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《冰河时代3》的成功是流水生产线的必然结果——观后感 和第二集相比,《冰河时代3》虽然在观赏性上有所提高,但这个系列电影总体质量上还是呈下滑的趋势,希望制作方就此打住,还是另外进行新的创意吧,不过人家肯定不会听我的,圈钱运动还会如火如荼地进行的。抛开电影本身主题思想的优劣和剧情安排的...

电影 马达加斯加2 观后感!!!急啊急!!!
http:\/\/www.mtime.com\/movie\/53732\/comment.html#menu 这里都是对他的影评 你可以看看 梦工厂向来喜欢制造异种恋,当《史莱克》中的飞龙和驴子爱的如火如茶的时候,《马达加斯加2》中的长颈鹿终于坐不住了,在生命的最后时刻终于突破了心灵上的障碍向河马表白了,爱情的主题再一次被咏颂。爱情是神奇...

我想,很多人应该都听说过一本书 ——《斗罗大陆》!大家估计都很喜欢看,不过肯定也有些父母不允许其他同学看这本书,都说这本书是胡编乱造的。如果你把这本书真正打开,和大家说的大大不同,我买书时候有点晚,因此我看的是《斗罗大陆3之龙王传说》。有人问我为什么要写关于《斗罗大陆》的观后...

马达加斯加2的影评 适合小学生的 越短越好 不能太少 急!!!
《马达加斯加2》观后感 星期六下午,我去看了电影《马达加斯加2》,大体内容是:一只小狮子贪玩又爱跳舞,狮子爸爸在与人聊天时,它跑掉被猎人抓进木箱里,爸爸没能救出它,木箱子落入河里飘入大海,飘到纽约,最后它到了纽约动物园。在那里它长大并且交到了三个好朋友,是斑马、河马、长颈鹿。三个好...

夏食19224833534问: 《怪物史莱克》英语观后感 -
永州市安必回答: 里看看 给分少就没人写 哥帮你个忙吧 Yesterday I watched a movie named <Shrek> with my brother .It is so funny. It is about a ogre.He is upset because he cannot be acceptted by other men because of his awful look.One day he gets a mission to ...

夏食19224833534问: 《怪物史莱克》的英语观后感 -
永州市安必回答: 弟弟/妹妹... 作业还是要自己做的.25个单词太简单啦,2,3句就好了.你可以写shrek 很善良(kind,nice...) donkey 很啰嗦(talkative) Fiona 很漂亮(pretty) 可以用到的单词:城堡(castle), 龙(dragon), ogre(怪物),swamp(shrek 住的沼泽地)

夏食19224833534问: 怪物史莱克的英语观后感 -
永州市安必回答: Yesterday I watched a movie named <Shrek> with my brother .It is so funny.It is about a ogre.He is upset because he cannot be acceptted by other men because of his awful look.One day he gets a mission to rescue a princess so that the King gives...

夏食19224833534问: 怪物史莱克的英语观后感 -
永州市安必回答:[答案] Yesterday I watched a movie named with my brother .It is so funny.It is about a ogre.He is upset because he cannot be acceptted by other men because of his awful look.One day he gets a mission to resc...

夏食19224833534问: 急需一篇《怪物史莱克》的读后感、英文版的、赶紧,谢谢! -
永州市安必回答: See the" monster" have feeling" Monster" is a princess by the sorcerer spell, day is beautiful and lovely princess, night became everyone is afraid of monsters, only love can break the spell.

夏食19224833534问: 怪物史莱克英文读后感 -
永州市安必回答: Summer vacation in I watched an attractive small dish piece, the name have been called "Chicken Tantivy". "Chicken Tantivy" told a such story: In a chicken house has crowd of chickens, they do not want to stay in the chicken house, they used ...

夏食19224833534问: 《怪物史莱克3》的英文影评 80字以内 -
永州市安必回答: Shrek 3 has a tough job; after the startlingly original "Shrek", a film that turned nursery rhymes and expectations upside down, this sequel needed to find a new, also twisted angle to meet the expectations of the original's fans. Unfortunately, the ...

夏食19224833534问: 怪物史莱克1的中英文影评 -
永州市安必回答: SHREK" is an animated feature starring a princess, a fire-breathing dragon, a castle, an ogre, fairytale creatures, and more than its fair share of magic. The producer made "The Lion King" and its screenwriters wrote "Aladdin". Sounds ...

夏食19224833534问: 怪物史莱克1的中英文影评最好是对照滴. -
永州市安必回答:[答案] SHREK" is an animated feature starring a princess,a fire-breathing dragon,a castle,an ogre,fairytale creatures,and more than its fair share of magic.The producer made "The Lion King" and its screenwriters wrote "Aladdin".Sounds typical ...

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