
作者&投稿:丛凡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting.旧式汽车的比赛每年举行一次。去年有很多汽车参加了这项比赛。比赛开始之前,人们异常...突然,她在公共汽车站附近看到一个男人。“我可以向他问路,”她想。 “对不起,您能告诉我到国王街怎么走吗?”她说。 这人友好地笑了笑。他不懂英语!他...

谁有新概念大学英语学习大厅—大学英语(全新版)综合教程第一册unit 02...
1. to2. for 3. at4. from 5. in*6. to 7. on8. with - 9$ -Appendix I III. Usage 1. more or less2. kind of\/sort of 3. Something4. kind of\/sort of 5. more or less6. or something Structure 1.1) may\/might as well watch 2)may\/might as well pour out 3...

要这样的,我初中没读完(只混了个初二)就外出打工近3年了,突然想学习英语,今年刚进19岁,音标我都会,我现在的工作之余的时间特别多,我在网上找了一下,都说《新概念英语》不错,... 要这样的,我初中没读完(只混了个初二)就外出打工近3年了,突然想学习英语,今年刚进19岁,音标我都会,我现在的工作之余的...

___英语问题: 用more,less,fewer填空。 1.In the future,there will...
less;more 未来,将会有更少干净的水因为海里将会有更多的污染(是不是一个单元的题目啊,有没有课文啊,我觉得这个答案不唯一啊...未来也许人们技术提高了,污染减少了,水干净多了耶说不定啊,但也可能是人们的污染更多了,然后水更脏了...没有文章么...).2.我就按我的想法吧...more;more...

its only a dream. 8 It all depends on‘if’. B 1 If he misses the bus, hell take a taxi. 2 If he doesnt sell his old car, he wont buy a new one. 3 If they offer me more money, Ill work less. 4 If she doesnt type the letter, hell type it ...

分多次记 因为大家都一样记住 过一段时间就会忘记 很正常 根据艾宾豪斯遗忘曲线 在记住后的很短一段时间 是我们遗忘最快的一段时间 所以要及时复习 不停的复习 就这么简单

英语less like怎么翻译?
less like 翻译之后,他的意思就是:不太像 不喜欢

...three billion people 2.one fifth of the people 3.less...
1.more than three billion people 30多亿人 2.one fifth of the people 五分之一的人 3.less living space 更少的居住空间 4.causes many other difficulties 导致了许多其他的困难 5.the whole nation 全国 6.are short of energy and water 缺少能源与淡水 ...

新概念英语第一册同步测试卷Test23(Lesson106~110)选择题答案_百度知 ...
10您要试一试吗,夫人?七。1,I do not want her to break the glass. 2Tell him not to lose any money 3.It is the prettiest skirt in the shop. 4This is the least interesting story I have ever read. 5I would like less than one and a half teaspoonfuls....

形容词的比较形式有3种:较高比较级(more expensive, the most expensive);较低比较级(less expensive, the least expensive) ;平级比较级 (as expensive as)。请看下面句中as…as的用法:The green apple is as sweet as the red one.这个绿苹果同那个红苹果一样甜。The policeman is as tall...

晁钩15539125259问: 新概念英语1(Lesson79 - 84)英汉互译1.When did you meet him?2.Have you had breakfast?3.Let's go upstairs.4.你能和我一起去食品店吗?5.他吃过桃子了吗?... -
牡丹江市仙逢回答:[答案] 1.When did you meet him?你什么时候遇到他的?2.Have you had breakfast?你吃了早饭了吗?3.Let's go upstairs.让我们一起上楼去吧!4.你能和我一起去食品店吗?Would you like to go to the food store with me 5.他吃过桃子了吗?Had he eaten the ...

晁钩15539125259问: 新概念英语第一册79 -
牡丹江市仙逢回答:[答案] A1 I haven't got much butter.2 You haven't got many envelopes.3 We haven't got much milk.4 She hasn't got many biscuits.5 They haven't got much stationery.B1 They need a lot of bread.They haven't got ...

晁钩15539125259问: 关于新概念英语第一册79课有个问题不懂 -
牡丹江市仙逢回答: or除了表示“或者”还表示“和” 的意思 and和or都表示“和” 但and用于肯定句 ,or用于否定句 而 we haven't got much tea or coffee, and we haven't got any sugar of jam. 中:haven't 一词就已经告诉我们是否定句了 所以其中的 我们没有许多茶和咖啡了 就要用or.

晁钩15539125259问: 新概念英语第一册79课haven't got对于haven't got这个词组不理解 We haven't got many tomatoes .为什么词组翻译成什么什么不多了?那为什么又有人说have ... -
牡丹江市仙逢回答:[答案] have got 和have 都是有的意思,haven't got 没有的意思,haven't got many 就是没有很多的意思呀.

晁钩15539125259问: 《新概念英语》一册79课的一个疑问?we haven't got much tea or coffee,and we haven't got any sugar or jam我们的茶叶和咖啡不多了,糖和果酱也没有了.1.... -
牡丹江市仙逢回答:[答案] 1.这是现在完成时,have/has+动词的过去分词.get的过去分词是got. 2.因为是否定句,否定句和疑问句中and要改为or.其他的还有already改为yet;too改为either;both改为neither;all改为none等等.

晁钩15539125259问: 如何有效地背诵《新概念英语》Lesson79ByairIused?
牡丹江市仙逢回答: 拆分句子结构,看看这个句子的各个成份,修饰关系 这个在第一课里就已经讲了, 估计你没仔细看课后的难点和关键句型. 新概念是很科学的,你先看单词,然后读课文,然后看关键句型和难点帮助你理解课文,然后再背,最好事先听几遍录音再背.

晁钩15539125259问: that以及从句的疑问新概念一册第79课,倒数第三句I hope that you've got some money.在这一句中的that可以不用么?that可作引导从句, -
牡丹江市仙逢回答:[答案] that可以不用.因为这个部分that you've got some money.叫作宾语从句.从句的结构是:引导词+句子.它和主句的不同在于它之前必须有个引导词.这里的引导词是that. 宾语是接在及物动词或介词后面的成分.比如 buy a book.a book就是宾语.of the table ...

晁钩15539125259问: 新概念第1册Lesson79 P161 新概念第1册Lesson79 P161原:We have not got much tea or coffee.Much可改为any吗?同样,we have not got any sugar or jam... -
牡丹江市仙逢回答:[答案] 第一句,可以改,但是改了之后句子意思就会不一样,not much的话,是“不多”,改了not any 就是一点都没有了 第二句改了之后和上面的问题一样 第三句,可以改为buy,意思不变

晁钩15539125259问: 新概念英语第一册测试题Lessons79 - 84的答案 -
牡丹江市仙逢回答: Lesson 80 A 1 I haven't got much butter. 2 You haven't got many envelopes. 3 We haven't got much milk. 4 She hasn't got many biscuits. 5 They haven't got much stationery. B 1 They need a lot of bread. They haven't got much. They must go to the ...

晁钩15539125259问: 新概念英语第一册(any和many的区别)?第一册79可课文中,我有几个地方不太明白,1)We haven't got many tomatoes.(为什么用many?在否定句中为什... -
牡丹江市仙逢回答:[答案] We haven't got many tomatoes, 我们没有太多番茄.(表示还是有一些但可能数量不多了) 如果用了 any tomatoes ,那意思就是:“完全没有了” beer and wine 应该是同一种食物,就像fish and chips

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