
作者&投稿:夕备 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英语怎么说 我要上厕所
2. I want to wash my hands.你在同女生吃饭的时候有没有注意过她们说“我去洗下手”?这句话隐含的意思也是“我要上厕所”。在英语中这句话就是“I want to wash my hands.”女生说得更客气的一句话是“I need to powder my nose.”,是很含蓄的说法。 而“I want\/need to go (or ...

另外,“去洗手间”还有几个女士常用语:1. I need to powder my nose.powder my nose 是一句女士们常用的话。原义指的是“扑个粉”,比较隐晦地指“去上厕所”。引申一下,“powder room”也就指代女士们的“卫生间,厕所”的意思了,但注意,只限口语表达哦。2. I'm gonna go to the ...


toilet, (涛累特) 直接对老外说这个词就明白了。

英语翻译为:Excuse me, just a moment, I need to use the restroom.其中Excuse me是对不起或者不好意思,用于开头;just a moment的意思是稍等一会儿。need用作实义动词的基本意思是缺少急切需要的东西,强调急需。need是及物动词,可接名词、代词、动词不定式、动名词作宾语,也可接以动词不定式或...


想去厕所,精致的女孩子如何优雅表达?Excuse me, I have to powder my nose.Sorry, I drunk a lot. I have to urinate.Have I got time to go for a pee before we leave?Lily took a tinkle.第三种和第四种常用于询问小孩子是否需要上厕所。Wait a minute, I have to go answer the ...

上厕所的英语be going to the bathroom.上厕所用英语可以说 "go to the bathroom","go to the bathroom" 是表达上厕所的一种常用方式,尤其在英语国家和英语环境中。这个短语简单明了,容易被他人理解。通过这个表达,我们可以向其他人传达我们需要就近找一个洗手间或卫生间的意思。在日常生活中,...


excuse me, I want to go to the toilet, where is it

柘豪19139919253问: 我想去厕所 用英语怎么说 -
南海区澳舒回答:[答案] 我想去厕所 I want to go to the bathroom I'm just going to spend a penny (美式英语) I need to use the toilet

柘豪19139919253问: “我想去洗手间”用英语怎么说?不要说去WC,toliet之类的,希望是文雅的说法~ -
南海区澳舒回答:[答案] Excuse me,I'd like to go to the restroom/washroom. 如果是女士的话,在特定场合可以说"I'd like to powder my nose."意思就是“我要去补妆”,这实际上就是“我去洗手间”的很委婉的说法.

柘豪19139919253问: 我想上厕所用英语怎么说呢? -
南海区澳舒回答: I am going to go to the bathroom

柘豪19139919253问: 〈〈〈我要去厕所〉〉用英语怎么说? -
南海区澳舒回答:[答案] wash one's hands (解手); answer the call of natureWhere's the bathroom?Where's the toilet?May I use the bathroom/toilet?(在别人家里作客,内急时用此句.)I just need to go to the bathroom.Where's the powd...

柘豪19139919253问: 英语,我要上厕所,怎麽说 -
南海区澳舒回答: 我要上厕所. I want to go to the toilet. I want to answer the call of nature.都可以的 希望可以帮到你 望采纳

柘豪19139919253问: 我想上厕所用英语怎么写? -
南海区澳舒回答: 译成英语是:I want to go to the toilet你的采纳 我的动力 希望我能继续帮助你

柘豪19139919253问: 去卫生间用英语怎么说 -
南海区澳舒回答: 1. I need to go somewhere. 听到这句话可千万别回答成:You can go anywhere you like.那可是要闹大笑话了.I need to go somewhere. 的意思就是“我要上厕所”.当有老外这么说的时候,指示给他卫生间在哪里就行了. 2. I want to wash my ...

柘豪19139919253问: 〈〈〈我要去厕所〉〉用英语怎么说?? -
南海区澳舒回答: wash one's hands (解手); answer the call of natureWhere's the bathroom? Where's the toilet?May I use the bathroom/toilet? (在别人家里作客,内急时用此句.) I just need to go to the bathroom. Where's the powder room?(女盥洗间)

柘豪19139919253问: 用英语说“我要去一下厕所”一般都怎么说的?
南海区澳舒回答: 1. Would you excuse me? (最简单) 2. Excuse me. I need to use the bathroom. 3. Excuse me. I need to go to the bathroom. 4. Excuse me. I need to wash my hands.

柘豪19139919253问: 老外是如何含蓄的表达想要去卫生间 -
南海区澳舒回答: 用英语委婉的表达“去卫生间”的说法有:1、I need to go somewhere.我要出去一下.2、I want to wash my hands.我想洗手(指想去上厕所).这句话隐含的意思也是“我要上厕所”.女生说得更客气的一句话是“I need to powder my nose.”...

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