
作者&投稿:校亲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The Twelve Chinese Zodiacs The twelve Chinese Zodiacs, including eleven animals in the nature and a national totem, play an important role in the Chinese traditional culture. The twelve symbolic animals have their own characteristics. In the Year of Dragon or the Year of Tiger, people...


Everything can't live without wather.So it's important for us to protect and save the water.We shouldn't throw litter into the lakes and rivers.We should plant more trees and grass because they can prevent the earth from running away.We should turn off the tap in time and ...

一个夏天的午后,爱丽丝和姐姐正在一棵大树下乘凉。One summer afternoon, Alice and her sister were enjoying the cool under a big tree。突然,一只穿着礼服、拿着怀表的兔子从爱丽丝面前跑了过去。兔子一边跑,一边看着怀表说:“要迟到了,要迟到了!”Suddenly, a rabbit in a dress and a ...


一月:January 二月:February 三月:March 四月:April 五月:May 六月:June 七月:July 八月:August 九月:September 十月:October 十一月:November 一月来源于古罗马门神杰纳斯 Janus。该神生两张脸,一张回顾过去,一张眺望未来。人们选择他的名字作为除旧迎新的第一个月月名。二月每年 2 月初,...

are different.起源于盎格鲁-弗里西亚方言,是在日耳曼人(主要来自今天的德国西北地区以及荷兰)入侵时被引入不列颠的。最初的古英语由多种方言组成,这也同时也反映了当时英格兰岛上的盎格鲁-撒克逊王国的起源具有多样性这一事实。这些方言其中的一种,晚期西撒克逊语最终成为了统一英语的语言。

近代英语在莎士比亚所处的时期开始繁荣,一些学者将之分为早期近代英语与后期近代英语,分界线为1800年左右。随著不列颠对全世界大部分地区的占领和殖民,当地语言也很大程度上影响了英语的发展。还有文言文版 -_-;;昔法日耳曼人盎格鲁、撒克逊、朱特与弗里西诸族迁英格兰,其语承袭变迁,乃成英语。据《...



温轰17099288114问: 求新年的由来《英文的》本人急需英文版的新年的由来 -
社旗县复方回答:[答案] The lunar calendar new year is the day which the Chinese nationality most takes,the Spring Festival origin,is familiar-sounding comes from to be able detailed "the year beastly story",the speech said ...

温轰17099288114问: 请告诉我春节的来历,用英语写出来简单一些也无所谓,短一些也行. -
社旗县复方回答:[答案] 由来一 : 神化传说1.The Origin of Chinese New Yearhttp://www.p2p365.com/english/english001.asp?id=4962The Chinese New Year is now popularly known as the Spring Festival because it starts from the Begi...

温轰17099288114问: 春节的来历用英语来说怎样说? -
社旗县复方回答:[答案] Spring Festival is Chinese New Year.The New Year is the first day of first month in the lunar calendar.It marks the beginning of Spring Festival.But it is not the official beginning of Chinese lunar c...

温轰17099288114问: 新年的由来英文版 简短 -
社旗县复方回答: Holiday movies ancient times known as Mongol Yuan Chen, Yuan-cheng, Yuan Shuo, New Year's Day and so on, since the beginning of the first year of Emperor Wu was in the beginning to the summer of year (Lunar) New Year started this as a "...

温轰17099288114问: 新年的由来(英语版) -
社旗县复方回答: Chinese New Year starts with the New Moon on the first day of the new year and ends on the full moon 15 days later. The 15th day of the new year is called the Lantern Festival, which is celebrated at night with lantern displays and children carrying lanterns in a parade.

温轰17099288114问: 春节的来历(英文版) -
社旗县复方回答: About the origin of "Spring Festival", have a kind of legend is: ancient China has a kind of call "years" the beast. "Year", head long feelers, fierce abnormalities. "Year" in the seabed, each elder deep to specific day (New Year's eve) is ...

温轰17099288114问: 新年的由来用英语翻译内容一定要加中文翻译! -
社旗县复方回答: “新年,即一年的第一天,为世界多数国家通行的节日.世界各国,特别是古代都有不同的日期,现代世界多数国家为公元制纪年的1月1日.现代将“元旦”称为公历新年,将“春节”称为农历新年.当日,人们会以各种不同的方式庆祝新年的...

温轰17099288114问: 新年来历英文版 要短一些 -
社旗县复方回答: chinese new year its origin is ancient, but many believe the word nian, which means "year", was the name of a beast that preyed on people on the eve of a new year. in one legend, the beast, nian, had the power to swallow up all the people in a ...

温轰17099288114问: 春节来历英文版 -
社旗县复方回答: 英文版:The lunar calendar new year origin, has the basis, also is rich and picks the varied fable to be possible to trace to several millenniums before; Most is famous is "the year beast" fable. "The year beast" is a cruel terrible wild animal, ...

温轰17099288114问: 春节的由来英文 -
社旗县复方回答: 春节的由来 Origin of the Spring Festival

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