
作者&投稿:殷狐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

--->> Every family will have a computer so that people can shop online to buy things 满意请采纳,谢谢

We can shop online, search information, you can also communicate with people around the world.

人们可以在网上购物看病,学生们也可以在网上进行上课。用英文表达:People can go shopping online to see doctors, and students can take classes online.注:完全没有问题,希望帮助到您。请及时点击采纳。

we can check information or do the shopping on internet

网上购物的英语说法1:Shopping Online 网上购物的英语说法2:buy goods online 网上购物的英语说法3:Shopping on the Internet 网上购物相关英语表达:网上购物商城 Online shopping mall 网上购物阅历 purchased a product online 网上购物的含义 The meaning of online shopping 网上购物者 online shoppers ...

网上商城用英文可以说是“online shopping mall”。单词翻译:online shopping mall,online表示网络的,shopping表示购物的,mall表示商城。单词读音:英式发音\/ˈɒnlaɪn ˈʃɒpɪŋ mɔːl\/美式发音\/ˈɑːnlaɪn ˈ&#...

网购是一种新的购物方式英语是Online shopping is a new way of shopping.1、Online shopping has become a new way of modern home shopping.网上购物成为现代家庭购物的一种新方式。2、Shopping on the Internet is a very good way of shopping.网上购物是一种非常好的购物方式。3、Nowadays, ...

你可以在网上购物用英语的说法是:You can shop online。双语例句:1、韦氏新世界大学辞典的编辑们认为,“信息零食”指的是人们在工作时偷偷处理个人邮件,搜索体育比赛成绩,与老友联系或者在网上购物这些“偷来的”时刻。Editors at Webster's New World College dictionary define1 infosnacking as ...

Online shopping has made our daily life more convenient and comfortable. For example , shopping on the internet can save students a great deal of time on the way between home and store, so they would be able to concentrate more time and energy on their academic work. The ...

你可以在网上做很多事情,例如网上购物 用英语怎么说英语
You may do many things on the Internet , such as shopping online.

蒲吉18377395719问: “我们可以上网查阅信息或网上购物”用英语 -
鸡西市甲芬回答: we can check information or do the shopping on internet

蒲吉18377395719问: 英语解释:我们可以网上购物,查材料,还可以与世界各地的人们交流. -
鸡西市甲芬回答: We can shop online, search information, you can also communicate with people around the world.

蒲吉18377395719问: 英文翻译:目前,购物不一定需要去商场,我们可以在网上购物,这已经成为一种新型的购物方式 -
鸡西市甲芬回答:[答案] 应为 At present, we needn't go shopping in the markets. We can shop on the Internet instead and it has been a new popular way to shop.(我自己翻译的)

蒲吉18377395719问: 我们能在网上购物,看电影,查找信息等等英文 -
鸡西市甲芬回答: 我们能在网上购物,看电影,查找信息等等 We can shop online, watch movies, find information, and so on.

蒲吉18377395719问: 英语翻译1.我们可以使用电子货币在网上购物而不用到商店去了2.地铁是一种非常受欢迎的公共交通系统的形式3.你会发现南方的生活与北方的生活有大的区... -
鸡西市甲芬回答:[答案] 1. We can use electronic money used in stores to online shopping instead of 2. Metro is a very popular form of public transport system 3. You will find the lives of the South and the North a large difference between life 4. Now , we have $ 1 to 6.8 yuan for ...

蒲吉18377395719问: “网上购物”用英语怎么写?
鸡西市甲芬回答: 正确的翻译应该是:Internet Shopping

蒲吉18377395719问: 英语翻译我们能在网上(通过网上购物)买到很多在百货商场买不到(商场不出售)的东西.其实一个意思……括号里的应该比较好翻译···· -
鸡西市甲芬回答:[答案] We can buy lots of commodities/things on line (through Shopping Online) which aren't sold in department stores.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~倾情奉献 满意请采纳 好问好纳 再问不难~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...

蒲吉18377395719问: 网络购物用英语怎么说 -
鸡西市甲芬回答: 网络购物 shopping online;shopping online Business-to -Customer e-Commerce ,也就是B2C,意思也是“网上购物”. Business-to -Business e-Commerce ,也就是B2B,意思是“企业间电子商务” 双语例句 以下例句来源于网络,仅供参考 ...

蒲吉18377395719问: "通过网上进行购物"用英文怎么说? -
鸡西市甲芬回答: Use the Internet to buy things. 网上购物:shopping online

蒲吉18377395719问: 请你谈一谈如何在网上购物呢?英语作文50词 -
鸡西市甲芬回答: Now we can buy clothes not only in the clothes store,but also on TY and on the Internet.More and more people like these ways. How do we buy clothes on TV or on the Internet?We need to watch the following first,the quality.Some quality of the ...

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