
作者&投稿:夫玲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My grandmother is seventy years of age who has a head of gray hair.My grandmother get along well with her neighbours.She is a kind-hearted person and is always ready to help others,so whenever people get into difficulties,they often go to her for help.She is respected by all...

MY GRANDMOTHER my grandmother is 63 years old ,she lives in country with my grandfather.i love my grandmother.she can cook good meals .she always buy new gifts for me,i am happy staying with her.我的祖母 我的祖母是63岁,她住在我grandfather.i爱我的可以做饭很好grandmother.she的...

我的爷爷为题目的英语作文带翻译的 答:I have a nice grandfather. He is eighty years old. Although he is eighty years old, his body is still in good condition. He likes to listen to Beijing Opera. He often goes to do exercise, so many people ask him about Opera. He has...

作文一:My grandfather is very kind to me. He loves me very much. I am the apple of his eye, but when it comes to my study he is very strict. Every day he spends more than one hour examining my homework. With his help, I have been doing well in my studies.My grandf...

I am always reluctant to go. I really feel happy living in the country.暑假期间我经常去看望我的爷爷奶奶,他们都已经70岁了,住在乡下。夏天的乡下非常漂亮,我可以在那里做很多有趣的事情。我习惯一大清早起床,呼吸新鲜空气,聆听鸟儿欢唱,欣赏绿树红花和门前的小河。我还喜欢跟伙伴们一起钓鱼...

I often give seats to the elderly on a crowded bus. when I wait for a bus or a subway train, I always let these elderly get in first. I always say”good morning, please, Excuse me and thank you”to them. In the street, when the elderly want to cross the street, I ...

翻译:关爱空巢老人 现在,许多人为了挣钱,远离他乡 将老人一人留在家里,让老人承受孤独,这种老人我们称为空巢老人,每一个空巢老人都需要人的关爱,他们渴求关爱,但是,他们的子女却迟迟不回家看望他们,他们甚至会在孤独中死去,我们不能让他们伤心,而我们,就有责任有能力去承担这些义务,关爱他们,...

如何关爱老年人 英语作文怎么写?
As the government, they should perfect the legal, because the system is far from perfect. What’s more, the government should provide assistance for the elderly.翻译 俗话说,百善孝为先。尊敬老人是中华民族的传统美德。尊敬老人是人类科学发展的进步。如果人们思想正确,社会才可以健康发展。

Today I had a good time. It was my grandpa's birthday. Our family went back to his home to celebrate his birthday. My mother cooked many delicious food and we brought a big birthday cake. We got together to have a big family dinner. We gave grandpa some presents and said,...

my father英语作文,带翻译
and successful.I admire him.【翻译】我爸爸四十岁左右,毕业于辽宁大学。现在他当经理,在一家电脑公司工作。爸爸酷爱自己的工作。他英语很好,每年都写一些关于电脑方面的书籍,大部分很畅销。在业余时间,他游泳或弹钢琴,有时和妈妈一起看电视。我觉得爸爸工作勤奋,事业有成。我敬佩他。

枕狮13540716722问: 扶摔倒老人英语作文 -
平武县香连回答: Care for the young is the traditional Chinese virtues embodied in these words I only seat on the bus In fact, when the good people who bear who did not want to watch an old man lying on the street no one to manage? "Peng Yu, Xu Yunhe, after all, ...

枕狮13540716722问: 扶老人摔倒的英语作文.【不要该不该扶的那种】80单词就行,初中水平.急急急!! -
平武县香连回答: On one occasion, I go to the mall to play, saw an old man, old man silvery white hair and wrinkled.Didn't pay attention at the beginning, just follow your own.Somehow, the in the mind, go back, only to find that, the old man fell down, and I am ...

枕狮13540716722问: 英语作文 关于老人跌倒好人扶起来的 -
平武县香连回答: Should you help the old when he/she falls down on the street?In current days ,with the development of society and economic ,series of social problems are appeared.In order to analyze this phenomenon three universities in Beijing jointly distribute an...

枕狮13540716722问: 写一篇英语作文,关于老人跌倒,你会扶吗?说出你的观点? -
平武县香连回答: Should we help the old who fall down on the street Should we help the old who fall down on the street?Some people are not willing to help the old who fall down on the street.They refuse to help the old because they don't think they can give the old ...

枕狮13540716722问: 急求一篇扶老人过马路的好人好事英语书面表达 包含时间地点 词数80左右 -
平武县香连回答:[答案] Yesterday afternoon Li Ping and I were going to school.On the way we saw an old woman crossing the street.Suddenly a car passed by very fast.The old woman was frightened and fell down to the ground.The apples in her basket were all out on the ...

枕狮13540716722问: 老人在马路上摔倒了扶老人起来的好人好事英语作文 -
平武县香连回答: A class meeting was held in our class last Wednesday. At the meeting we classmates had a heated debate on “whether we should help the old people up when they fall over.” Some classmates think we have responsibility to help them, because ...

枕狮13540716722问: 一个老人,跌倒在街上去扶,英语作文 -
平武县香连回答: reasonable, and feel the fun of the fan painting and listening to the news of the course to write a more detailed, while watching the film is relatively simple to write. This paper from the structure, content is not what can be picky, is a rare masterpiece.

枕狮13540716722问: 英语作文扶残疾老人过马路的过程和感想 -
平武县香连回答: I was walking along the street when I found a grandma stood at the traffic light who wanted to cross the street. She was too old to cross alone, so I went up to support her. She was so glad that she thanked me again and again. I replied " It's my pleasure."Helping others also makes me happy.

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