
作者&投稿:召阁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I have informed them (alreday) I would pick up the package today.I have informed them (already) I would pick up the goods today.I have informed them (already) I am going to pick up the package\/goods today.already(已经)这个单词不用也可以,因为完成式的句子本身有已经的意思了...

...的因为我终于来到了我期待已久的大学生活 用英语怎么说
Receiving the letter of admission, I am deeply excited because of my expectation wishing for a university life is just met at the moment.Receiving the letter of admission, I am very excited since my expectation yearning for a university life just is relalized at the moment....

Since the storehouse is too far away,please inform them to get the goods as soon as possible and make sure that the express gets it within worktime.Otherwise it will take another day.

中考成绩通知单 英语怎么说
中考成绩通知单是 Middel School graduation transcript. 在国外成绩单是transcript.毕业学校就是graduation school 等级是 classification 标准总分 我觉得你的意思应该是加权平均分数Weighted Average Mark 考生的单科等级及其设定比例是在考生总数中按成绩排序:The classification and weighting of each subject ...

I hope that after four years, I can hear you enter the university to take notice of the hi fast.

你好!我看到我的录取通知书上金融专业开课日期是9月1日 I saw my admission notice on the financial major date of September 1st

“录取通知书上写着数学专业毕业日期是6月1日”"The admission notice says the graduation date of the math major is 6 month 1 day."重点词汇 录取通知书letter of admission 数学mathematics; math; maths; arith 专业major; specialty; profession 毕业graduation; graduate; finish school 日期date...


由于本人身体原因,明天授课暂时取消,复课时间另行通知。Due to my physical condition, the class tomorrow will be cancelled temporarily. The time for class resumption will be notified later.

另行通知 [词典] further notice; be notified later;[例句]所有飞往兰州的航班都已取消,何时恢复另行通知。All flights to Lanchow had been cancelled until further notice.

乐正融13358721605问: 录取通知用英语该怎么说 -
蓬江区欣苏回答: 录取通知 [词典] Accepted; [例句]你给中介机构发录取通知了吗? Have you sent an admission notice to an intermediary? 满意请采纳哟

乐正融13358721605问: “录取通知”用英语怎么说? -
蓬江区欣苏回答: Admission notice

乐正融13358721605问: ”录取通知书”这一词用英语怎么写? -
蓬江区欣苏回答:[答案] admission notice letter admission notice的确可以,表示入取通知,但如果强调'书'(也就是收到的信件),最好加上LETTER 如:Tom received his admission notice letter yesterday. offer 一般用在'工作'上, 另:也可以直接说Admission letter

乐正融13358721605问: 录用通知的英语翻译
蓬江区欣苏回答: job offer

乐正融13358721605问: 录取通知书用英语怎么说 -
蓬江区欣苏回答: admission notice Local students should go to the office of management schoo...

乐正融13358721605问: 大学录取通知书英文怎么讲RT -
蓬江区欣苏回答:[答案] 大学录取通知书 College / University Admission Notice

乐正融13358721605问: 大学录取通知书英文怎么讲 -
蓬江区欣苏回答: 大学录取通知书 College / University Admission Notice

乐正融13358721605问: admit enroll matriculate如何区别和选用?"录取通知书"英语怎么说?上面这三个单词都录取的意思,但实践中我不知道选哪个作为"录取"更合适?如例句... -
蓬江区欣苏回答:[答案] You have been accepted by Beijing University.You have been admitted to Beijing University.不能说"admitted by"录取通知书is an "acceptance letter"enroll- I enrolled in Beijing University last fall.matri...

乐正融13358721605问: “病危通知书”“录取通知书”用英语怎么说 -
蓬江区欣苏回答: 病危通知书 the critically ill notice 录取通知书 the admission notice

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