
作者&投稿:当涂净 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

How much do you want to charge?

[词典] how much;[例句]如果你帮我,你要多少钱我都给。If you help me, I'll pay you anything.

How much does... cost?

”多少钱“翻译成英语是”How much“。以下是三种在英语中”多少钱“双语用法例句:1、如果你帮我,你要多少钱我都给。译文:If you help me, I'll pay you anything.2、这个多少钱?译文:How much is this?3、估算一下你一共有多少钱,看是否已经足够了。译文:Reckon up all your money a...

How much do they cost? 它们多少钱?How much 多少 cost 花费,价值 --- They cost three yuan. 它们三元钱.How much does it cost? 它多少钱?It costs ten yuan. 它十元钱.

你想要多少的英文是:How much do you want?how many 与 how much 的用法及区别:1、相同点:how many 与 how much 都可以用于“询问数量”,这个时候,后面接的名词的形式有差异,这个就是要给大家敲黑板的地方:How many + 可数名词复数形式 例如:How many apples do you have?How much + ...

I need a lot of money.

英文how muhch pnice是什么意思
英文how muhch pnice,原句应该是:how muhch price?本意是询问价格,但不合语法。英语中询问价格通常有以下几种:1、最地道的问价格方法就是:How much 例如:How much is it?它多少钱?How much are they?它们多少钱?2、还可以说:What's the price of it?它的价格是多少?或者:I wonder ...

多少钱的英文是:How much is it? 或者 What's the price of it?在日常生活中,当我们想要询问某样商品或服务的价格时,就可以使用上述表达方式。这些表达方式简洁明了,能够直接传达我们的意图,使得交流更加高效。除了基本的询问价格,我们还可以在具体的语境中使用这些表达方式。例如,在商店里购物时...

how much ~亲,如果你认可我的回答,请点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端上评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,互相帮助,祝共同进步!

段干婵14729117967问: 英语翻译我们在一星期后将去旅行.我们要去哪里?---我们要去北京.我们要去多少天?---我们要去一星期.我们要用多少钱?---我们要用五百美元.(注意时态,... -
余姚市小儿回答:[答案] We are travelling next week. where will we go?--We are going to beijing. How long will we travel?--One week. How much money will we spend?--Five hundred dollar.

段干婵14729117967问: 我们应该付多少钱?用英语怎么写 -
余姚市小儿回答: How much money we should pay?希望能帮到你,望采纳!谢谢!

段干婵14729117967问: 英文短句,we need money badly的意思是急用钱.为什么用badly而不是uregently呢? -
余姚市小儿回答: 两个都可以的.口语里常用badly.We need money badly. = We need money very much. (我们非常需要钱.) We need money urgently. = We need money immediately. (我们急迫需要钱.)

段干婵14729117967问: 英语翻译:我们所需要的是更多的钱 -
余姚市小儿回答: what we need is more money

段干婵14729117967问: (我要钱)英语怎么写
余姚市小儿回答: I want moneyI had no choice. I need money badly. 我急需要钱,我没有其他选择.

段干婵14729117967问: “我需要很多钱”的英文怎么说 -
余姚市小儿回答: I need a lot of money.

段干婵14729117967问: 与money有关的英语作文,要翻译,急~~~在线等 -
余姚市小儿回答: Today more and more people wish to get more money. They think money is everything. They say, "Money makes the mare go." If they have a lot of money,their dreams will become true, living a happy life, having a good house to live in, owing a ...

段干婵14729117967问: 英语:所以,在我们的记录里,我们需要付的费用总共是100元 -
余姚市小儿回答: Therefore, in our record, we will pay 100 Yuan entirely as our fares.仅供参考.

段干婵14729117967问: 我们的夹克衫是多少钱呢?只要30美元.(英文) -
余姚市小儿回答: 我们呢只要30美元 How much is our jacket? Just $30.我们的夹克衫是多少钱呢?只要30美元 How much is our jacket? Just $30.

段干婵14729117967问: 英语翻译1.我们需要足够的钱来继续我们的工作2.你习惯在飞机上做手术吗3.别急,我们还剩有15分钟4.那个病人对医生这么感激以至于话都说不出来 -
余姚市小儿回答:[答案] 1. we need enough money to continue our work. 2. are you used to taking operation on the plane? 3. don't worry.we still have 15 minutes left. 4.the patient was too too thankful to the doctor to say anything.

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