
作者&投稿:才旦咬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

so what ~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,互相帮助,祝共同进步!

“怎么样”根据不同场景在英语里有很多种说法:How's it going?过得怎么样?事情办得怎么样?What do you think of it?这个怎么样?(用于询问对方对某一件事或一个东西的观点)上一回答中的so what 可以有两种理解,一种是对对方观点的不赞同,类似于汉语中的“那又怎么样?”;另一种是对对方话语提出疑问,类似...

怎么样 how about 双语例句 这电影不怎么样,看不看不吃劲。The film is just so-so. It’s not important whether you see it or not.请尝尝这位师傅的勺口儿怎么样。Let’s see what the chef’s dishes taste like.试一试,看这鞋的肥瘦怎么样。Try on the shoes and see if they are...


“我也一样”的英语翻译有四种分别是:1.same here 2.Me too.3.So do I.4.So am I.如果原句用would提问,“我也一样”可以用so would I 例如:I would eat apple,and you?我想要吃苹果,你呐?So would i.我也一样 例句:1.“我也一样,”恐龙说。"Me too, " said the dinosaur...


What about how about 希望对你有帮助

英文是:equally 英['i:kwəli]释义:adv.相等地;同样地;平等地 例句:用作副词(adv.)Again,both wiring schemes are functionally equivalent and either one should work equally as well for you.再一次,配线方案都功能的是相等的而且或一应该为你相等地也工作。近义词:evenly 英[...

What's she like

how couldn’t be 用于否定句,代替不说出来的动作或情况,是委婉的说法

夫眨18995307638问: “这顶帽子你觉得怎样”的英语怎么说 -
阿勒泰市星乐回答: How do you like the hat?或 What do you think of the hat?望采纳,谢谢

夫眨18995307638问: 你怎么了用英语怎么写? -
阿勒泰市星乐回答: "你怎么了"的英语是:What's wrong with you. "你怎么了"用英语还可以表达为: 1、What is wrong with you; 2、Is that what you got; 3、What happened to you; 4、What's the matter with you. 在“What's wrong with you”中:“What's ...

夫眨18995307638问: 中文名字英文怎么写
阿勒泰市星乐回答: 举个例子:比如“李晓明”这个名字,有两种写法:1)Li Xiaoming ( 这种一般写给中国人或会中文的人看,因为中国人习惯姓在前,名在后,你这样写的话,读出来时他也才容易明白) 2)Xiaoming Li (这个比较正式,国际上的正式场合用这...

夫眨18995307638问: 英文日期格式,如何写正确? -
阿勒泰市星乐回答: 一、英文日期的写法分英式和美式,举例如下: 1、 8th March,2004 或8 March,2004(英式) 2、 March 8th,2004 或March 8,2004 (美式) 二、日期写法应遵从下列规则:1、年份必须完全写明,不可用"04代替2004; 2、月份必须用英文拼出...

夫眨18995307638问: "我叫"的英语怎么写? -
阿勒泰市星乐回答: My name is

夫眨18995307638问:的英语单词怎样写 -
阿勒泰市星乐回答:[答案] thirty30 forty40 fifty50 sixty60 seventy70 eighty80 ninety90

夫眨18995307638问: 怎样写《你怎样去上学?》的英语作文? -
阿勒泰市星乐回答:[答案] I live near my school.So I usually go to school on foot.I think walking to school is a good way to exercise body.Because I walk to school every day,I'm stonger than before.Sometimes I go to school by bike because I'm nearly late for school.But I don't like ...

夫眨18995307638问: 写一篇关于如何保持健康的英语短?写一篇关于如何保持健康的英语短文
阿勒泰市星乐回答: Haveyougotahealthybody?Ifyouransweris'not',IthinkIcanhelpyou.Youmusthaveagoodlivinghabit,forexample,getupearlyinthemorning,gotobedearlyintheeveing. Then,...

夫眨18995307638问: 气球的英语怎么写??????????
阿勒泰市星乐回答: ballon 气球 hot-air balloon 热气球 hydrogen balloon 氢气球

夫眨18995307638问: 轻松的英语怎么写 -
阿勒泰市星乐回答:[答案] 1relaxed 轻松的, I feel relaxed.我感觉轻松. 2easy 简单,轻松. The thing is easy to do.这件事情很简单. relax是动词------relaxed轻松的,relaxing令人轻松的. easy一般是简单,轻松的,形容事情比较多用.

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