
作者&投稿:秦高 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英语写作误用中文标点符号的分析及对策 标点符号大全及用法
汉语对英语学习的影响不仅表现在发音、词句以及篇章结构方面。在标点符号方面,汉语标点符号的用法对中国学生的英语学习也产生了一定影响。学生的英语作文中常常会出现一些“中式”的错误。本文就学生在英语写作中误用中文标点的常见情况进行分析并探讨一下原因及策略。英语学习 汉语标点 常见情况 一、标点符号...

The moment I was praised by my mother My mother is the best person in my eyes. When I finished homework, my mother praised me. She said, ‘You're a struggling boy.’After finished, I washed dishes and my mother praised me again. She said, ‘You're a good boy.’...

虽然中文里也有被动式的含义,但与英语里被动式表达方式完全不同。英语里的被动式要求有助动词be和一个变异的过去分词形式,其中这个助动词带有时态和人称数量信息,中文里需要使用诸如“被”、“使”、“让”等词语,不需要有不规则的动词形式。 4. 帮我检查一下英语作文,语法错误什么的十万感激假如你是新华中学 xin...


Hanjiang River is very clean with very cold water. 汉江很凉和清 We can see fishes swimming in the river.我们能看见很多鱼在河里 In the evening, many people dance at Zhongshan park.在晚上,很多人在中山公园跳舞 Yujinxincheng is the highest building in Laohekou.玉锦新城是老河口最高...

Everyone has their own dreams, I am the same. But my dream is not a lawyer, not a doctor, not actors, not even an industry. Perhaps my dream big people will find it ridiculous, but this has been my pursuit! My dream is to want to have a folk life! I want it to ...

如果他们不能照顾好自己,他们的学习成绩将在很大程度上受到影响。最后但并非最不重要,出国留学可能会对学生的心理产生负面影响。众所周知,出国留学等于长时间远离家人和朋友,这很可能使留学生产生一些心理问题,如孤僻和沮丧。From what has been mentioned above, we can easily come to the conclusion...

最后但并非最不重要的是要多说。学习语言的基本目的就是进行沟通。因此,尽可能多的用英语交谈。不要担心丢脸,因为每个人都会犯错误的。这些就是我的方法。我推荐: 教你如何写出高分英语作文 优秀英语日记50字带翻译 1、Today, I saw a roadside beggar. He is a middle-aged man, only two ...

可以去http;\/\/www.eslcafe.com 帮助你的英语作文水平

·全球变暖所能确定的并公开的最大威胁,是冰河时代的突然降临。对这一结果不了解的朋友,可以去看一下《后天》这部电影,其内容就是讲述冰河时代降临的恐怖。但这部片子只做成了灾难片,而几乎没有起到多大教育意义。我都只有在看第二遍时才察觉到在电影开头时,讲到了全球变暖和冰河时代的关系。跛脚的美国灾难片; ...

解邱13096709521问: 英语作文急求一篇关于:你犯过最大的错误是什么,你从中学到了什么? -
呼伦贝尔市柳酚回答:[答案] the biggest mistake i got before is wasting my time.that is happened when i was in junior school.most students were preparing their final exam hardly on that time except me.i felt so lazy and did not ...

解邱13096709521问: 英语作文巜我犯了错误 -
呼伦贝尔市柳酚回答: once I made a mistake,I went out to a distance place to play after school without telling my family,and I lost my purse also,when I got back home ,my father did not beat me,but to took out a news paper and read a ariticle to me ,it is about a student who was killed by criminal.I remember it and thank my father.

解邱13096709521问: 英语作文,我犯的一个错误在小学,带汉语 -
呼伦贝尔市柳酚回答: my dream I have a dream,it is very nice.I want to be a singer ,because I like singing ,and I sing very well .My friends like my voice ,they say it sounds very nice . If I be a singer ,I want to help the poor, espercailly poor children .I want to help them go to ...

解邱13096709521问: 我对错误的看法 英语作文 -
呼伦贝尔市柳酚回答: My View on Mistakes 我对错误的看法 Mistakes are something done, said, or believed, as a result of wrong thinking or understanding, lack of knowledge or skills. No one is perfect, and no one never makes any mistakes.Because many people ...

解邱13096709521问: 我犯的第一次错误 英语作文 -
呼伦贝尔市柳酚回答:[答案] During the summer vacation,I went to the countryside to grandma's house.One sunny morning,a group of small sparrows ... thinking:if caught him how wonderful it.So I used the gown,chair.Have great trouble to catch it.Later,I found a milk box,above dug a ...

解邱13096709521问: 急需一篇“对于错误的认识”的英语作文 -
呼伦贝尔市柳酚回答: Mistakes Mistakes and errors are the discipline through which we advance in life.Mistakes are great teachers. Success comes to those who are willing to risk making mistakes in the pursuit of their goals and aspirations, and who are able to learn ...

解邱13096709521问: 英语作文 请指出我的英语错误并麻烦丰富一下 -
呼伦贝尔市柳酚回答: 错误:Please will write to me soon这个句子有错误:无主语,可以这么改:加一个主语You或去掉will丰富:①第一句:改为I am a boy whose name is Zhang Hong. ②I am interested in enjoying English music.可以改为:I am very pleased when...

解邱13096709521问: 大家帮忙看下我的英语作文,帮我改下,可能会有很多错误,越快越好! -
呼伦贝尔市柳酚回答: A survey shows that about 20% of the students have a bad habit of not having breakfast.That's because lots of students always stay up for studying,so they get up late,and have no time to eat breakfast.For anther reason, some parents give money ...

解邱13096709521问: 求两篇命题英文作文(紧急)!求两篇英文作文:我见过的最大的一场雪(The heaviest Snow I have ever seen),一次错误给我的教训(A Lesson of My ... -
呼伦贝尔市柳酚回答:[答案] It has been snowing for almost 24 hours.This is the heaviest snow I have ever seen.In the morning,when I looked outside my window near my bed,I found the snow fallig as heavily as flour being poued fr...

解邱13096709521问: 大家看看我写的英语作文,声明:我写英语作文不是很好,错误可能比较多,希望大家帮我改进,找出错误.Every has own difficulty,we should face to them.... -
呼伦贝尔市柳酚回答:[答案] 文章立意不错!不过句子比较生硬,这或许与你的单词量有关,比如第一句改为everyone has his own shortage 更好些.平时多背单词,背一些简单的小文章,对你会有很大提高,加油!

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