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斯马特先生正要吃面条。可翻译为:Mr. Smart was about to eat noodles.相关短语:be about to do,正要做某事。

Shut up and chew when eating food. Don't lick or smack your lips. You may leave food to cool before eating it instead of blowing it with your mouth if it's too hot. Roll up noodles before eating them and then put them into your mouth.Cover your mouth with a handkerchief...

我的妈妈明天早上要吃面条。noodle 英 [ˈnuːd(ə)l] 美 [ˈnuːd(ə)l]n. 面条;<非正式>笨蛋,蠢人;<非正式>人头,脑袋 v. <美,非正式>(随意地)拨弄乐器;<美,非正式>(随意地)思考,酝酿;<澳,非正式>搜寻(蛋白石等)[ 复数 noodles 第...

I like noodles very much.OR Noodles are my favorate food.没必要把“吃”翻译出来,个人意见!我在午饭时吃面条,用英语怎样翻译?I have noodles for lunch.早上,我吃面条(用英语怎么说?)I have noodles every morning.(每天早上,一般现在时)I had noodles this m锭rning.(今天早上,过去时...

理解为过去式:We ate noddles for lunch.理解为将来式:We'll have noddles for lunch.


I eat a lot of noodles.我吃很多面

我很饿,想吃面条,翻译为i am hungry and i want noodles,希望可以帮助到你,谢谢。

There is only some noodles left in the refrigerator today, and I have to eat them.I have been eating noodles for three days, and I won't want to have that any more.

I often watch TV after dinner.I ate rice and vegetable last night.I am going to eat noodles tommorrow evening.Li Ming is going to fly the kite in the park tommorrow afternoon.楼上机翻

犹谢15210067369问: “我正在吃饭”用英语怎么说?是 I am having lunch 吗? -
荣成市优力回答: I am having lunch是我在吃午饭, 表达正在吃饭的意思,以下三种均可: I'm eating(这种最口语化,通常是和熟悉的人说) I'm having dinner.(dinner是正餐,这种是比较正式的表达) I'm having a meal.(这种是最一般的说法)

犹谢15210067369问: 吃面条用英语怎么写 -
荣成市优力回答: eat noodles

犹谢15210067369问: 吃面条用英文怎么写 -
荣成市优力回答: have\eat noodles 面条不可数,你想加some\the也行,老师不会批错的.

犹谢15210067369问: 早上,我吃面条(用英语怎么说?) -
荣成市优力回答: I have noodles every morning.(每天早上,一般现在时) I had noodles this morning.(今天早上,过去时)

犹谢15210067369问: 正在吃饭 翻译成英语是...? -
荣成市优力回答: 正在吃饭 最简单的翻译就是:Eating I am eating. 我正在吃饭~

犹谢15210067369问: 我正在吃饭用英语翻译成i was having dinner 为什么不翻译成i was having a meal?
荣成市优力回答: meal是饭菜、膳食的总称、是一个高度概念化的泛泛而谈的东西,而你正在吃的不能是一个概念,而是具体的早餐、晚餐或者中餐.就像穿了件什么衣服不能用clothing(衣服的总称),而应该用具体的如:shirt,suit等具体的衣服.

犹谢15210067369问: 我在午饭时吃面条,用英语怎样翻译? -
荣成市优力回答:[答案] I have noodles for lunch.

犹谢15210067369问: 我很喜欢吃面条用英语怎么说 -
荣成市优力回答: I like noodles very much. OR Noodles are my favorate food. 没必要把“吃”翻译出来,个人意见!

犹谢15210067369问: 我喜欢吃面条英语怎么读? -
荣成市优力回答: 我喜欢吃面条. I like noodles. I like eating noodles.

犹谢15210067369问: 英语翻译1.我想吃面条.2.他想吃什么?3.他喜欢牛肉西红柿面.4.你喜欢吃那种肉?我喜欢吃羊肉5.你想要多大碗的面条?我想要中碗的面条6.你想要吃些鱼肉... -
荣成市优力回答:[答案] I would like to have some noodles.What would he like to eat?He like to have beef tomato noodles.What kind of meat would you like?I would like the lamb.What size of bowl of noodles would you like?I wou...

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