
作者&投稿:储群 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

他说过他去过北京两次这句话用英语翻译He said he has been to Beiji...
have been to的意思是“过去到过而现在已返回”,它强调“最近的经历”,后可接次数,如once,twice,three times等,表示“去过某地几次”,也可和 just,never,ever等连用。如:My father has been to Beijing twice.我父亲去过北京两次。 I have never been to the Great Wall.我从未去过...

原句:His parents go to Beijing three times a week.(他的父母一个星期去三次北京。)否定句:His parents don't go to Beijing three times a week.(他的父母没有一个星期去三次北京。)英语中陈述句改为否定句怎么改?1、句中有be动词(am\/is\/are\/was\/were)的,在be动词后加not。如...

I‘ve been in Beijing twice,I went to Qingdao and Shanghai with my parents.

Every year countless tourists come to Beijing for sightseeing.I love my hometown Beijing.

汤姆已经去过北京好几次了用英语怎么说Tom has
汤姆已经去过北京好几次了 英文翻译 Tom has been to Beijing several times.

which month were you have been to beijing

My uncle flies to Beijing every month

她父母通常坐飞机去北京(三种) 英语
Her parents usually take the plane to Beijing .Her parents usually go to Beijing by plane.Her parents usually fly to Beijing .如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!

你好!我爸爸经常乘火车去北京 My father often go to Beijing by train

他去过北京两次,我也是 He has been to Beijing twice, so have I

墨哀18357463851问: 英语翻译,快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快
武穴市保欣回答: 1. The file tickets are sold out. 2. I've been to Beijing three times. 3. This teaching building has been in use for five years. 4. Last month, we stayed there for a week. 5. When we saw Kate again, we kept asking her many questions.

墨哀18357463851问: “我已去过北京三次.”用英语怎么说? -
武穴市保欣回答: I have been to Beijing three times.

墨哀18357463851问: 一道初中英语题(简单) -
武穴市保欣回答: 这道题只能选B.选A是不可以的.现在完成时的时间参照点是现,表示到现在为止已经完成的动作,.比如:我去过北京三次(缺省地指到现在为止):I have been to Beijing three times (by now...

墨哀18357463851问: 我妈妈一年去北京3到4次英文
武穴市保欣回答: 我妈妈一年去北京3到4次 My mother went to Beijing three to four times a year

墨哀18357463851问: 英语翻译1电影票都卖光了The film tickets___________________________________2我去过北京三次I've________________________________________... -
武穴市保欣回答:[答案] 1.The file tickets are sold out.2.I've been to Beijing three times.3.This teaching building has been in use for five years.4.Last month,we stayed there for a week.5.When we saw Kate again,we kept aski...

墨哀18357463851问: 我的妈妈一年去北京三到四次的英文句子怎么写 -
武穴市保欣回答: 我的妈妈一年去北京三到四次 My mother goes to Beijing three or four times a year.我的妈妈一年去北京三到四次 My mother goes to Beijing three or four times a year.

墨哀18357463851问: 有追加!英语老师请进,关于现在完成时的问题 -
武穴市保欣回答: 当然不能加for.for ...通常是表示一段持续的时间,用来回答How long,如:He has been in Beijing for three years.去过三次,是表示频率,用来回答How often.has/have been in...是一个表示持续动作的短语.表示短暂性的动作有borrow,marry,buy等.这些词不能和表示持续时间的for连用.

墨哀18357463851问: 英语问题 动词时态练习 -
武穴市保欣回答: 毫无争议,不知你想问什么1 此人20了,所以他10岁时的事情,当然全是过去时态 他8岁是个状态,所以was表示过去即可 而他8岁时已经知道一些中文了,所以过去完成时2 桑迪现在不在这儿,我想她在实验室 has gone 说话时所指人物正在那儿,即lab has been 说话时所指人物不一定在,但曾经去过 如:I have been to Beijing three times. 我去过北京三次.(但我现在不在北京.)3 when后接一般现在时表将来

墨哀18357463851问: 一个英语填空题 -
武穴市保欣回答: 不能填tried the third time解释:1. the third time是一个连词短语,只能引导时间状语从句.如:He wasn't in the third time I went to his home.我第三次去他家的时候,他不在家.2. 如果要单...

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