
作者&投稿:塔疤 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I like the rabbit

用英文介绍一只兔子,可以从第一人称的角度出发,赋予兔子人格化思想,进行作文编写。下文以兔子自我介绍展开,描述了一只兔子的外形和喜好。举例如下:“I am a bunny,My name is Nicholas,I live in a hollow tree。In the spring, I like to pick flowers。I chase the butterflies,and the b...

fanny rabit

描写动物的形容词 ,英语
兔子--cute可爱的 老鼠--dirty肮脏的pretty美丽的 tall 高的 short 矮的lovely 可爱的cute可爱的 funny 有趣的smart 聪明的cunning狡猾的 beautiful美丽的strong强壮的 elephant大象 cat猫 dog 狗monkey猴子 horse马 zeebra斑马 sheep绵羊 goat 山羊ape 黑猩猩 bird鸟 eagle 鹰 shark鲨鱼 ...

译:Hooves raw wind 活蹦乱跳[huó bèng luàn tiào]译:alive and kicking; skip and jump about; gambol; frolic 活泼可爱[huó pō kě ài]译:lively and lovely 四蹄生风造句:墨麒麟四蹄生风,以极快的速度冲向蛮族兵群。云台山的瀑布千姿百态。那些从山顶流下来的瀑布,就像一群四蹄生...

Deer 鹿 Leopard 豹 Monkey 猴子 Elephant 大象 Chimpanzees 黑猩猩 Horse 马 Bear 熊 Donkey 驴 Kangaroo 袋鼠 Ox 牛 Hedgehog 刺猬 Sheep 绵羊 Rhinoceros 犀牛 Dog 狗 Camel 骆驼 Cat 猫 Hippopotamus 河马 Pig 猪 Crocodile 鳄鱼 Chicken 鸡肉 Snake 蛇 Rabbit 兔子 Ant 蚂蚁 Bee 蜜蜂 Ladybird ...



兔子的英语是:rabbit、bunny、hare。1、rabbit 读音:英[ˈræbɪt],美[ˈræbɪt]。释义:n.\\t兔子;兔;兔肉;野兔。vi.\\t猎兔;捕兔。例句:She jumped back like a startled rabbit.她像受惊的兔子似的跳了回去。其他:第三人称单数rabbits,复数...

1530年左右进入英语,直接源自古法语的loial,意为忠心的。They were loyal to their motherland.他们忠于自己的祖国。四、rabbit兔子——cute可爱的 cute 1、含义:adj. 可爱的;聪明的,精明的,伶俐的;漂亮的。n. 智取敌方的策略或手段;灵巧 2、用法 cute就是俗称Q,也就是可爱,伶俐的,漂亮的...

寸莫19837086580问: 兔子用英语怎么来形容外貌 -
临泽县肉蔻回答: a chaste elven in snow winter(一只冬天雪地里纯洁的灵兽);

寸莫19837086580问: 描写一种动物的外形特点'兔'[英文] -
临泽县肉蔻回答: My RabbitI have a little rabbit. She is very lovely! Her fur is white. She has a pair of long ears and a pair of big eyes. She has a short tail too . My rabbit name is Kelly. She loves to eat vegetable and fruit, but she likes carrot the most. I have a small ...

寸莫19837086580问: 用英文描写小白兔的外貌. -
临泽县肉蔻回答: 看见我了,他糊涂婆媳困了那就是偷糯米

寸莫19837086580问: 描写小兔子外貌的句字用英语怎么说? -
临泽县肉蔻回答: 单词:red eyes,long ears,white fur,short tail 例: A small white rabbit has a short tail,two red eyes and a pair of long ears.

寸莫19837086580问: 要用8句英语描写小白兔的特征 -
临泽县肉蔻回答: It is small and white. It has two red eyes. Its ears are long. Its tail is short. It has four legs. It runs fast. It likes carrots. It doesn't like meat.

寸莫19837086580问: 用英文来描述兔子特征 -
临泽县肉蔻回答: rabbit is white,it has red eye,and rabbit likes carrots.

寸莫19837086580问: 用英语介绍兔子 -
临泽县肉蔻回答: Rabbit is a kind of small and lovely animal , it has red eyes and long ears ,there are many types of rabbit in the world , but nearl all of them are either black or white, it is a very ordinary creature which exit all the world , it feeds on vegetables mainly and...

寸莫19837086580问: 形容兔子的词语及英语翻译 -
临泽县肉蔻回答: 可爱的:lovely/cute 小巧的:small 活泼的:lively 敏捷的:acute

寸莫19837086580问: 用英语介绍10中动物随便写10个动物的外貌谢谢大家 -
临泽县肉蔻回答:[答案] 猫头鹰Owl 鸟,身体淡褐色,多黑斑,头部有角状的羽毛,有两只向前看的大眼,短而弯曲的喙,强有力的钩爪,能翻转的... butmajoritynon-toxic. 兔子Rabbit 头部略像鼠,上唇中间分裂,尾巴和脚一样长而且向上翘,前肢比后肢短,善于跳跃,跑得...

寸莫19837086580问: 用英语怎么描写兔子 -
临泽县肉蔻回答: The rabbit is white . It has red eyes and long ears . It eats grass and vegetable.

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