
作者&投稿:朱弯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

我有一个梦想英语:I have a dream 。英语(英文:English)是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗的海半岛的Anglia。该语言与弗里斯兰语和...

写英语作文 我有一个梦想
英文:I have a dream, that is a doctor. Because doctors can relieve pain for patients, life-saving. Enthusiasm for the patients they serve are so selfless! So I want to be a doctor.中文:我有一个梦想,就是当医生。因为医生可以为病人减轻痛苦,救死扶伤。他们热情地为患者服务是...

英语作文带翻译:I Have A Dream 我有一个梦想
I have a dream that one day our world will live as one big happy family. Humans will break down the prejudices of class, religion and race, as well as any other prejudices that have retained us apart. We will understand that we are all brothers sharing a common planet.我有...

too.So we are good friends.I want to be a doctor when I see many doctors save their patients.To be a doctor is really great.I think I can be a doctor when I grow up.Then I can help


树立信念,让青春开花,放飞梦想,让青春飞翔,我要为自己的青春梦想勇往直前。下面就由我为你分享,欢迎欣赏。篇【1】Ladies and Gentlemen , Good afternoon! I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech.Do you have a gole in our life?Do you often dream your own dream...

我有一个梦想 I Have a Dream When I was small, I like to eat candy so much, I would always ask my parents to buy candy for me. In order to eat all kinds of candies, I wanted to open a candy shop when I grew up, this is my dream. Now I still hold that dream, ...

翻译:我有一个美好的梦想。我想成为一名教师。我认为教师是一种伟大的职业,因为老师能教孩子很多事情。老师知道很多事情,有大量的知识。我喜欢孩子,所以我想成为一名教师。有一天,我梦见我成了一名中文老师, 在课堂上, 我有很多学生,他们喜欢学习知识。他们能写很棒的汉字书法,我非常爱他们。我想,在未来...

我有一个梦想 写一篇英语作文 怎么写
我有一个梦想 I Have A Dream Everyone has their dreams in heart. So do I. I dream of being a ping pong player, because I like playing table-tennis very much. Ping pong is the most popular sport in our country. Our country wins almost all gold medals in Olympic Games. I ...

the road to success is to open in the flowers. So, I will study hard, work hard to achieve my dream and work hard. I believe that the dream though very far away, but as long as the stick to action to realize there will be one day!请按一下采纳哦~O(∩_∩)O谢谢~

藤岚18627747089问: 我有一个梦想英语作文 -
林芝地区管通回答: I have a dream, that is, one day my parents get old, they will not have any diseases, any pains or any sorrow. They will live happily until the day they have to leave for the other world. There's always plenty of sunshine in their everyday life. This is my ...

藤岚18627747089问: 大学英语作文 我有一个梦想. -
林芝地区管通回答: everyone has their dreams in heart. so do i. i dream of being a ping pong player, because i like playing table-tennis very much. ping pong is the most popular sport in our country. our country wins almost all gold medals in olympic games. i play ping ...

藤岚18627747089问: 我有一个梦想 写一篇英语作文 怎么写 -
林芝地区管通回答: 我有一个梦想 I Have A DreamEveryone has their dreams in heart. So do I. I dream of being a ping pong player, because I like playing table-tennis very much. Ping pong is the most popular sport in our country. Our country wins almost all gold ...

藤岚18627747089问: 求大神写英语作文My dream一百词左右带翻译,谢谢 -
林芝地区管通回答: I have a dream,which is very simple and normal,is to be a kindergarener.I have this dream since I was young.I want to be a teacher that can communicate with little boys and girls,looking theirs simplehearted laugh and lovely little face.The reason I ...

藤岚18627747089问: 英语作文有一个梦想是有用的100字左右 -
林芝地区管通回答: 百度是干什么的呢?让我来告诉你 我有一个梦想英语作文 作文题目叫“我有一个梦想”和大学生活有关,水平不要太高,字数在120左右,对未来的憧憬那种风格就好,最好还有中文,要不我看不懂- -# 红妆对镜残2210 其他 2014-09-...

藤岚18627747089问: 英语作文my dream100字要求1讲述我的梦想2如何实现 -
林芝地区管通回答: My DreamDifferent people have different dreams. So do I. I do want to be a teacher when I grow up because I am outgoing and I like kids very much. I am also interested in reading and I like helping others. If I am a teacher, I will help my students ...

藤岚18627747089问: I have a dream英语作文我们要写我有一个梦想的英语作文 -
林芝地区管通回答:[答案] My Dream Everyone has a dream.Now I'll talk about my dream.What is my dream?I often ask myself.To my mind,everyone should have his own dream.I think that we have dream meaning we have a ideal,then we ...

藤岚18627747089问: 写一篇我有一个梦想英语作文,80到100词 -
林芝地区管通回答: 父亲一直为我做着坚强的后盾.我退缩了,他给我加油;我失败了,他给我鼓励……有时,我觉得爸爸不够关心我,可仔细一想,他为我做得还真不少啊! 刚上小学时,我对作文是完全没有概念的,老师让记一件事或一个人时,大多是用寥寥...

藤岚18627747089问: my dream英语作文100词左右初中水平简单点 -
林芝地区管通回答: Each people all have own dream, each man's dreams are great, happiness, a long. It is dream took us to we want to go to every place, do we want to do every thing. Dream give every man for his own goal to strive, to strive, to strive, to exploit. ...

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