
作者&投稿:释仁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

“Who is that”回答:That is或者It is…… who is that 的意思是:那是谁。常用于打电话时询问对方是谁。 在打电话中常用的语句:who is this 是指电话这方;who is that 指的是电话的对面。 扩展资料 与“Who is that”意思相近的句子有:Who's this? 你是谁?Who is it?

this 英 [ðɪs] 美 [ðɪs]det.\/pron.(指较近的人或事物)这,这个;(指已提到过的人或事物)这;(介绍人或展示事物时用)这,这样。adv.这样;这么。This is what I will do. I will telephone Anna and explain.下面是我要做的:我要给安娜打电话解释清楚。

1.人称代词的人称、数和格,如下表所示。2.人称代词有主格和宾格之分。通常主格作主语,宾格作宾语。如:I like tabletennis. (作主语)Do you know him?(作宾语)3.人称代词还可作表语。作表语时用宾格。如:---Whos isknocking at the door?---It’s me.4.人称代词在than之后与其他人...

Television sets made in Beijing are just as good as those made in Shanghai. 4)this 在电话用语中代表自己,that 则代表对方。例如: Hello! This is Mary. Is that Jack speaking? 2008-1-8 20:25 回复 I翼I 4位粉丝 21楼4. 反身代词 英语中用来表示"我自己","你自己","他自己","我们...

—Yeah,whosthis?“喂,是雷蒙德·布朗吗?”——“对,您是哪位?”三、词源解说:1883年进入英语,直接源自古高地德语的hala,意为招呼船家用语。四、经典引文:Lily Cary helloed from the porch of her house..but he did not turn his head.莉莉·卡里从她家的门廊里走了出来,但他没有转...

she her they them my your his\/her\/its our your their mine yours his\/hers\/its ours yours theirs this,that,these,those myself yourself himself ourselves themselvers yourselves each other 和one another all,both,each,everyanybody, something,no one,none,some,any,no who,whom...

A seasoned professional whos been around for a while. If youve been looking for this rare combination of business savvy and design expertise, my background might interest you: Ten years of working experience. Solid background in the management of creative up-and-comers. Know new technologies ...

whosthat = Who's that?意思是:那是谁?另外,在电话用语中,用英文问对方是谁的时候,说 Who's that?,回答语句为 This is + 人名

指示代词(demonstrative pronoun)是用来指示或标识人或事物的代词。指示代词与定冠词和人称代词一样,都具有指定的含义。1) 指示代词分单数(this \/ that)和复数(these \/ those)两种形式,既可作限定词又可做代词,例如:单数 复数 限定词:This girl is Mary. Those men are my teachers.代词:...

钊岸19781291112问: 请问英语电话用语中的who's this 与 who's that 有什么区别? -
孙吴县冬凌回答:[答案] Who's this的意思是:这是谁?(对近处人提问)Who's that的意思是:那是谁?(问远处人提问)

钊岸19781291112问: 电话里的常用语who's that? - it's Luck -
孙吴县冬凌回答:[答案] 这是电话习惯用语,Who's that?译为“对方(你)是谁?”,一般不用 Who are you?It's Lucy.译为“我是露西”也可表述为This is Lucy.但不用 I am Lucy.有些英语习惯用语和汉语思维甚至英语常用方式不同,希望注意.

钊岸19781291112问: whosthat什么意思 -
孙吴县冬凌回答: whosthat = Who's that?意思是:那是谁?另外,在电话用语中,用英文问对方是谁的时候,说 Who's that?,回答语句为 This is + 人名

钊岸19781291112问: Who's that?是什么意思 -
孙吴县冬凌回答: Who's That.. 那是谁 Who's That Woman..那个女人是谁? Who is that? 那是谁呀 Who is that ? 你是谁?(电话用语)

钊岸19781291112问: 电话里的常用语who's that? - it's Luck -
孙吴县冬凌回答: 这是电话习惯用语,Who's that?译为“对方(你)是谁?”,一般不用 Who are you? It's Lucy. 译为“我是露西”也可表述为This is Lucy.但不用 I am Lucy. 有些英语习惯用语和汉语思维甚至英语常用方式不同,希望注意.祝你进步.

钊岸19781291112问: 在英语打电话对话中可以用who's that吗?who's that 和 who is that一样吗?我刚在网上查,翻译上缩写只有她是谁的意思,全写才有那是谁 -
孙吴县冬凌回答:[答案] 当然是一样的 前者是后者的简写 根本没有区别

钊岸19781291112问: 打电话问who is this可以不 -
孙吴县冬凌回答: 没毛病,非常正宗的电话回答 who is this 或者who isthat 两种说法都有,意思都是询问电话对面的是谁. 两者的差别的话可能是一种说法的人认为另一种说法有些奇怪,但是还是可以理解的. 美式英语中说who is this比较多,而且有很多的情况说who's this. 英式英语中说who is that比较多,但是也有一些英国人说的是who is this. (窃以为英国说法正确一些) 尽管有些唐突,而且人们一般更喜欢说 who is there 或者 who is speaking.

钊岸19781291112问: 打电话用语到底问别人你是谁,用who is this 还是who is that 他们有什么区别吗 -
孙吴县冬凌回答:[答案] who is that?is a impolite way. who is this?is quite polite.

钊岸19781291112问: 电话用语 问who is that?问什么要用It's谁谁谁回答啊 不能用This is么?? -
孙吴县冬凌回答: 可以啊,比如this is Mary speaking.

钊岸19781291112问: who'sthat?什么意思? -
孙吴县冬凌回答: Who's that?=Who's that(speaking/knocking at the door?)谁呀?用于电话用语的询问,或者不知道对方情况的询问,例如敲门等的询问.'Who's that with you?' — 'A friend of mine.'“和你在一块儿的那人是谁?”——“一个朋友.”

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