
作者&投稿:咎帜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

新概念2册第一课课文原文 2个回答 #热议# 作为女性,你生活中有感受到“不安全感”的时刻吗? shwinener 2012-05-04 知道答主 回答量:31 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:6.9万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very...

学习新概念2,网上你可以下载到新东方老师徐燕讲解的新2Flash动画(在百度里搜索“新概念二册 徐燕),她是目前市面上讲新概念二册讲得最好的老师。在听完她的课之后,你的语法水平基本可以达到四级水平,但是听力和口语水平还是不行,顺便说一下:徐老师不擅长讲解发音,她的发音也并不很准确。要认真的听一下她的讲解...

2012-04-22 新概念英语二64课课文 9 2013-02-21 急求新概念第二册41—60课课文及翻译,谢谢谢谢,急。 4 2011-11-28 新概念2第六课的课文和翻译 41 2009-08-23 新概念2 64课摘要写作 108 2014-01-30 新概念二60课课文复述 2 2007-03-24 新概念2 课文? 35 更多...

2007-06-30 新概念英语第2册 第68课 课文 32 2007-09-12 求助!!!新概念英语2 课文49-68 2013-05-26 帮我找新概念英语2第46课的课文和单词 21 2015-01-17 新概念英语一67到68课课文和单词 22 2008-05-30 新东方新概念英语第二册Flash68课(课本)以后 4 2008-03-22 新概念英语第二册41,42...

急需新概念2 62\\64课课文
NCE2(62):After the fire After the fire Firemen had been fighting the forest fire for nearly three weeks before they could get it under control. A short time before, great trees had covered the countryside for miles around. Now, smoke still rose up from the warm ground over ...

新概念英语第二册-Lesson 29
新概念英语第二册-Lesson 29 , 第一部分 WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS ,Captain Ben Fawcett 本.弗西特机长 Pilatus Porter 皮勒特斯.波特 land v.着陆 ploughed field 耕过的地 Birmingham 伯明翰 Welsh adj.威尔士的 a block of flats 一栋公寓楼 a deserted car park ...

31:Lesson31 Success story 成功者的故事 Yesterday afternoon Frank Hawkins was telling me about his experiences as a young man. Frank is now the head of a very large business company, but as a boy he used to work in a small shop. It was his job to repair bicycles and at ...

(4)在包含间接引语的句子中,如果引述词是过去时态,则现在完成进行时要改为过去完成进行时(cf.第15课语法):What was Tom's excuse for being late last night?汤姆说他昨晚迟到的理由是什么?He said he'd been making phone calls.他说他一直在打电话。2.过去完成进行时与过去完成时的比较 ...


新概念英语二册92课到96课课文内容 求课文内容...老师要求背诵的... 求课文内容...老师要求背诵...第二年,它被拆成若干小块,运到美国。到1886年10月底,这座雕像被重新组装起来,由巴索尔地正式赠送...参考资料: 新概念2 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 其他类似问题2012...

无畅18723281256问: 新概念英语2册第2课一定要课文 -
舞阳县二硫回答:[答案] Lesson 2 Breakfast or lunch? 早餐还是午餐? It was Sunday . I never get up early on Sundays.I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime. Last Sunday I got up very late. I looked out of the window. It was dark outside . 'What a day!'I thought.'It's raining ...

无畅18723281256问: 求新概念二册第二课课文 -
舞阳县二硫回答: Breakfast or lunch?早餐还是午餐?It was Sunday .I never get up early on Sundays.I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime.Last Sunday I got up very late .I looked out of the window.It was dark outside ."What a day!"I thought ."It's raining again ."...

无畅18723281256问: 新概念英语2第二课短文 -
舞阳县二硫回答: 《新概念英语》第二册第2课 Breakfast or lunch 早餐还是午餐?【课文】First listen and then answer the question.听录音,然后回答以下问题.Why was the writer's aunt surprised?Breakfast or lunch?It was Sunday. I never get up early on ...

无畅18723281256问: 新概念第二册 第二课课文 谢谢了 -
舞阳县二硫回答: Lesson 2 Breakfast or lunch? 早餐还是午餐? First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题. Why was the writer's aunt surprised? It was Sunday. I never get up early on Sundays. I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime. ...

无畅18723281256问: 新概念英语第二册全课文 -
舞阳县二硫回答: Lesson 1 A private conversationLast week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not ...

无畅18723281256问: 新概念英语第二册课文 -
舞阳县二硫回答: 原发布者:juan360210607 新概念英语第二册课文及翻译Lesson1Aprivateconversation 私人谈话LastweekIwenttothetheatre.Ihadaverygoodseat. Theplaywasveryinteresting.Ididnotenjoyit. Ayoungmanandayoungwomanweresittingbehindme....

无畅18723281256问: 我书落家了!新概念第2册第2课课文还要翻译 -
舞阳县二硫回答:[答案] 全部的课文吗?It was Sunday.I never get up early on Sundays.I sometimes stay in bed until lunch time.Last Sunday,I got up very late.I looked out of the window.It was dark outside."What a day!"I thought...

无畅18723281256问: 新概念英语第二册课文20,21 -
舞阳县二硫回答:[答案] Lesson20 One man in a boat 独坐孤舟 Fishing is my favorite sport.I often fish for hours without catching anything.But this does not worry me.Some fishermen are unlucky.Instead of catching fish,they catch old boots and rubbish.I am even less lucky.I ...

无畅18723281256问: 谁有新概念2中两篇课文的原文?Do you call that a hat?和 Not very musical 只要原文就可以了! -
舞阳县二硫回答:[答案] 41:'Do you call that a hat?' I said to my wife. 'You needn't be so rude about it,' my wife answered as she looked at herself in the... 42:As we had had a long walk through one of the markets of old Delhi,we stopped at a square to have a rest.After a time,we ...

无畅18723281256问: 新概念英语第2册80课文原文
舞阳县二硫回答: The Crystal Palace 水晶宫 Perhaps the most extraordinary building of the nineteenth century was the Crystal Palace, which was built in Hyde Park for the Great Exhibition of 1851. The Crystal Palace was different from all other buildings in the world, ...

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