
作者&投稿:符差 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

今天就来吃面条吧! 用英语怎么写?
please take the noodles today.

大明和李林去餐馆吃饭,大明吃饺子,李林吃面条,他们每人一杯可乐,一共花330元。Daming and Li Lin went to the restaurant for dinner, Daming ate dumplings, and Li Lin ate noodles. They each cost a glass of Coke for a total of 330 yuan.

他喜欢吃面条和饺子,但是他不会做。英语:He likes eating noodles and dumplings but he can’t make them by himself.

面条很好吃可以翻译为“Noodles are delicious。”重点单词:delicious:英 [dɪˈlɪʃəs] 美 [dɪˈlɪʃəs]adj. 美味的,芬芳的;令人愉快的,宜人的 词形变换:比较级 more delicious 最高级 most delicious 。相关短语:Deadly ...

在中国,人们不仅吃生日蛋糕,而且吃生日面条 In China, people not only eat the birthday cake, but also eat the birthday noodles.

我午饭吃了面条和羊肉 I had noodles and mutton for lunch.羊肉切薄片,用生抽(提香)、老抽(上色)、白糖、盐、黄酒、香油、葱、姜切丝等喂好,做锅,水烧开后入面条,注意搅散,以免糊底。再开后,入包包菜、小白菜心(娃娃菜吧)复开后入喂好之羊肉,搅散,开锅后依个人口味入鸡精、白胡椒...

面条 吃早餐 开车 拍照 四月 用英
noodles, have breakfast, drive a car,take photos,April

I am ready for the noodles\/ I am going to eat some noodles.我正准备去吃面 I don't eat any noodles either我也没有吃面 Here is one hundred yuan, no changing\/you don't have to change.这里是一百元。不用找了。Lollipop棒棒堂 ps:我现在在美国念书,美国人说话很口语化,我们学得...

我不喜欢吃面条用英语怎么说:I don't like noodles 面条起源于中国,已有四千多年的制作食用历史。面条是一种制作简单,食用方便,营养丰富,即可作为主食又可作为快餐的健康保健食品,早已为世界人民所接受与喜爱。面条是一种用谷物或豆类的面粉加水磨成面团,之后压或擀制或抻成片再切或压,再或者...

Eat noodles or rice and some vegetables is good for our health

鬱贞19255459969问: 吃面条用英语怎么写 -
汉南区顺奇回答: eat noodles

鬱贞19255459969问: 吃面条用英文怎么写 -
汉南区顺奇回答: have\eat noodles 面条不可数,你想加some\the也行,老师不会批错的.

鬱贞19255459969问: 我们这里有各种各样的食物 早餐我们吃面条、鸡蛋、饺子 英文翻译 -
汉南区顺奇回答: 我们这里有各种各样的食物 We have all kinds of foods for breakfast.早餐我们吃面条、鸡蛋、饺子We eat noodles, eggs and dumplings for breakfast.

鬱贞19255459969问: 我们明天晚上吃面条英语 -
汉南区顺奇回答: We'll have noodles for dinner tomorrow night.我们明天晚上吃面条 We'll have noodles for dinner tomorrow night.我们明天晚上吃面条

鬱贞19255459969问: 我们午饭喜欢吃面条 用英语怎么说? -
汉南区顺奇回答:[答案] We like noodles for our lunch.

鬱贞19255459969问: 英语翻译晚上我们去吃面条怎么样 -
汉南区顺奇回答: 应该是'How about going to eat noodles in the evening?'

鬱贞19255459969问: 晚上吃面条的英语怎么写? -
汉南区顺奇回答: Having/eating noodles tonight/in the evening. 反斜杠表示前后两个单词都可以,选用其一即可.

鬱贞19255459969问: 早上,我吃面条(用英语怎么说?) -
汉南区顺奇回答: I have noodles every morning.(每天早上,一般现在时) I had noodles this morning.(今天早上,过去时)

鬱贞19255459969问: 用筷子吃面条 用英文怎么说 -
汉南区顺奇回答: eat noodles with chopsticks 祝你新年快乐,学习更上一层楼!请记得采纳,谢谢!(*^__^*)

鬱贞19255459969问: 麻烦大家把这句话翻译成英文 我们在过生日时会吃面条,长长的面条象征着人们希望长寿的美好 -
汉南区顺奇回答:[答案] We usually eat noodles on birthdays and the long noodles symbolize people's good wish for longevity.

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