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我有时很忙 ,这句话翻译成英语
I am sometimes very busy 绝对不是网站翻译。

我猜你最近工作可能比较忙,别太辛苦了,照顾好自己的身体。I guess you may be quite busy with work these days. Don't wear out. Take care of yourself.猜测:guess 可能:may 比较忙:quite busy 疲乏,辛苦:wear out 照顾;注意:Take care of ...

他正忙于写信 He is busy writing a letter 他正忙于写信 He is busy writing a letter


忙于某事 英语翻译
be busy doing

busy man

最近是不是很忙?翻译成英文是:Have you been busy lately?相关单词学习:lately 英[ˈleɪtli] 美[ˈletli]adv. 近来,最近; 不久以前;[例句]Dad's health hasn't been too good lately 爸爸的健康状况近来不太好。[其他] 比较级:latelier 最高级:lateliest ...

Are you really that busy? 加强生气的语气用that

They don't often chat,because they are too busy.

Take your time,catch you later when you have time 你忙吧,有时间再聊 Talk to you later 一会再跟你聊 Today is too busy, let's talk about it another day 今天时间太紧, 改天我们再聊。

殷勤砌17273275482问: 帮忙翻译成英语
郏县吲达回答: 1.把…收起来(put .... away )2.写信给(write letter to )3.三瓶牛奶(3 bottles of milk ) 4.一些米饭(some rice )5.两张纸(two pieces of paper )6.想试一下(try to think about it ) 7.冰淇淋(ice cream )8.出去散步(go for the walk )9.儿童医院(children's hospital )10.整理床铺(making bed ) 11.和..交谈(talking to .... )12.向左拐(turn left )

殷勤砌17273275482问: 帮忙翻译成英文! -
郏县吲达回答: Sorry, told you all, please forget! Forget the forgotten! Like you! I know some shouldn't know! Heart be very painful, so choose to forget you! Sorry!

殷勤砌17273275482问: 帮忙翻译成英语 -
郏县吲达回答: 我多么懊悔,在林间和田野里浪费那么多时间 I am smitten with remorse for wasting so much time in the forest and the field 他轻轻的走进来以免吵醒睡觉的孩子 他回到家里发现老朋友TOM正在等他 He arrives home to find that his old buddy Tom is...

殷勤砌17273275482问: 帮忙翻译成英语 如下
郏县吲达回答: 1.When we are in danger, we should stay cool. 2.We improved a lot with our teacher's help. 3.Everyone should obey the school rules. 4.He is cutting off the potatoes. 5.Palace is the Allusions of Chinese classical buildings. 6.There have built hundreds of primary school to help those poor students so far.

殷勤砌17273275482问: 帮忙翻译成英语
郏县吲达回答: We no longer write each other ,instead of it we use E-mail.We can buy more goods that we can't carry with by not going out of home. Many companies depending on the Internet to send and receive messages. If for some reason the network ...

殷勤砌17273275482问: 帮忙翻译成英语
郏县吲达回答: The other side port congestion, the need for operation of a long handle delivery time

殷勤砌17273275482问: 帮忙英语翻译
郏县吲达回答: Thank you for purchasing products. After you purchase please fill in the warranty card, stamped by the authorized dealer of our company, please purchase of certificates together with proper care in order to enjoy the perfect after-sales service company.

殷勤砌17273275482问: 帮忙翻译成英语: -
郏县吲达回答: My name is **,it is my business**,Mr zhangyong from the sonny mobile contracted to us before ,please unstinted inform to us if you could support to us for need.不吝惜的 unstinted以上回答供您参考!希望对您有所帮助!杭州图书馆

殷勤砌17273275482问: 帮忙翻译成英语
郏县吲达回答: Something, somebody make us have a feeling of sentiment when we are alone. Something, somebody reminds us that we have ever shined each other's eyes, just like sacrificing one's life and never stopping missing.

殷勤砌17273275482问: 帮忙翻译成英语
郏县吲达回答: the man is who i am looking for 【one world one dream,支持奥运支持BINGO,乐意帮忙是我们的宗旨,谢谢~】

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