
作者&投稿:颜民 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

故宫,意为过去的皇宫,就是过去人们常说的紫禁城,位于北京市中心。故宫建成于明永乐十八年(1420年),占地72万平方米,建筑面积16万平方米,有宫殿建筑9000多间,是中国乃至世界现存最大最完整的古代宫殿建筑群。Imperial Palace, Italy for past imperial palace, was Forbidden City which the past ...

哪位好心人给点英国汉普顿宫的英文介绍吗? 谢谢啦!!
Hampton Court Palace is a royal palace in the East Molesey, Greater London; it has not been inhabited by the British royal family since the 18th century. The palace is located 11.7 miles (18.8 km) south west of Charing Cross and upstream of Central London on the River ...

White House History For more than 200 years, the White House has been more than just the home of the Presidents and their families. Throughout the world, it is recognized as the symbol of the President, of the President's administration, and of the United States.About the ...

It is one of the most precious buildings in the French Renaissance. It is famous for its rich collection of classical paintings and sculptures.卢浮宫位于法国巴黎市中心的塞纳河北岸,位居世界四大博物馆之首。始建于1204年,原是法国的王宫,居住过50位法国国王和王后,是法国文艺复兴时期最...

青岛天后宫简介 先有天后宫,后有青岛市。青岛市省级重点文物保护单位——天后宫,始建于明代成化三年(公元1467年),是一处集天后文化、海洋文化、民俗文化于一体的著名人文景观,也是青岛前海风景线上一处具有民族风格的古建筑群。历五百余年风雨淘洗而幸存至今,弥足珍贵,堪称青岛历史变迁的一个生动...

冬宫(俄罗斯的埃米塔什博物馆) 英文名是什么?
冬宫: Winter Palace 以下是英文介绍:Located between the Palace Embankment and the Palace Square, the Winter Palace (Russian: Зимний Дворец) in Saint Petersburg, Russia was built between 1754 and 1762 as the winter residence of the Russian tsars.Designed by Bartolomeo ...

冬宫(The Winter Palace)是位于俄罗斯圣彼得堡的一座宫殿,曾是沙皇的主要居所,现在是圣彼得堡的一个博物馆,展示了俄罗斯帝国时期的艺术品和文物。冬宫的建造始于1732年,由意大利建筑师巴托洛梅奥·拉斯卡里设计,主要为沙皇宫殿和博物馆,占地面积复杂,有宫殿、画廊、展览厅、办公室等许多建筑。经过多次...


Independence National Historical Park is a United States National Park in Philadelphia that preserves several sites associated with the American Revolution and the nation's founding history. Administered by the National Park Service, the 55-acre (22 ha)[1] park comprises much of ...

Kremlin building this world-renowned group, enjoy the "eight wonders of the world" The reputation of the tourist gets to the Department. 12 century leaves, Dolgoruky波罗维茨hilly on the Grand Duchy in the construction of a wooden structure of the castle - the Kremlin, Moscow, from...

采相19738384157问: 关于故宫的英语短文用英语简单的说一下故宫,不要多,只要主要的概括一下就行了,不少于4行,不多于10行.谢谢! -
海珠区伤湿回答:[答案] 又是谁不想写作业啊... The Forbidden City is located in Beijing,China.It used to be the palace of the emperor of China.In the past,ordinary people could never enter the Forbidden City unless the emperor asked them to.Now,it is not only a famous place of...

采相19738384157问: 请用英语介绍一下故宫,不用太好,100字左右,初一年级水平就行, -
海珠区伤湿回答:[答案] The Forbidden City was the Chinese imperial palace from the mid-Ming Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty. It is located in the middle of Beijing, China and now houses the Palace Museum. For almost five centuries, it served as the home of the ...

采相19738384157问: 求一篇故宫的英文介绍,字数适中,字数100字至200字最好, -
海珠区伤湿回答:[答案] The Palace Museum is one of the most great places of interest in China.It uesd to be called the Fobbiden City.It has a splendid history since Ming Dynasty,and then rebuilded and repaired many times.I was so happy to visit it with my family last summer ...

采相19738384157问: 故宫英文作文 100字左右 -
海珠区伤湿回答:[答案] 把中文换成拼音就行了 Palace Museum is located at the center of Beijing,formerly known as the Forbidden City.Are Ming ... Palace Museum was founded in the year 1406,1420 basic completion of the year,are the Ming emperor Zhu Di built.故宫961 ...

采相19738384157问: 故宫英文介绍,,60词就行,简单点,大概编一两句就行,越简单越好,六年级的!谢,好的多给分 -
海珠区伤湿回答: The Forbidden City is a famous building group, which was the place for emperor to live and work in Ming and Qing dynasty. And now it is a palce of interest.

采相19738384157问: 北京故宫英文介绍英文+中文翻译 -
海珠区伤湿回答:[答案] The Palace Museum is located on city center in Peking.China is existing biggest,most integrity of thou building cluster.It is ... 4 doors,center door Wu door,east door Donghua door,west door Xihua door,north door Shengwu door. 故宫位于北京市中心.中...

采相19738384157问: 故宫英文介绍字数40词左右 -
海珠区伤湿回答: What strikes one first in a bird's -eye view of Beijing proper is a vast tract of golden roofs flashing brilliantly in the sun with purple walls occasionally emerging amid them and a stretch of luxuriant tree leaves flanking on 英文介绍,故宫,字数 What ...

采相19738384157问: 求关于故宫博物馆的英文介绍(一定要简单易懂!) -
海珠区伤湿回答: This is the Palace Museum, also known as the Purple Forbidden City. It is the largest and most well reserved imperial residence in China today. Under Ming Emperor , construction began in 1406. It took 14 years to build the Forbidden City.The red ...

采相19738384157问: 英文介绍北京的长城和故宫 -
海珠区伤湿回答:[答案] 长城: The Great Wall,like the Pyramids of Egypt,the Taj Mahal in India and the Hanging Garden of Babylon,is one of the ...watch-towers are built at approximately 400-meters internals. 故宫: The Palace Museum is located on city center in Peking....

采相19738384157问: 故宫简介翻成英语,约60到70左右的字,回答符合的我会给悬赏,请大家帮忙☆初一水平的,简单易懂一点,最基本介绍北京故宫的语言就可以了,英语... -
海珠区伤湿回答:[答案] 故宫旧称紫禁城.是明清两代皇宫,中国现存最大最完整的古建筑群.1988年被联合国教科文组织列为“世界文化遗产”. 故宫占地72万平方米,屋宇9999间半,建筑面积15.5万平方米.为一长方形城池,四角矗立、风格绮丽的角楼,墙外有宽52米的护...

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