
作者&投稿:夫裘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Hello, my name is…. I am a student and I like blue color. My favorite sports is basketball, I like eating watermelon.

i am 12 years old.i like playing computer games.it is very interesting.i also like playing badminton.i like watermelon and banana.i think they are delicious.---要多长啊?如果不够,就给我发消息.

of water.watermelon has two colors,green outside and red inside.people usually have watermelons in summer.but nowadays we can eat watermelon every season in the year.西瓜是很多人喜欢的食物.它很甜而且水量多.西瓜的颜色,外面是绿的里面是红的.人们以往通常在夏天才吃西瓜,但现在一年的...

I’d like some watermelons

当你想吃西瓜时 你要 用英语回答
When you want to eat watermelons, you should

2、词典不离手 当在学习高三英语的时候,遇到不会的单词就要查,看到相近的单词分不清也得查明白,不要求自己一遍记住,就看一看给自己一个印象,大概一个单词你查五遍的时候就能记住了。另外,一定要看英文解释!这个是避免完形填空选项中英语翻译发生歧义很有用的方法,希望能够帮助到大家。3、英语...

这三句话用英语怎么写,如题 谢谢了
Jia Wei spent some time on playing in my family. Jia wei likes eating watermelon. Everything can not prevent me going head. 希望以上可以帮到你!

吃西瓜 Eat watermelon 猪八戒吃西瓜 Zhu bajie eats watermelon ; Pig eating watermelon ; The zhubajie eats the watermelon

Mon., May 9 Clear A watermelon Got a present of a watermelon cooled down in the well(在井里冷却过的)from my next-door neighbour. As I was very thirsty, enjoyed it very much. They say the watermelons have turned out very well this summer due to the dry weather....


星娥18038073902问: 我喜欢吃西瓜翻译英语 -
鄂伦春自治旗久强回答: I like to eat watermelons.

星娥18038073902问: 我喜欢吃西瓜它是红色的他是甜的的英文 -
鄂伦春自治旗久强回答: 我喜欢吃西瓜它是红色的他是甜的 英文:I like to eat watermelon. It's red, it's sweet.

星娥18038073902问: 吃西瓜用英语怎么说 -
鄂伦春自治旗久强回答:[答案] 吃西瓜 Eating watermelon

星娥18038073902问: 想问几个英语怎么读
鄂伦春自治旗久强回答: 1 I like English. But the old school will not. 2 My expertise is the violin. 3 I like to eat watermelon, it should be Hentian. 4 I hope that after a non-issue. Also requested the students advice.

星娥18038073902问: 如果你喜欢吃西瓜用英语怎么说 -
鄂伦春自治旗久强回答: If you like to eat watermelon. If you like eating watermelon.Do you like to eat watermelon?

星娥18038073902问: 英语翻译我非常喜欢吃水果和蔬菜.我喜欢吃西瓜,因为西瓜又大又甜.夏天时候,我每天都要吃.我最喜欢的蔬菜是大白菜,因为大白菜像花一样漂亮,绿绿的.... -
鄂伦春自治旗久强回答:[答案] 我的神啊、这是作文吗? I like to eat fruits and vegetables.I like to eat watermelon,big and sweet as watermelon.Summer,I eat every day.My favorite vegetable is cabbage,Chinese cabbage like a flower as beautiful and green.Delicious.My mother likes to...

星娥18038073902问: 我叫xxx英文名叫angel今年12岁我最喜欢吃的蔬菜是土豆最喜欢吃的水果是西瓜用英文怎么说 -
鄂伦春自治旗久强回答: 你好,高兴为你回答,请采纳,谢谢!My name is xxx and my English name is Angel. I'm twelve years old. My favorite vegetable is potato and my favorite fruit is watermelon.

星娥18038073902问: 我喜欢吃汉堡粽子冰淇凌羊肉串西瓜英语怎么读 -
鄂伦春自治旗久强回答: 这个句子翻译成英语就是I love hamburgers and ice cream watermelon mutton dumplings 你看看你有哪些词汇是不会读的 先把生词学会了再说了

星娥18038073902问: 西瓜英文怎么读 -
鄂伦春自治旗久强回答: watermelon 英 ['wɔ:təmelən] 美 ['wɔtɚmɛlən] 中文谐音:沃特儿曼伦n. 西瓜 [例句]This watermelon is really sweet! 这西瓜好甜哪!

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