
作者&投稿:谷沾 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

我想吃面条和果汁用英语说是I would like noodles and juice.吃面条的英文单词释义:eat the noodles;have some noodles;Eating noodles 吃面条的英文单词例句:1、他真的非常喜欢吃面条。He does like to eat noodles.2、我宁愿吃面条也不吃米饭。I would rather have noodles than rice.3、她说:...

Today is Sunday.We are having dinner at home now. My grandmother is 78 years old. She likes to eat noodles. My father and mother prefer rice and vegetables. My sister and I like milk, juice , meat and rice.All of us have the favorite food ....

您好。为:I ate noodles and drank juice yesterday.

...我们有鸡蛋吗? 为了健康请吃面条米饭和蔬菜 翻译句子、
For your health, eat noodles, rice and vegetables.

所有 吃的 的英文单词
·果汁 甘蔗汁 Sugar cane juice酸梅汁 Plum juice杨桃汁 Star fruit juice青草茶 Herb juice ·点心牡蛎煎 Oyster omelet臭豆腐 Stinky tofu (Smelly tofu)油豆腐 Oily bean curd麻辣豆腐 Spicy hot bean curd虾片Prawn cracker虾球Shrimp balls春卷Spring rolls蛋卷Chicken rolls碗糕Salty rice pudding筒仔米糕 Rice ...

sunny side up 煎一面荷包蛋 over 煎两面荷包蛋 fried egg 煎蛋 over easy 煎半熟蛋 over hard 煎全熟蛋 scramble eggs 炒蛋 boiled egg 煮蛋 stone fire pot 石头火锅 sashi rib竹筷 sake rib米酒 miso shiru 味噌汤 roast meat 铁板烤肉 sashimi 生鱼片 butter 奶油 1 烹调方式 Cooking Method fried... ...

你好,我们是Bob和Nancy。我们喜欢运动。我们每天打篮球。我们早餐经常吃面包,牛奶和鸡蛋。午餐我们常吃面条,鱼和蔬菜。晚餐我们吃米饭,鸡肉和果汁。我们能跑很快,跳很高。你好,我们是 Bill 和May。我们早餐常吃蛋糕和牛奶,午餐和晚餐常吃汉堡,热狗和可乐。我们不吃蔬菜。我们喜欢看篮球赛,但是我们...

meat(肉),beef(牛肉),lamb(羊肉),pork(猪肉),chicken(鸡肉),noodles(面条,面食),vegetable(蔬菜),fruit(水果),milk(奶),bread 面包, ice cream 冰淇淋,salt 盐,oil 油,pepper 辣椒,juice 果汁,beer 啤酒,coffee 咖啡,记得的就这些了~...

Fruit:水果类(如苹果、香蕉等)以及水果制品如“Fruit juice”(果汁)。Beverage:饮料类,包括各种饮品如茶、咖啡等。有时特指非酒精饮料,例如果汁和矿泉水等。除了上述类别外,还有许多特定食品名称的英语单词,如Pizza(披萨)、Hamburger(汉堡)、Sandwich(三明治)、Cake(蛋糕)等。此...

On the day of our reunion I am going to have noodles, sweet-smelling rice and savory meat, and drink milk and juice, whilst you take your nutritious vegetables.

愚风19575518784问: 我想吃面条怎么用英语说 -
华龙区达维回答: I want to eat noodles.

愚风19575518784问: 我晚饭想吃面条用英语怎么说 -
华龙区达维回答:[答案] 楼主,你好I want to have noddle in dinner望采纳!

愚风19575518784问: 英语翻译1.我想吃面条.2.他想吃什么?3.他喜欢牛肉西红柿面.4.你喜欢吃那种肉?我喜欢吃羊肉5.你想要多大碗的面条?我想要中碗的面条6.你想要吃些鱼肉... -
华龙区达维回答:[答案] I would like to have some noodles.What would he like to eat?He like to have beef tomato noodles.What kind of meat would you like?I would like the lamb.What size of bowl of noodles would you like?I wou...

愚风19575518784问: 我想吃面包鸡蛋牛奶和果汁的英语怎么说用拼音写出来 -
华龙区达维回答:[答案] 英语i want to eat bread ,egg and drink milk,juice 拼音ai wangt tu yite bulaide aige ande junke miuke jiusi 汉字:爱王特 兔 意特 不来德、爱个 安德 军可 缪可 就司

愚风19575518784问: 1.我想吃中餐!英语怎么说还有:2.我想喝一杯果汁!英语怎么说3.我需要一点钱打电话!英语怎么说? -
华龙区达维回答:[答案] 1.I want to eat Chinese food! 2.I want to drink a cup of fruit juice! 3.I need a little money to phone!

愚风19575518784问: 1.我想吃中餐! 英语怎么说 -
华龙区达维回答: 1. I want to eat Chinese food! 2. I want to drink a cup of fruit juice! 3. I need a little money to phone!

愚风19575518784问: I want to have some noodles怎么翻译 -
华龙区达维回答: I want to have some noodles 我想吃面条

愚风19575518784问: 我想吃面包鸡蛋牛奶和果汁的英语怎么说用拼音写出来 -
华龙区达维回答: 英语i want to eat bread ,egg and drink milk,juice 拼音ai wangt tu yite bulaide aige ande junke miuke jiusi 汉字:爱王特 兔 意特 不来德、爱个 安德 军可 缪可 就司

愚风19575518784问: 我想要一些米饭,果汁,牛奶,面包,的英语句子 -
华龙区达维回答: I want some rice, juice,milk and bread.

愚风19575518784问: drink是喝和饮料的意思.那么我想喝饮料怎么写,是i want to drink drink吗? -
华龙区达维回答: 如果是想喝点东西可以说 I want to have a drink I want to drink something 有特指想喝的,比如饮料的话 I wanna have a soda 喝啤酒 have a beer 以此类推 当然你说 I want to drink beer语法上也没毛病,只不过口语上通常不这么表达 不会出现 I want to drink a drink 这种情况.且“喝”什么,一般用have,而不常用drink 当然也看语境 比如妈妈对孩子说:喝你的果汁! 就会说Drink your juice!

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