
作者&投稿:刀会 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Dear Henry:Thank you very much for asking,I'm so glad to be included in the limited number of guests that you've inviated and I'd like very much to join you.However,Most unfortunately, however, we shall be unable to avail ourselves of your kind invitation on account of a ...

Dear David:Hi, how are you going on recently?I'd like to invite you to join our barbecue party this weekend~ it will begin at 4:00 pm at the back garden, we will prepare a lot of delicious food, i really hope you can come~Please write back as soon as you read my l...

Dear Thanks for your warmly invitation for attending New Year's party,I readlly would like to join and share this important moment with you,however, my schedule is not allowed.Hope you can have a preasant party.Best wishes Yours sincerely ...

Dear Mike,This Saturday is my birthday and my parents will hold a simple celebrating party for me。 I am glad to invite you to e to the party。 Blair, Emma and Roan will also be invited。 I am sure we will have a good time。 We will have dinner at 18:30 so that y...

Dear Jane,We have four tickets for a famous film shown at Guangming Cinema, The Longest Day, Friday, the ninth. Will you join us? We'll be looking for you at eight sharp Friday night in front of the cinema, so don't disappoint us!Warmest regards.Alice 二、正式邀请信 第二...


如果事前接不到您的回信,我就指望你们那天到来。 邀请信英语作文模板(十四): Dear [Zhang Ying]: Will you e to luncheon on [Friday, May the fifth], at [twelve o’clock]? My niece [Mary] is visiting us and I think you will enjoy meeting her。 She is a charming, very pretty girl … ...


你好亨利 谢谢你的邀请。我很抱歉这周不能去你那了。我真的很忙。今晚我要参加我表兄的生日派对。明天要得去看牙医。星期三我得和校队进行网球训练。星期四我要学化学。星期五晚上我要和我朋友去看电影。你能在周五和我们一起去看电影吗。索尼亚 ...

接受邀请 2. 发出邀请 3. 拒绝邀请 嗨,戴维:多好的主意啊!我真的很喜欢斯蒂恩女士。她帮助我大大提高了我的英语。看到她走我很难过,并且这个聚会是跟她说“谢谢和再见”的最好方式。我可以帮忙购买一些食物和饮料。我还可以帮忙把斯蒂恩女士带到聚会来。关于怎么去做我已经有了一个很棒的...

梅叔19294982136问: 用英语写封回信.内容就是接受对方的邀请参加宴会. -
双城市银黄回答: 回信的作文如下. I want to work as a programmer in the future, because my major in university is computer related. At first, I will start as a programmer, slowly accumulate work experience, then slowly upgrade, and finally upgrade to a software ...

梅叔19294982136问: 写一篇关于受到邀请去一个聚会但不能去的英语回信 -
双城市银黄回答:[答案] Dear***, Thank you for your kind invitation!I'd love to go but unfortunately i cannot.I hope you will have a good time! Best regards, ***

梅叔19294982136问: 英语作文:假如你是Tom,你的朋友Celia邀请你参加他的生日聚会.请你给他一封回信.谢谢他的邀请,答应去参加聚会.你将送一样礼物.希望天晴.如果不下雨,会带小弟弟一起去.如果弟弟去了,会很有趣 -
双城市银黄回答: dear Celia Thank you for invit me to join your birthday party. I would like to go to your birthday party, an i am very happy. I want give you a present . i hope the wather is sunny. if the day does not rainning, i want to bring my little brother to go to your ...

梅叔19294982136问: 求英语作文,是一封回信,内容是接受邀请,约定时间 -
双城市银黄回答:[答案] Dear 某某, 谢谢邀请我Thank you for your invitation.【或者thanks for inviting me】很高兴能来I'm very glad【happy 也可以】 to come. 约定时间How about【what about 也可以】 we meet at 时间地点I'll see,you...

梅叔19294982136问: 英语作文假如你叫zhangMing,你的笔友 Mary 写信邀请你去参加聚会.请你给Mary写一封回信.
双城市银黄回答: Dear Mary: I'm very sorry that I can't attend the party. My mom is sick, the doctor said that she has to stay in bed, so I have to take care of her. Also, thank you very much for the CD you sent me, I love it! ZhangMing

梅叔19294982136问: 英语作文你的朋友Sally邀请你参加生日聚会.请给你的朋友写—封电子邮件,回复她对你的邀请.由于你周三要上钢琴课,周四下午要看医生,周五要看望你... -
双城市银黄回答:[答案] First I wish you happy birthday!But,you of the birthday party I probably can't go.Because I Wednesday to piano lessons,Thursday afternoon wanted to see the doctor,Friday to visit you on Saturday at home,gu finish your homework. I was very busy,so it can'...

梅叔19294982136问: 求一篇关于接受邀请的英语作文150字左右尽快尽快!比方说同学邀请你参加她的生日聚会你接受了的 -
双城市银黄回答:[答案] there was a new year English party in our classroom,we'd invite our foreign teacher Mary john.each team should prepare two performances for this party,such as singing ,dancing ,talk show and so on.every student should participate in that party,if you ...

梅叔19294982136问: 求英语作文,要求如下: 假如你是李明,你收到一封你的美国朋友Peter的邀请信.他邀请你去参加他周六的生日聚 -
双城市银黄回答: Dear Peter: Hi! i am Liming.I am very happy when i received your invitation,but i have to tell you that i can not go to your party because Saturday is my grandma`s birthday too, i had promised my grandma i will go to her house and held a party for her....

梅叔19294982136问: 英语作文请写一封电子邮件给你的朋友coco 感谢她邀请你参加她的生日聚会,并回复她你会准时参加请写一封电子邮件给你的朋友coco 感谢她邀请你参加... -
双城市银黄回答:[答案] Ten years later, Huashan sent a group of disciples in gas master, to get rid of Confucius, Linghu Chong and younger, with gas walk Confucius, Yue buqun very angry, punish pupil to sit down, let Lao Denuo second brother whip them, Linghu Chong to ...

梅叔19294982136问: 请帮忙写一封英文回信,急需.非常感谢. -
双城市银黄回答: Dear Friend(也可写昵称),Thank you very much for your letter telling me that you have just moved into a new house and inviting me to have lunch in your new house on Sunday.I'm very glad to hear from you again after such a long time. I often ...

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