
作者&投稿:函杰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

In (the) English (language), BLUE is often used to refer to ( the feeling of) someone is down in spirits , mood depression and sad distressed. 参见 http:\/\/desktoppub.about.com\/cs\/colorselection\/p\/blue.htmhttp:\/\/ph.answers.yahoo.com\/question\/index?qid=20071024062237AAFE...

low是什么意思读音?low这个单词的读音是\/l??\/。在汉语中,它可以有多种意思,包括低的、矮的、浅的、下流的等等。在英语中,low还可以表示低下的、卑贱的、质量差的等含义。此外,low还有一些短语,如low profile、low key、low blow等,分别表示低调、低调处理、卑鄙打击等。在英语中,low还有一些...

我心情很低落,心情不好,很郁闷的英文:I'm in a low mood. I'm in a bad mood. I'm depressed.mood 读法 英 [muːd] 美 [mud]n. 情绪,语气;心境;气氛 短语:1、in the mood for adj. 有情绪去做…2、happy mood 快乐心情 3、in no mood 没有心情 4、subjunctive mood ...

I am down. I am very depressed. I have got a bad mood. I feel blue. I am upset. I am frustrated.

mood 心情为什么可以加s moods
一个单词可以有不同的含义,在不同的环境下有不同的用法.mood 表示发脾气; 情绪低落:时 He's in a mood\/in one of his moods today.他今天闹情绪了.买一本《牛津高阶英语词典》吧.学习语言没有那么多为什么 很多是约定俗成的

我心情很低落,心情不好,很郁闷。英语是:My mood is very low, the mood is bad, very depressed.句子解释:low 英[ləʊ] 美[loʊ]adj. 低的,矮小的; 楼下的,低洼的; 沮丧的; 下贱的;adv. 低声地; 谦卑地; 底下地;n. 低点; 低水平; 牛的叫声;[...

我心情很低落,心情不好,很郁闷 I'm feeling really down. I’m really upset right.I'm extremely depressed.I am not in the mood.我没有心情 I am in a bad mood 我心情不好 I am in a bad temper 我心情不好 I feel down today.我今天情绪低落。I'm low in spirits 我情绪低落 ...

六级:depressed 沮丧的;消沉的;郁闷;情绪低落的。已经到了将近抑郁的程度了 例句:He seemed somewhat depressed. 他似乎有些抑郁。七级:blue 非正式用词,语气较随便,指较强烈的忧郁或沮丧。例句:I've got the blues today. 我今天很郁闷。别忘了,英语还有强大的副词修饰,以及副词、形容词...

问题三:心情低落,用英文怎么说? 我心情很低落,心情不好,很郁闷 I'm feeling really down. I’m really upset right.I'm extremely depressed.I am not in the mood.我没有心情 I am in a bad mood 我心情不好 I am in a bad temper 我心情不好 I feel down today.我今天情绪低落...


许相17115427300问: 情绪低落.用英语怎么说 -
海原县银多回答:[答案] be down in spirits

许相17115427300问: 心情低落用英语怎么说 -
海原县银多回答: 心情低落 I am in low spiritsI'm feeling really down. I'm really upset right.I'm extremely depressed.I am not in the mood. 我没有心情I am in a bad mood 我心情不好 I am in a bad temper 我心情不好 I feel down today. 我今天情绪低落. I'm low in spirits 我情绪低落 I'm in a black mood 我情绪低落

许相17115427300问: 心情低落 用英文怎样翻译 -
海原县银多回答: in low spirit

许相17115427300问: 情绪低落用英语翻译 -
海原县银多回答: Depressed listless upset downhearted be down in the dumps in a blue mood be in low spirits feeling blue feel down give sb. the blues

许相17115427300问: 心情沉重,压抑,沮丧的, 用英语怎么说 -
海原县银多回答: 1、heavy heart:沉重的心情,忧愁的心. 例句:I woke up with a heavy heart this morning.今天早上我怀着沉重的心情醒来. 2、In a bad mood/Not in the mood:情绪不佳,心情不好.例句:I'm in a bad mood.我心情不大好. 3、I'm not ...

许相17115427300问: 心情低落 英文 -
海原县银多回答: down,sad,blue,disappointed,depressed,upset..

许相17115427300问: 心情低落英文怎么写 -
海原县银多回答: i feel so low.i find it kind of sad.i'm very depressed.i am not feeling good.

许相17115427300问: 我心情很低落,心情不好,很郁闷用英语怎么说 -
海原县银多回答:[答案] 我心情很低落,心情不好,很郁闷 I'm feeling really down. I'm really upset right.I'm extremely depressed. I am not in the mood. 我没有心情I am in a bad mood我心情不好I am in a bad temper 我心情不好I feel...

许相17115427300问: 英语形容心很灰,没心情,很低落怎么说? -
海原县银多回答: 心情很灰暗可以用gloomy 表示受打击可以用frustrated 表示消沉用depressed 心情不好比较简单的说法还有sad upset

许相17115427300问: 心情低落的英语是什么
海原县银多回答: 心情低落 1.sing the blues 2.be down in the dumps 3.Dejection 4.feel down Dejection

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