
作者&投稿:陈没溥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Two people were seriously injured in this traffic accident.

受欢迎 [词典] be well received; be well liked; go down well with;[例句]这位新教师不很受学生们欢迎。The new teacher doesn't go down well with the pupils.

眼睛受伤 英文翻译
眼睛受伤 eye injuries 或者 eye hurts

受惊吓的英语翻译 受惊吓用英语怎么说
受惊吓的英文:scare scare 读法 英 [skeə(r)] 美 [sker]作及物动词的意思:使惊恐,惊吓;使害怕,使恐惧;把…吓跑 作不及物动词的意思:受惊吓;感到害怕 作名词的意思是:恐慌;恐惧;惊恐,惊吓 作形容词的意思是:骇人的,令人恐惧的;引起恐慌的;用以吓唬人的 短语:scare away 把...

1、I have the same sense as yours.2、I shall count it as a personal favour.感同身受。3、I identified with the heroine of the novel.我与小说中的那个女主人公感同身受。4、Franklin might have warmed to Mr Buffett's homespun wisdom.富兰克林也许对巴菲特的朴素智慧感同身受。

用英文翻译 受人以鱼不如授人以渔
送给别人鱼,不如叫别人钓鱼。引申义:不要给他人现成的东西(如:老师教知识)要教给他人方法。英文:Delegate to fish in the fishery as delegate Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime。

英语1 row affected怎么翻译?
1 row affected 英文翻译如下 1行受影响 重点词汇释义 affect 影响;(感情上)深深打动;使悲伤(或怜悯等)例句 Many external influences can affect your state of mind.许多外在因素都可能影响人的心情。People tend to think that the problem will never affect them.人们往往认为这个问题绝不会影响到...

...到最后都会变成光,照亮你的路。 求英文翻译
The pains you have taken from your life will be the light in the end,lighting up your way.你从生活中所受的苦难,终将化成一道光,照亮你前进的道路。

You ask for it.例如:If you climb mountain in fog, you are asking for it. 如果你在雾天去爬山,你是在自讨苦吃。You deserve it. 这是你应得的。(既可以作贬义,也可以作褒义。)It serve you right.Serve you right!(serve sb. right 给某人应得的待遇,活该。例如:It served ...

I am enjoying my three-month-long holiday right now.望有所帮助O(∩_∩)O~

樊厚18492578042问: 承受的英文是? -
汉滨区金蓓回答: bear/ support/ tolerate

樊厚18492578042问: “承受巨大压力”英语怎么说? -
汉滨区金蓓回答: “承受巨大压力”的英文:under great pressure pressure 读法 英 ['preʃə] 美 ['prɛʃɚ]1、n. 压力;压迫,[物] 压强 2、vt. 迫使;密封;使……增压 短语: 1、pressure vessel 压力容器 2、high blood pressure 高血压 3、water pressure 水压力...

樊厚18492578042问: 中学英语怎么说 -
汉滨区金蓓回答: 【翻译】middle school\secondary school中学 junior middle school初中 senior middle school高中【翻译】bear\support\endure 承受 bear misfortune承受厄运; support the weight承受重量; endure the pressure承受压力希望能帮到你 O(∩_∩)O~

樊厚18492578042问: 生活本身就是就是一种承受,承受痛苦;承受幸福;英语怎么说 -
汉滨区金蓓回答:[答案] Life itself is about how to carry on,carry on with joy and sorrow.

樊厚18492578042问: 承受巨大的悲痛翻译成英文
汉滨区金蓓回答: 承受巨大的悲痛 Bear great grief 承受巨大的悲痛 Bear great grief

樊厚18492578042问: 承受多大的电流 英文 -
汉滨区金蓓回答: 如果一定要翻译承受的话可以用 carry the maximum current the lithium battery can carry 但1楼的翻译更地道些

樊厚18492578042问: 承受痛苦用英语怎么说 -
汉滨区金蓓回答: 承受痛苦 [词典] Suffering; Endure pain [例句] If your family is suffering because of your work, you may want to think of calling it quits.如果你的家人正因为你的工作承受痛苦,那么你也许希望考虑辞职了.

樊厚18492578042问: 我能忍受得住 英语怎么说 是用endure吗? -
汉滨区金蓓回答: stand经得起,承受得住(困难、考验) 忍受;容忍 翻译: I can stand it.例句:1.忍受;容忍 If you cannot stand something, you cannot bear it or tolerate it2.I can't stand any more. I'm going to run away... 我再也受不了了.我要逃走.

樊厚18492578042问: 为你承受英文 -
汉滨区金蓓回答: 我觉得可以用这个单词来表示:【sustain】,翻译:我愿意为F承受她生命里的困难I am willing to sustain her difficulties in her life.

樊厚18492578042问: 用英文的意思表示suffer -
汉滨区金蓓回答:[答案] stand,bear,endure,tolerate,suffer,abide,withstand 这些动词均含“忍受”之意. stand:口语用词,常可与hear换用,但侧重... 不愉快或危险等事. experience:指亲身经受或体验某事. sustain:指遭受痛苦或承受负担. suffer:常可与sustain通用,尤指受...

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