
作者&投稿:应红 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

今天晚上吃面条怎么样? 用英语说两种
What about having noodles for dinner ?Shall we have noodles for dinner ?祝学习进步,天天快乐!满意请采纳!谢谢!:)

您想问的是我们吃一些面条吗?英语怎么说吗?Shall we have some noodles英语(英语:English)是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗的海...

我很饿,想吃面条,翻译为i am hungry and i want noodles,希望可以帮助到你,谢谢。

I'm so hungry that I wanna have noodles。

从周一到周五,我妈妈为家人做晚餐 我经常晚餐吃面条 周末我和爸爸一起...
From Monday to Friday, my mother cook dinner for my family.I often eat noodles for dinner. At weekends, I cook dinner with my father. I have dinner at seven o'clock in the evening every day.望采纳。

急急急! 明天还要交的作业:“晚上我爷爷几乎不吃面条”的英文是什么啊...
hardly ever 我的外祖父晚上几乎从不吃面条。这种题,你可以翻英语书,那个单元的单词或许有这样的词组,老师上课也会讲的,做好笔记,到时候找起就会很容易。你应该读初二或者初一吧。这个,我有印象。

我很喜欢吃面条用英语的说法是:I like noodles very much。I like的其他造句:1、I like my basketball very much 。译文:我非常喜欢篮球。2、I like collecting stamps。译文:我喜欢收集邮票。3、I like dancing。译文:我喜欢跳舞。4、I like apples。译文:我喜欢苹果。

我跳跳绳,吃面条,唱歌,打篮球,制作蛋糕 The following things take up most of my time on sundays: jumping rope, taking noodles, singsing songs, playing basketball and making a cake.以下是我的周日日常:跳绳、吃面条、唱歌、打篮球和做蛋糕。

I like noodles in the morning, I like rice and chicken at noon, I like rice, fish and vegetables at night.

大明和李林去餐馆吃饭,大明吃饺子,李林吃面条,他们每人一杯可乐,一共花330元。Daming and Li Lin went to the restaurant for dinner, Daming ate dumplings, and Li Lin ate noodles. They each cost a glass of Coke for a total of 330 yuan.

洪戚15934349098问: 晚上吃面条的英语怎么写? -
云龙区天宁回答: Having/eating noodles tonight/in the evening. 反斜杠表示前后两个单词都可以,选用其一即可.

洪戚15934349098问: 吃面条用英文怎么写 -
云龙区天宁回答: have\eat noodles 面条不可数,你想加some\the也行,老师不会批错的.

洪戚15934349098问: 用英语写今天吃的食物(早上,中午,晚上) -
云龙区天宁回答: l drink a bottle of milk and have a loaf of bread for breakfast.l eat noodles for lunch.l eat some chicken wings and rice for dinner.

洪戚15934349098问: 我每天晚上经常吃面条的英语 -
云龙区天宁回答: 我每天晚上经常吃面条 I often have noodles in the evening.

洪戚15934349098问: 我们家早餐吃面包,鸡肉和牛奶.午餐吃饺子和面条.晚餐吃米饭,蔬菜和meat的英文 -
云龙区天宁回答: We have bread, chicken and milk for breakfast. Eat dumplings and noodles for lunch. Dinner to eat rice, vegetables and meat 我们家早餐吃面包,鸡肉和牛奶.午餐吃饺子和面条.晚餐吃米饭,蔬菜和meat 如果对您有帮助 请采纳 谢谢

洪戚15934349098问: 星期一我午饭吃饺子和西瓜 星期一我晚饭吃面和菜用英语怎么说 -
云龙区天宁回答: 星期一我午饭吃饺子和西瓜 On Monday I had dumplings and watermelon for lunch.星期一我晚饭吃面和菜 On Monday I had noodles and vegetables for supper.希望帮到你,祝你天天开心!^_^

洪戚15934349098问: 英语翻译我每天早上吃蛋糕和牛奶,有时喝粥,中午吃饭还有鱼,鸡蛋,蔬菜等,到了晚上有时我会吃面条,比如牛肉面,当然多数是吃饭.我也会在中午吃汉... -
云龙区天宁回答:[答案] I eat cakes and milk every morning, sometimes Heyu, noon meal and fish, eggs, vegetables, sometimes in the evening I will eat noodles, such as beef noodle soup, of course, mostly eating. I will eat at noon Hamburg. My favorite food is eggs, because it ...

洪戚15934349098问: 吃一些面条的英语单词 -
云龙区天宁回答: 面条的英语单词是noodle,详细信息如下:noodle 英 [ˈnu:dl] 美 [ˈnudl] n.面条;傻子,笨蛋 vi.(乐师)弹拨乐器,(即兴)演奏;[口语]长时间地思考,反复酝酿 例句:he finished off two bowls of chicken noodle soup in no time.他很快吃完了两碗鸡汤面.we eat again this year on beihai pavilion noodle soup.我们今年又吃上了北海亭的清汤面啦.

洪戚15934349098问: 英语翻译我早上喜欢吃三明治,苹果,喝一杯牛奶.我中午喜欢吃西红柿,绿豆汤,米饭和鸡蛋.我晚上喜欢吃鸡腿,巧克力,意大利面等.我每天吃的食物都不... -
云龙区天宁回答:[答案] I early morning like eating the sandwich,the apple,drinks cup ofmilks.I noon like eating the tomato,the mung bean soup,the rice andthe egg.I evening like eating the chicken leg,the chocolate,theItalian surface and so on.I eat every day food is all dissimilar.

洪戚15934349098问: 英语翻译我经常在晚饭后看电视昨天晚上我吃的晚饭是米饭和蔬菜明天晚上晚饭我打算吃面条李明打算明天下午去公园放风筝 -
云龙区天宁回答:[答案] I often watch TV after dinnerLast night I ate dinner is rice and vegetablesI intend to eat dinner tomorrow night noodlesMing intends to fly a kite to the park tomorrow afternoon

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