
作者&投稿:真雍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

通过自我介绍——给别人留个好印象 Hello everybody. My name is ***. I come from *** province in China.;嗨,大家好。 我的名字叫***,我来自 中国***。I am very happy to come here to study with you.;我很高兴来这里和你们一 起念书。When I arrived at this school three day...

英语作文 感谢一个人(老师或者父母)80词左右
如下:Zhang Dong is my best friend. He came to our class last term. He is a boy.张东是我最好的朋友。他是上学期来我们班的,他是个男孩。Both of us are good at English, so we often chat in English in our spare time.我们两个人都擅长英语,因此我们经常在课余时光用英语聊天...

关于以克隆我自己为主题的英语作文,50词左右(别太专业) 谢谢_百度知...
Hello,everyone!I'm ***(自己加)I'm **-year-old.I like (自己喜欢的颜色)best.And I like(自己喜欢的食物)best.I like my English teatcher best.She is good to me ,she also kind to my classmates.I go to school on foot evreyday,because my home is not too far from ...

求一篇大学英语作文 非常感谢
大学文化往往会令学生备受压力,要踏上传统的的职业道路。它并不能保证你在现代经济环境中找到工作,它还是一个会根据你的专业而把很多固定形象套在你身上的地方。尽管我的大学生活并不完美,但是如果没有它,我也不会成为现在的我,也庆幸自己经历了大学生活。下面给大家分享一些原因:1. I met a ...

写作思路:根据题目的要求,写出对老师想说的话,以及自己的感受。Dear teacher :亲爱的老师:I am writing to you to express my thanks for your help in learning English and speaking English.我写信给你,对你在学习英语和说英语方面的帮助表示感谢。During these days in your class, I have ...

让自己对一点感恩,也让人生变得美好,生活变的充实。下面是我给大家精心挑选的,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读!学会感恩英语作文篇1 With a grateful heart, to face life, to look at all kinds of life, as long as grateful, life will be happy and full of happiness. Chang Huai a ...

为我送来了雨伞;当我受到委屈,暗自流泪时,是他们用自己温暖的手为我擦去了眼泪。他们为我付出了那么多,我怎能不感谢他们呢?当他们劳累时,我为他们捧 上一杯热茶;当他们学询问我的学习成绩时,我偶尔献上我红彤彤的奖状;当他们不开心时,我就去安慰他们...我知道这些都是微不足道的,还不...

写作思路:运用真挚的话语写出自己感谢的话语,表达一下自己内心最真诚的想法。正文:From the moment everyone comes to this world, he is no longer receiving all kinds of help and gifts: the upbringing of his parents, the teachings of his teachers, the love of his friends, the help ...

英语作文 介绍自己
self-introduction my name is elsie. my hobby are painting and travel,and also keep two pets---a hamster named "corn" ,guinea pig I prefer call it "meatball".I like watching American drama,Japanese manga.I'm the fan of Avril and Taylor swift. my favorite food are sushi ...

一篇介绍自己的英语作文 初中的

贾荀19450129580问: 100 字的英文感谢信 -
崇州市欧苏回答: Dear xiaoming, I am writing to express my apreciation to you for your generous help of offering me accommodation during Olympic Games. When I ask for help to you that I was giong to beijing for watching Olympic Games that hold in beijing,but I ...

贾荀19450129580问: 用About Self - study为题 写一篇不少于80字的英语作文 谢谢并附上翻译 -
崇州市欧苏回答: 作文: Everybody must learn how to Self-study.It's beacause if your parents don't at home or without you. What should you do?You should do your homework after school.When your parents are coming,they will praise you.So,we should learn how to ...

贾荀19450129580问: 求一篇关于感恩的英语作文!!!急急急,100字左右,要你自己写的,不能在网上复制,最好能用一些
崇州市欧苏回答: I would like to thank you for all the help you gave me during this past semester. You were alway so patient when I asked you questions. You listened to them carefully and explained everything so thoroughly. You showed me different ways to practice ...

贾荀19450129580问: 帮忙写篇关于《感恩》的英语作文吧!100字左右. -
崇州市欧苏回答:[答案] Gratitude is the feeling of being grateful,the art of receiving gracefully,and the act of showing appreciation for every act of kindness,big or small,that others do for us.Gratitude can take many forms.It can be expressed by a large,dramatic gesture or it can...

贾荀19450129580问: 以my dream为题100字的英语作文 谢谢各位! -
崇州市欧苏回答: I have a dream. That is to become a singer some day.Because I like singing and I have collected many music records, which are all popular with young people.In my free time I always listen to music and I have joined a music club .I often take part in ...

贾荀19450129580问: 我的梦想,英语作文,谢谢100字. -
崇州市欧苏回答: My dream I have a dream.And this is the goal for me. I want to be a doctor.I think that the doctor can help lots of people .I can help people from illness.What's more, I like helping others.Helping others to solve problems is my happiness.From now on,...

贾荀19450129580问: 100字的英语作文,my ideal job,谢谢. -
崇州市欧苏回答: My Ideal Job My ideal job is to become a businessman. Although there are quite a lots of job in the world, I think it is the most suitable for me. I make this decision for two reasons. Firstly, doing business I can meet different peoplen everday. Among ...

贾荀19450129580问: 英语作文感谢信感谢老师100字以内 -
崇州市欧苏回答: mr.smithde i am li ping.thank you for donating me some books ang money.i has made a lot of progress by my teacher help.my teachers says you did a great job.my parents also think i am very good.they want me to get better results.and i decide to ...

贾荀19450129580问: 一篇100词的英语作文以谢谢你我最好的朋友为题材 -
崇州市欧苏回答: My best friend Lily is one of my best friends . She wears long hair and wide eyes . She is very slim and beautiful . We have became friends for more that two years . And we are at same class . She would like to help everyone only if you need it ....

贾荀19450129580问: 写一篇感恩(thankgiving)为题的英文作文.提示:很多人在我们的生命中很重要,我门应该感谢他们谁是我们最需要感谢的?写一个故事是关于自己最感动... -
崇州市欧苏回答:[答案] 果;有的承诺你深埋在心底,从未说出.但只要是承诺,都应该是庄重的,严肃的.(改写自《今日教育·读写舫》2009年第5期)请以“的承诺”为题写一篇作文,写作时先把题目补充完整,再按要求作文.年重庆市綦江县中考语文作...

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