继续停着吗
甘孜藏族自治州冠心回答: 云智停车可以缴费后再继续停着,将重新计算停车时间.云智停车提供停车场信息查询、空车位实时查询、在线预订车位、停车支付等功能,用户通过应用软件可以快速、方便地找到停车位,避免了传统停车方式中找车位难、排队支付等问题,提高了停车效率和用户体验,实现了无现金支付,让停车更加安全便捷.

蓟空17288158409问: 整治拒收现金行为有何意义? -
甘孜藏族自治州冠心回答: 只能电子支付而不接受现金支付,商家这样的行为在安徽将被集中整治.据报道,近日,媒体从中国人民银行合肥中心支行了解到,安徽省整治拒收人民币现金工作组已经成立,即将开展拒收人民币现金集中整治工作,维护人民币流通秩序,...

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