
作者&投稿:晁蓓 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英语作文 介绍一下你如何去上学,乘坐何种交通工具,需要多长时间,家与...
Firstly, my home is not far away from my school. It takes me only twenty minutes to get to school. Secondly, the traffic on my way to school is heavy. There are a lot of bikes, buses and cars. I think...

4. 中学生如何去上学英语作文100字 How do middle school students go to school?First of all, middle school students can go to school by bus or on foot. There is also letting parents send. There are also some children who ride their own bikes. Go to school .There are some ...

going to school 英语作文50字
Dad told me to walk carefully next time.翻译:昨天下了一场小雨,所以天气变得很冷。今天早上我和父亲正步行去上学。我感到非常兴奋。我跳过了。我在靠近学校车库的时候摔倒了 .爸爸叫我下次要小心地走路。【二】🌸🌸🌸案例来咯 英语作文:I'm a middle school student....

就说自己骑自行车去上学,遇到红灯停,绿灯行操作就35个字哦。比如I go to school by bike every morning. When the light is red, I stop. And when the light is green , I go on. I usually get to the school at half past seven.

Hello,my name is li Hua.I have many hobbies(爱好).I like watching TV, play computer games and do my homework. I think it's very funny(好玩的,有趣的).I usually walk(步行) to school.I study(学习) at school last week(上周). I feel really interesting(有趣的)...

英语作文以 走路去上学 为题80词
Many students go to school by taxi, by bus , by car or by bike. But only a few students go to school on foot.I think go to school on foot it's better than others ways. There are some reasons.First, students always have no time to do sports because the busy school ...

My name is Nick.I was born in Kaifeng in Jone ,1994. I started school in 2000 .I studied in Xiwang Primary School from 2000 to 2006.After that I went to No.1 Middle School of Kaifeng.In 2009, I entered Zhengzhou High School.I like computer and English best and I'm ...

您好:I live near my school.So I usually go to school on foot.I think walking to school is a good way to exercise body.Because I walk to school every day,I'm stonger than before.Sometimes I go to school by bike because I'm nearly late for school.But I don't like ...

走着走着,我发现草叶上有几颗晶莹的小露珠。这时候,风娃娃飞快地走过来,小露珠赶紧跳进草地里,不见了。我想,他们大概是在玩捉迷藏吧!风娃娃飞到 草地上仔细地寻找,可最后没找到,他失望地离开了。一天早上,我背着书包高高兴兴的去上学。这时,晨雾还在飘荡,蒙蒙胧胧,走在路上,如同走在先...

Nowadays,there are many ways students used to go to school.The most common one is to be fetched by their parents.However,it has became a showing off of how rich the family is by driving a luxurious car or even the most exaggerate one is by helicopter.This will certainly spoil...

驷超18877083746问: 英语作文(我怎样去上学)初一作文 -
炉霍县盐酸回答:[答案] Everyday morning ,I get up at 6:30,after washing face and hands and eating breakfast,I prepare to go to school. First I should be sure everything I ought to take have been taken.After this I begin to ...

驷超18877083746问: 我是怎么去上学的,用一英语作文,还有中文 -
炉霍县盐酸回答: help after school to candid photos of metropolis. To date, the most recent, the clearest. Cheng Chengxian is not allowed, so people thought I was his admirers! I'm not anthomaniac...... How would you eat a month of ice cream? Turnover!

驷超18877083746问: 英语作文《你如何去上学》不少于50词 -
炉霍县盐酸回答: Nowadays,there are many ways students used to go to school.The most common one is to be fetched by their parents.However,it has became a showing off of how rich the family is by driving a luxurious car or even the most exaggerate one is by ...

驷超18877083746问: 我是怎么去上学的英文作文20词 -
炉霍县盐酸回答: 6am, I get up, eat breakfast, I happily go to school carrying a bag. At this time, the morning fog still floating, Mengmenglonglong, walking on the road, like walking in the same territory earlier. there is one kilometer from my home to the school , I found ...

驷超18877083746问: 帮手写一篇'你怎样去上学'的英语作文只要100词左右就行啦! -
炉霍县盐酸回答:[答案] Everyday morning i go to school by bike . My home is far from school. But sometimes it is raining outside , i must change the way how can i go to school. So maybe i take the bus or take the taxi to school. I always think that if my home is near school . I will ...

驷超18877083746问: 介绍自己如何上学 英语作文 -
炉霍县盐酸回答:[答案] Different people have different ways to go to school.I often go to school on foot.Why do I choose this way to get there?There are several reasons for that.Firstly,walking to school is not only a way t...

驷超18877083746问: 英语我怎样,去上学五十字.作文. -
炉霍县盐酸回答: I am a student of Grade five. My father and mother are very busy, so I usually go to school on foot with my good friends. But sometimes, my father or mother takes me to go to school in bad wether. It's rainy today, so my mother takes me to go to school .

驷超18877083746问: 初中英语作文 用E mail的形式介绍你怎样去上学,急急急急急!!! -
炉霍县盐酸回答: hello,i'mxxx,I go to school at six o'clock hou do I go to school?i usually go to school by bike but I sometimes walk to school.

驷超18877083746问: 关于怎样去上学的英语作文 -
炉霍县盐酸回答:[答案] Nowadays,there are many ways students used to go to school.The most common one is to be fetched by their parents.However,it has became a showing off of how rich the family is by driving a luxurious ca...

驷超18877083746问: 怎样去上学的英语作文40词左右加翻译 -
炉霍县盐酸回答: How to Go toSchool I have three good friends, Wang Ming, Li Hua and Zhang Ying. However each of us goes to school in a different way. I go to school on foot, for my home is not far from the school. Wang Ming goes to school by bike. It takes him ...

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