
作者&投稿:韩软 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable.2. Highly-motivated and reliable person.3. 我可不喜欢妈妈凡事都替我做好,我渴望自立,渴望有自己的空间。4. 我的心特别软,每次看到乞丐那可怜巴巴的样子,都忍不住要给他们几毛钱。5. 有雄心壮志。6. 婶婶做事一向小...

1. Tom is the black sheep of his family、2. 有良好的人员管理和交际能力。能在集体中发挥带头作用。3. He's really a law-down dirty shame、4. 能够同他人一道很好地工作。5. 应聘者须勇于挑重担。6. He always likes to play a lone hand、7. 开朗成熟。8. 教育人就是要形成人的性...

1.求一篇描述自己个性个品质的英语作文,带翻译 谢谢 I am a lovely girl. I am always ready to help others, so I often feel happy and get people's help in time when I am in trouble. My mother says that I'm very independent. I do what I can all the time because I th...

It's very kind of you to do it for me. (kind指人的品质好)It is more convenient for him to walk directly.对他来说,直接走过来比较便捷. (convenient 指事情很便捷)It is clever of him to come down without ropes.他很聪明,不用绳子就能下来. (convenient 指指人很聪明)2.逻辑结构...

1. When she smiled,she showed her white even teeth.2. Her face brightened up. 她喜形于色。3. She was not only admired but also genuinely respected by members of both sexes. 无论男人或是女人,不仅羡慕她,而且打心里尊重她。4. 我的妈妈面目和善,既美丽又温柔,她有一对水盈盈的...

形容妈妈 英语句子
1、My mother is unselfish.我的妈妈是无私的.2、I think my mother is the best person in the world.我觉得我的妈妈是世界上最好的人.3、My mother is very kind.我的妈妈很慈善.4、I am priceless to my mother.我是妈妈的无价宝.

Thank the flame for its light, but do not forget the lamp holder standing in the shadeconstancy of patience.Tiny grass,your steps are small,谢谢火焰的光明但是不要忘了与基层坚贞灯罩灯头站着你的足步虽小

形容人性格 optimistic乐观 independent独立的 out-going外向的 active 活泼的 able 有才干的,能干的;adaptable 适应性强的 active 主动的,活跃的;aggressive 有进取心的 ambitious 有雄心壮志的;amiable 和蔼可亲的 amicable 友好的;analytical 善于分析的 apprehensive 有理解力的;aspiring 有志气的,...

it's very kind of you和it's very kind for you的区别
for you短句,多数可能会用good或nice。如It's nice for you。2、词性不同:用介词后面的代词作主语,用介词前边的形容词作表语,造个句子。如果道理上通顺用of,不通则用for. 如:You are kind of. (通顺,所以应用of) ;He is king for . (人是困难的,不通,因此应用for.)。

英语作文中描述人物品质的词汇 1.害羞的 shy 2.乐于助人的helpful 3.友好的friendly\/kind 4.安静的 quiet 5.沉默的silent 6.耐心的 patient 7. 幽默的humorous 8.仔细的careful 9.精力充沛的energetic 10.外向的out-going 11.勇敢的brave 12.诚实的honest 13.热心肠的warm-hearted 14.乐观的...

驹英15175818692问: 形容美好品质的英语 -
雨山区精氨回答: nice美好 cute可爱 lovely可爱 kind善良 prefect完美 friendly友好 wonderful美好 了不起 helpful有用 chastity纯洁

驹英15175818692问: 用英语形容朋友的性格/品质在举一个例子 一共要10 个 -
雨山区精氨回答: 1,外向的:extrovert. 2,内向的:introvert. 3,惹人爱的:adorable4,体贴的:considerate. 5,顽固的:stubborn. 6, 很好相处的:easy-going7,天真的:puerile 或者 innocent 8,勤奋的:diligent 9,率直的:candid10,聪明的:clever 例句: my friend Emma is very smart. 我的朋友Emma很聪明. 孩子啊,自己动手动脑想想吧~~ 姐姐不想害你. 提醒下楼的,请尊重他人劳动成果!! 不要盲目追分..

驹英15175818692问: 用英语形容人品质好 -
雨山区精氨回答:[答案] friendly/kind(友好的):helpful(乐于助人)

驹英15175818692问: 用英语描述一个人品质(能力等)时用的句型(初中水平以上) -
雨山区精氨回答: his character is

驹英15175818692问: 用三句英语描述一个伟人应有的品质 -
雨山区精氨回答: powerful 强大的 outstanding 杰出的 clever 风采优雅的

驹英15175818692问: 用英语写一段介绍自己同桌的品质,例如,他很诚实,他很友好,他很 -
雨山区精氨回答: My deskmate is Nancy. She is a lovely girl. We are deskmates and friends. Nancy is a new student of my class. She comes to my class only two weeks. My teacher let her sit near me. At first, I didn't like her, because she was quiet. But, as time goes ...

驹英15175818692问: 描写人物品质的英语单词有哪些? -
雨山区精氨回答: 描写人物品质的英语单词:honest诚实的;faithful忠诚的;ambitious有雄心壮志的;capable 有能力;considerate体贴的;devoted有献身精神的;dependable可靠的;enthusiastic充满热情的;frank直率的,真诚的;friendly友好的;generous...

驹英15175818692问: 说一个人的素质高低怎样用英语表达啊 -
雨山区精氨回答: the quality of xxx is high/low 或者xxx has a high/low quality 这里quality强调一个人的素质、品质 如果说一个人有教养的; 有礼貌的 XXX is(not) civilized 或者well-educated poor-educated

驹英15175818692问: 帮忙找一些描述一个人品质的英语单词,多多益善,最好别太难, -
雨山区精氨回答:[答案] kind-hearted 善良 optimistic 乐观 good-tempered 脾气好 honest 诚实 brave 勇敢 well-knowledged 博学

驹英15175818692问: 英语描写人物外貌的形容词15个和描写人物品质的词10个 -
雨山区精氨回答: 外貌:beautiful short ugly fat handsome heavy lovely thin tall pretty品质:smart outgoing...

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