
作者&投稿:郅闹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

believe ,deem, consider, think ,reckon ,to be of the opinion that,hold,for my part,to have an idea,to be under the impression that,conceive,suppose,surmise,trust,view,weigh,ponder,reflect 这些都有我想,我认为,我猜的意思.你可以查一下.呼,积累的累死了.你其他可以也写一点....

我认为、我觉得…英文怎么说? 最常见的说法就是I think…,不过I think 可能已经听到让人不想再听了,比起I think,还有更多其他的英文说法可以更好的表达「我认为、我觉得…」这样的英文句子,例如in my opinion、to be honest、it seems to me that…等等。下面教学怎样用英文表达我觉得、我认为...

in my opinion\/in my viewpoint,, from my knowledge, to my point of view, i am of the opinion that,

求教英语达人~“我认为,我觉得”用英文有哪几种说法??多多益善啊!我需 ...
I think I guess I mean I want it to be..I feel I find that..I figure out that..I am looking forward to doing it like..I have got a feeling that...I have got an idea that...I have a feeling that...I have an idea that...I wanna do it this way...I am go...

2、I reckon 我认为,我想 Reckon这个词很少人知道,其实它是一个标准的四级词汇,它本身就有to think的意思。例句:I reckon it's going to rain.我觉得天要下雨了。How much do you reckon (that) it's going to cost?你认为这会花多少钱?3、as far as I'm concerned 依我看,在我...

我觉得 我认为 我的想法是
I think I consider I feel I view I find My view is My apinion is My idea is My thought is

I believe 我相信,我认为 I maintain 我主张 I hold 我持有什么什么的观点

我一般用: i believe, my perspestive, my opinion, It is considered that ...祝生活愉快!

i feel ,in my opinion as far as i know

I think 我认为;我想 造句:I think as you do.我和你想到一块儿了。I think you should hear me out.我觉得你应该听我说完。

播岭13518716270问: 英语中表示“我认为”的6种 短语翻译 I think 不算 ,要高级表达 -
曲麻莱县国大回答:[答案] As far as I am concerned as far as I think I believe I presume I guess If you ask me to my way of thinking

播岭13518716270问: 我认为的多种英文写法 -
曲麻莱县国大回答: 一、我认为的英文写法如下: 1、as far as I concerned 2、from my point of view 3、I feel (like…) 4、I guess(that…) 5、as for me 6、in my opinion 相关词汇1、concern 英 [kən'sɜːn] 美 [kən'sɝn] vt. 涉及,关系到;使担心 n. 关系;关心;...

播岭13518716270问: 在英语中,能表达“我认为/我想”的词有那些 -
曲麻莱县国大回答: 我认为:1. to my way of thinking其它相关解释: <methinks> <if you ask me> <to my thinking>例句与用法: 1. 我认为他的个性有些怪僻.He's got a few kinks in his personality, if you ask me.2. 如果你问我,我认为那是困难的.If you ask me,...

播岭13518716270问: “我认为”的英文翻译 -
曲麻莱县国大回答: believe ,deem, consider, think ,reckon ,to be of the opinion that,hold,for my part,to have an idea,to be under the impression that,conceive,suppose,surmise,trust,view,weigh,ponder,reflect 这些都有我想,我认为,我猜的意思.你可以查一下.呼,积累的累死了.你其他可以也写一点.

播岭13518716270问: 懂一点英文的都进来吧!thx~和in my opinion,i think 等类似于“在我看来”,“我的意见是”,“我认为”的意思的短语还有哪些呀?多多益善~ -
曲麻莱县国大回答:[答案] as I know I think I guess I suppose In my opinion/view As far as I am concerned,

播岭13518716270问: 英语作文中常用的短语 短句例如众所周知一方面 另一方面我觉得据我所知相反除此之外. -
曲麻莱县国大回答:[答案] 1.例如:for example;for instance;take…for an example;such as; 2.众所周知:as everyone knows; as is known to all; be ... 3.一方面 另一方面:on the one hand,on the other hand 4.我觉得 as far as i am concerned;in my point of view; 5.据我所知:as far ...

播岭13518716270问: 我这么认为的英文词组 -
曲麻莱县国大回答: I think so 可以表示 我这么认为 的意思

播岭13518716270问: I think so是固定词组吗 -
曲麻莱县国大回答: I think so 是固定词组.含义是“可能吧,我想是吧,我也不太确定”,相当于Maybe. I think so 英 [aɪ θɪŋk səʊ] 美 [aɪ θɪŋk soʊ] 我也这么想;我想是的;我想是吧 'Would you like to do that another time.' — 'Yes I think so.' “你愿意再找...

播岭13518716270问: 我不认为是这样.我认为不是这样.我英文怎么说 -
曲麻莱县国大回答: 我不认为是这样的英文:I don't think so;我认为不是这样的英文:I don't think so think 读法 英 [θɪŋk] 美 [θɪŋk]1、vt. 想;认为;想起;想像;打算 2、vi. 想;认为 3、n. 想;想法 4、adj. 思想的 短语: 1、let me think 让我想一想 2、just ...

播岭13518716270问: 就我看来的英文词组 -
曲麻莱县国大回答: From my perspective From my point of view As far as I am concerned It seems to me that In my opinion From my part希望可以对你有所帮助!

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