
作者&投稿:机珊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

我可以看手机了。I can watch the mobile phone.应该是 我可以用手机了。I can use the mobile phone.

看手机的英文是check the phone。例句:1、Don’t check your phone during meal time.吃饭时间不要看手机!2、I Just look through my phone.我就是翻看下手机。其他“看”的用法:1、“See”的意思是用眼睛注意到或意识到某人或某物。例如:The moment we saw the house, we knew we wanted ...

比如,专注地看手机,你会说:"I look at the phone."手机查看方式 了解了基本的“看”字含义后,来看看"看手机"的不同表达方式:① Check the phone:这个短语适合表示不经意地查看手机,查看是否有新消息。"Don't check your phone during meal time."② Look through the phone:翻阅手机,浏...

看手机的英语是"looking at the phone"或者"using the phone"。1.看手机已经成为现代人的一种生活方式,它带给我们无限方便和快乐。但是,过量地使用手机,对健康产生不良影响,例如近视、颈椎病等。2.如果想要改掉看手机的坏习惯,可以从以下几个方面入手:制定计划,减少使用时间;换个休闲方式;提高对...

"Look at the phone" (look at that phone) directs your gaze towards it, like:Look at the phone! It has a foldable screen.However, "watch the phone" is not the appropriate term, as watch typically implies monitoring a moving object, like a clock or TV:Watch the clock or ...

It is a great choice when you are busy reading or looking at your phone.5、手机用户平均每天查看手机的次数惊人地达到了195次。Average smartphone users consult their devices a remarkable 195 times per day.手机简介:手机是一种可以在较广范围内使用的便携式电话终端,全称为移动电话或无线...

don't play with your mobile phone.

看手机英语:Look at the phone.1、一辆车在我看手机的时候朝我按了喇叭。A car honked at me when I was looking at my phone.2、如果你不能看手机时,是否感到焦虑或紧张?Do you feel anxious or nervous if you aren't able to check it?3、你是会经常看手机的人,还是很快就能睡着的...

基本的礼仪就是和别人吃饭时不要触摸或看你的手机:翻译:The basic etiquette is not to touch or look at your mobile phone when eating with others.

Please let me have a look at your new cell phone.请让我看一下你的新手机

堂施15845316105问: 给我一部手机用英语怎么说? -
越西县清胃回答: 这取决与你在什么样的环境用.一般就普通用的话:Can I get a cellphone, please?(我能得到一部手机吗)或者can I apply for a cellphone?(我可以申请一部手机吗)

堂施15845316105问: 我可以用一下你的手机么?用英语怎么说? -
越西县清胃回答: May I use your cellphone, please? May I use your mobile phone, please?美国基本通行将手机称为 cellular phone, 简称 cellphone 其他地区,东南亚和欧洲习惯用 mobile phone.

堂施15845316105问: 我的手机用英语怎么说 -
越西县清胃回答: my cellphone

堂施15845316105问: "打我手机",用英语怎么说 -
越西县清胃回答: 打我手机 cell phone me give me a cell phone call ring me on cell phone give me a cell phone ring telephone me over cell phone

堂施15845316105问: 给我一部手机用英语怎么说? -
越西县清胃回答:[答案] 这取决与你在什么样的环境用.一般就普通用的话:Can I get a cellphone,please?(我能得到一部手机吗)或者can I apply for a cellphone?(我可以申请一部手机吗)

堂施15845316105问: 我忘带手机了 英语怎么说 -
越西县清胃回答: I forgot to take the cell phone with me.I left the cell phone in the classroom.没说是“我的”手机,所以我用the,如果是我的,就换成my.

堂施15845316105问: "我的手机"英语怎么说
越西县清胃回答: my mobile phone和my cellphone都行,但后者用得少些,还可以简易的说成my mobile.

堂施15845316105问: 我正在玩手机用英语翻译一下 -
越西县清胃回答: mobilephone和cellphone都可以,因为现在大家大多数都用智能手机,所以用smartphone也行.

堂施15845316105问: 用英语怎么说你可以在手机上看电影?you can watch films ? your phone.
越西县清胃回答: 嘿嘿 怎么也应该用问的语气吧 我觉得应该是 :Wow,could you really watch films on your phone? 似乎 你想表达一丢丢的 惊讶吧 、加一句 It's amazing~~ 嗯 希望能帮到你

堂施15845316105问: 我有手机了用英语怎么说 -
越西县清胃回答: I've got a cell phone 美国英语 I've got a mobile phone 英国英语

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