
作者&投稿:诗苑 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The monkey can climb the tree.

你好。我们昨天爬山去了,在那里我看到了许多花 翻译成英语是:We went to the mountain yesterday, where I saw a lot of flowers.———希望帮到你,满意请采纳。

1,She did\/tried her best to climb up the mountain.2,She made a great effort to climb up the mountain .3,She spared no efforts to climb up the mountain .4,She did her bit to climb up the mountain .5,She did what she could to climb up the mountain....

有这几种写法:It's very dangerous for you to climb up that tree.Climbing up that tree is very dangerous.Do not climb up that tree. It's dangerous.希望对你有帮助,也希望你能采纳我的答案,谢谢哦。

Climbing mountains made me very tired ,but happy,I felt the beauty of nature

男孩子们爬过墙头翻译成英语 The boys climbed over the wall to translate into English.望采纳,谢谢!

爬行[pá xíng]什么意思?近义词和反义词是什么?英文翻译是什么?
“背着柴,背着猎物,背着希望和全部的苦难,忍受着饥寒爬行着,笔直的腰背压得弯曲了。”[爬行]百科解释 爬行,指爬著向前行走。也 比喻因循守旧慢腾腾地做。 更多→ 爬行 [爬行]英文翻译 Crawl [爬行]近义词 匍匐 [爬行]反义词 跃进 [爬行]相关搜寻 爬行动物 爬行的爬可以组什么词 ...

I will go climbing the hill if it doesn't rain tomorrow.(主将从一)

pole-climbing 英['pəʊlkl'aɪmɪŋ] 美['poʊlkl'aɪmɪŋ][词典] 爬竿;[例句]In this paper, a kind of pneumatic pole-climbing robot was designed for satisfying the great demands on pole-climbing tasks in city planning e...

6.他家的木屋建在河上。他每天爬梯子进去。 翻译英文
His log cabin is built on the river. He climbs into it by a ladder every day.

窄宙15868375586问: 攀爬的英语怎么说 -
许昌市卡罗回答:[答案] 英语中'爬'有好几个词,但是表达向上的攀爬基本上用climb 比如禁止攀爬,就可知直接说 no climbing

窄宙15868375586问: 攀爬用英语怎么读 -
许昌市卡罗回答: climb D.J.[klaim] K.K.[klaɪm] vt.& vi. 爬,攀登 eg:The plane climbed steeply. 飞机陡直地爬升. n. 攀登 要攀登到的地方或距离 eg:There was a steep climb on the road out of town. 市外公路上有一处很陡的上坡路. 上升,增长 eg:The minister's climb to power had taken 8 years. 这位部长花了八年的工夫攀升到权贵之尊 (如果我的回答对您有帮助的话,望您点赞并采纳哦谢谢.)

窄宙15868375586问: 英语问题 -
许昌市卡罗回答: 1.Outing --------远足,外出 2.climb --------攀爬,攀登3.mountain -----高山,大山 4.camera ------照相机 5.come to school 来到学校...

窄宙15868375586问: 小狗正在攀爬用英语怎么说? -
许昌市卡罗回答: 小狗正在攀爬 The puppy is climbing 真希望能帮到你!

窄宙15868375586问: 根据英文及首字母提示补全单词
许昌市卡罗回答: 为你解答. (climb,攀爬):go up

窄宙15868375586问: "努力攀爬“用英语怎么翻译? -
许昌市卡罗回答: climb and climb hard

窄宙15868375586问: 有没有人知道“攀”字的英文?
许昌市卡罗回答: 攀 [pān] pull climb up Yaopan Lee!李耀攀

窄宙15868375586问: 当我爬到一半时.用英语怎么说 -
许昌市卡罗回答: When I climbed halfway. 当我爬到一半时. 关键词 climb v.攀登;爬;上升 n.爬;攀爬处 例句 用作动词 (v.) I have some climbing plants in the garden. 我的花园里长着一些攀缘植物. We go to climb mountains every Sunday. 每个星期天我们都...

窄宙15868375586问: 用英语翻译 攀登 -
许昌市卡罗回答: 攀登是:climb 登山运动:climbing

窄宙15868375586问: 英语爬梯子怎么说??? -
许昌市卡罗回答: 你好! 正确答案为: climb the ladder climb 爬,攀爬 the ladder 梯子 你妈妈要我们不要爬梯子. Your mum told us not to climbthe ladder. 但不要爬梯子. But don't climb the ladder. ^___^ 祝你进步! 另外千万别忘记采纳哟!

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