
作者&投稿:针玉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

在早中晚餐的动词要用have 和for吗
通常在表示三餐的名词前用动词 have,如,have breakfast\/lunch \/supper, 表示用餐。但如果要说明三餐吃了什么,我们就会在have后用上食品的名称for三餐,如早餐吃了面包鸡蛋,就说成 have some bread and eggs for breakfast,午饭是炒饭 :have some fried rice for lunch,晚饭吃面条:have some noo...


她晚餐想吃面条吗的英文:She would like to eat noodles for dinner?

Do you like noodle for dinner?

从周一到周五,我妈妈为家人做晚餐 我经常晚餐吃面条 周末我和爸爸一起...
From Monday to Friday, my mother cook dinner for my family.I often eat noodles for dinner. At weekends, I cook dinner with my father. I have dinner at seven o'clock in the evening every day.望采纳。

求一篇 关于你早餐.中餐和晚餐吃什么的 英语作文、。。
and a piece of bread for breakfast.But for lunch,I prefer to have pizza.Sometimes I have noodles.And for dinner I usually have rice,meat,fish and vegetable. 我一般喝一杯牛奶,吃了一块面包当早餐。但是吃午饭,我更喜欢吃比萨饼有时我吃面条。我和吃饭通常吃米饭、肉、鱼和蔬菜。

milk and a piece of bread for breakfast.but for lunch,i prefer to have pizza.sometimes i have noodles.and for dinner i usually have rice,meat,fish and vegetable.我一般喝一杯牛奶,吃了一块面包当早餐。但是吃午饭,我更喜欢吃比萨饼有时我吃面条。我和吃饭通常吃米饭、肉、鱼和蔬菜。

We have bread, chicken and milk for breakfast. Eat dumplings and noodles for lunch. Dinner to eat rice, vegetables and meat 我们家早餐吃面包,鸡肉和牛奶。午餐吃饺子和面条。晚餐吃米饭,蔬菜和meat 如果对您有帮助 请采纳 谢谢

英文:Turns on the water the ebullition to boil thoroughly the first surface, is putting the thing which one like eating, may put the egg and some pork and the minced green onion, moreover do not fet that adds the seasoning powder! 怎样煮面条英语作文 First put some water into the pot ,...

and a piece of bread for breakfast.But for lunch,I prefer to have pizza.Sometimes I have noodles.And for dinner I usually have rice,meat,fish and vegetable.我一般喝一杯牛奶,吃了一块面包当早餐。但是吃午饭,我更喜欢吃比萨饼有时我吃面条。我和吃饭通常吃米饭、肉、鱼和蔬菜。

隆德15531322664问: 介绍自己一日三餐吃什么 用英语 -
昭苏县昊畅回答:[答案] I have milk and bread for breakfast.早晨我吃面包和牛奶. I have rice and meat for lunch.午餐我吃米饭和肉. I have noodles for supper.晚餐我吃面条.

隆德15531322664问: 晚上吃面条的英语怎么写? -
昭苏县昊畅回答: Having/eating noodles tonight/in the evening. 反斜杠表示前后两个单词都可以,选用其一即可.

隆德15531322664问: 星期一我午饭吃饺子和西瓜 星期一我晚饭吃面和菜用英语怎么说 -
昭苏县昊畅回答: 星期一我午饭吃饺子和西瓜 On Monday I had dumplings and watermelon for lunch.星期一我晚饭吃面和菜 On Monday I had noodles and vegetables for supper.希望帮到你,祝你天天开心!^_^

隆德15531322664问: 我晚饭想吃面条用英语怎么说 -
昭苏县昊畅回答:[答案] 楼主,你好I want to have noddle in dinner望采纳!

隆德15531322664问: 我每天晚饭吃一些西红柿面条.用英语怎么写? -
昭苏县昊畅回答: I have some tomato noodles every supper

隆德15531322664问: 星期一我午饭吃饺子和西瓜 星期一我晚饭吃面和菜用英语怎么说On Monday开头的 西瓜是melone -
昭苏县昊畅回答:[答案] 星期一我午饭吃饺子和西瓜 On Monday I had dumplings and watermelon for lunch. 星期一我晚饭吃面和菜 On Monday I had noodles and vegetables for supper.

隆德15531322664问: 英语翻译我经常在晚饭后看电视昨天晚上我吃的晚饭是米饭和蔬菜明天晚上晚饭我打算吃面条李明打算明天下午去公园放风筝 -
昭苏县昊畅回答:[答案] I often watch TV after dinnerLast night I ate dinner is rice and vegetablesI intend to eat dinner tomorrow night noodlesMing intends to fly a kite to the park tomorrow afternoon

隆德15531322664问: 我每天晚上经常吃面条的英语 -
昭苏县昊畅回答: 我每天晚上经常吃面条 I often have noodles in the evening.

隆德15531322664问: 我在吃晚餐英文怎么写 -
昭苏县昊畅回答: 我在吃晚餐 I am having dinner.更多释义>> [网络短语] 我的父母在吃晚餐 my parents at eating dinner 我在飞机上吃晚餐 I have dinner in the aircraft

隆德15531322664问: 吃晚餐、用英语怎么说?我需要准确和实用的英语! -
昭苏县昊畅回答:[答案] 晚餐一般用dinner表达 我们正在吃晚餐 We are having dinner.

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