
作者&投稿:迟治 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

新概念第一册参考答案(Lessons 37-38)
work (1)v.工作;劳动:He works 45 hours per week. 他每周工作45个小时。(2)v.从事职业:He works as a bank clerk. 他是一名银行职员。(3)v.学习;做作业:If you work hard, you'll pass your exams.如果你用功的话,你就会考试通过。He wants to have a good sleep after a day's...

新概念英语1中的Can you do this test?你能完成以下测试吗?的答案
9.I want some tea. 10.I want some biscuits,too.答案:1.a, 2. some 3.some 4.any 5.a 6.a 7.any ,any 8.some 9.some.得分:10分。Ⅴ Put in in, at, from or on.用in, at, from或on填空。实际测试:1.He is going to telephone at five o'clock.2.My bir...

一、1.absent 2.weekend 3.butcher's 4.hundreds 5.cinema 6.behind 7.arrived 8.clean 9.hairdresser's 10.town 二、1.D 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.B 8.C 9.C 10.B 三、1.was 2.baker's 3.1st 4.were 5.arrived 6.did go 7.was not type 8.wasn't ...

1、—___is this in English?—It’sapen.答案:A。A.What,B.How,C.Where。2、—火警电话是。A.one one zero,B.one one nine,C.one two zero,答案:B 根据括号内恰当的单词或词组填入空白处,使句意完整、正确。(5分)—How much is the T-shirt?—It is ( )(fourty\/forty...

新概念一练习册答案 99-100 2、3题 顺便帮忙翻译一下一个句子 亲们 哪...
1. catching 2. felt, drank 3. got\/gotten 4. hurt, you need 5.will come 6.believe 7. thinks 8. knows was tired You'd better be careful, don't fall donw.

1.—What class are you in?—I’m in ___, ___.A. grade seven,class three B. class Three, grade Seven C. Class Three,Grade Seven 答案:C 2.—What color is the coat?—It’s ___.A.heavy B.fifty-four C.blue 答案:C 从每小题A、B、C三个选项中,选出能填...

1.How are you today?2. Hello,Hellen.3.I’m fine, thank you.4. How is Tom?5. And you?6.Nice to see you, too.7.Emma is well.8.My family is well.Lesson 10 阅读理解 (1 )答案与解析 1. D 。be from 为来自于哪里,从图表中我们看到 Celine Dion was born in...

一、1.absent 2.weekend 3.butcher's 4.hundreds 5.cinema 6.behind 7.arrived 8.clean 9.hairdresser's 10.town 二、1.D 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.B 8.C 9.C 10.B 三、1.was 2.baker's 3.1st 4.were 5.arrived 6.did go 7.was not type 8.wasn't ...

新概念英语第一册练习册Lesson19的答案 我跪求啊!! 超急的啊!!! 拜 ...
lesson19 的练习在Lesson 20,答案如下:A 1 Those children are tired.2 Their mother is tired, too.3 That ice cream man is very busy.4 His ice creams are very nice.5 What's the matter, children? We are thirsty.6 What's the matter, Tim? I am tired.B 1 Are the children...

1.He must call the doctor.2.He is going to telephone him.3.He can go with her.4.He has a new car.5.He comes from America.6.He is American.7.He likes ice cream.8.He wants a newspaper.9.He was at school yesterday.10.He doesn’t live here.III 1.There are some ...

戈石15293394021问: 新概念英语第一册书本课后测试答案新概念英语第一册(课本)英语初阶.第146页、第147页、第148页测试答案.第146页第VI题、第147页VII题……第146页... -
鹤庆县银黄回答:[答案] 六、 1:over 2:under 3:across 4:along 5:on 6:in 7:off 8:between 9:into 10:out of 七、 1:making 2:swimming 3:shining 4:shaving 5:running 6:sitting 7:typing 8:putting 9:coming 10:giving.八、 1、Q:Can...

戈石15293394021问: 新概念英语同步测试卷 第一册答案朗文出版社的 -
鹤庆县银黄回答:[答案] Test 15 (Lesson 85--90)一. 1.cinema 2.beautiful 3.never 4.film 5.attendant 6.bring 7.garage 8.crash 9.repair 10.believe 11.since12.sell 13.because 14.retire 15.cost 16.worth ...

戈石15293394021问: 新概念英语第一册145页测试题答案想知道全部答案 -
鹤庆县银黄回答:[答案] 二、 1、I must call the doctor.He must call the doctor(情态动词后动词为原形) 2、I am going to telephone him.He is going to telephone him. 3、I can go with her.he can go with her(CAN是情态动词,后面同样用原形) 4、I have a new car.He has a new...

戈石15293394021问: 新概念英语第一册同步测试卷标准答案test15以后的. -
鹤庆县银黄回答:[答案] 我自己做的!不对不要怪我! 1.He can come now. Q:Can he come now? Q:When can he comming? N:He's cann't comming in a now!

戈石15293394021问: 新概念英语第一册课后书面练习题及答案要详细 -
鹤庆县银黄回答:[答案] 新概念英语第一册课后书面练习题 及答案 1-2 抄写下面的句子 Excuse me! Y es? Is this your handbag? Pardon? Is this your handbag? Y es, it is. Thank you very much. 新概念英语第一册课 后书面练习题 及答案 3-4 A. 抄写下面的句子 this is not my ...

戈石15293394021问: 新概念英语第一册 测试卷答案 test18 -
鹤庆县银黄回答:[答案] B A C E D bill hurry waste pity catch appeared return exclaimed realized stage 1.She must appear in a bright red dress.2.He must have arrived by train.3.Bad news has wings.4.He died so that others might live.5.You had better give up trying to win the ...

戈石15293394021问: 求新概念英语第一册1 - 10课小测验的答案新概念英语第一册 1--10课小测验 一、 补全英语单词,并写出汉语意思(每小题2分,1、cl -- _ - kr -- _ - m ( ) 2、t ... -
鹤庆县银黄回答:[答案] 一、 补全英语单词,并写出汉语意思(每小题2分,共20分) 1、cloakroom (衣帽存放处)2、ticket(票)3、nationality(国籍) 4、upstair(楼上)5、engineer(工程师)6、 mechanic(机械师) 7、lazy(懒惰的)8、dirty(脏的)9、...

戈石15293394021问: 新概念英语第一册能力训练与测试答案 -
鹤庆县银黄回答: 一、1.absent 2.weekend 3.butcher's 4.hundreds 5.cinema 6.behind 7.arrived 8.clean 9.hairdresser's 10.town 二、1.D 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.B 8.C 9.C 10.B 三、1.was 2.baker's 3.1st 4.were 5.arrived 6.did go 7.was not type 8.wasn't answer 9.did ...

戈石15293394021问: 《新概念英语》第一册练习题(含答案)《新概念英语》第一册完成学习,个人感觉在应用时不是特别顺畅,平常做的习题比较少.我希望有一些练习题帮助我... -
鹤庆县银黄回答:[答案] 有同步的练习册,很适合入门者用

戈石15293394021问: 新概念英语一级 测试题 求答案( )11.I can't - ___ - my pen.A.to findB.findsC.findingD.find( )12.Can you - ___ - the pen to Wang Ling?A.putB.... -
鹤庆县银黄回答:[答案] 11.D 情态动词can't + v.原形 12.B 首先,情态v.+ v.原形,所以排除C选项,又因为take有“拿走,取走,捎去,带去”的意思,所以选B 13.D one泛指一类事物,it代指上文提到的某一件相同的事物 14.D what else=what other things其他的. 15.A 由...

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