
作者&投稿:朱贞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

彘红19872362610问: 谁有名著《巴黎圣母院》英文的经典句子?急需急需~~~在线等,谢啦谢啦~~ -
张湾区弗奇回答:[答案] What is love?Is a wonderful addition:a miss with a miss,15 will be able to become the moon.Are an extraordinary hearing:Even across the mountains,but also exciting to hear each other's heartbeat.Are a...

彘红19872362610问: 急求巴黎圣母院的精彩段落(英文) -
张湾区弗奇回答: 雨果的英文原文 see Book II, VII. A Wedding Night “Oh, love,” she said, and her voice vibrated and her eyes shone, “that is to be two and yet only one—a man and a woman blending into an angel—it is heaven!” (“喔!爱情,”她说道,声音颤抖,目光炯炯.“那是两个人却又只有一个人.一个男人和一个女人融合为一个天使.那就是天堂!

彘红19872362610问: 谁有《巴黎圣母院》的英文经典对白
张湾区弗奇回答: 1. Clopin: And then you hang! 2. Clopin: Here is your contest. Try to cut every bell out of this armor suit. If a single bell jingles, you lose. 3. Clopin: I'm above that sort of thing. I cut throats. 4. Gringoire: And then? 5. Gringoire: [pondering for a moment] ...

彘红19872362610问: 哪里可以下到音乐剧《巴黎圣母院》英文版的歌词?(尤其是唱段《大教堂时代》) -
张湾区弗奇回答: The Age Of The Cathedrals. G. This is a tale that takes its place. In Paris fair, this year of grace. Fourteen hundred eighty two. A tale of lust and love so true. We are the artists of the time, we dream in sculpture dream in rhyme. For you we bring our ...

彘红19872362610问: 葛林果在《巴黎圣母院》中的参与的所有唱段 -
张湾区弗奇回答: 1-2. Le Temps des cathédrales大教堂时代 1-8. La Fête des fous愚人教皇 1-12. Les Portes de Paris巴黎城门 1-15. Le Mot Phoebus 腓比斯的含义 1-18. Anarkia宿命 1-26. Le Val d'amour 爱之谷 1-28. Fatalité命运 2-1. Florence佛罗伦萨 2-3. Ou ...

彘红19872362610问: 《巴黎圣母院》精彩段落
张湾区弗奇回答: 假如我们这般生活在一八三○年的人能凭借想象,厕身在十五世纪这群巴黎人中间,跟他们一起被拉来扯去,被撞来撞去,跌跌冲冲,挤进司法宫宽阔无比的大厅——在一四八二年一月六日这一天却显得那么狭小——,就不会觉得眼前的景象索然无味,不会觉得没有吸引力,正好相反,我们周围所见的事物尽是如此之古老,反而觉得十分新鲜.

彘红19872362610问: 《巴黎圣母院》主要内容的英文版 -
张湾区弗奇回答: Notre Dame de Paris was published by Victoria Hugo in 1831 and is one of his many historical novels, set in fifteenth century Paris. The archdeacon of Notre Dame, a certain Claude Frollo, falls in lust with Esmerelda - a gypsy dancer - who is much ...

彘红19872362610问: 巴黎圣母院的精彩节选 -
张湾区弗奇回答: 俏皮话在巴黎是马上会被人听懂的,当然也总是受到喝采的. ——《巴黎圣母院》 文艺复兴是大公无私的,它不但喜欢建设,它还会破坏. ——《巴黎圣母院》 书籍将要消灭建筑. 印刷术的发明是最重大的历史事件,它是革命之母,它是人类...

彘红19872362610问: 《巴黎圣母院》主要内容的英文版 -
张湾区弗奇回答:[答案] Notre Dame de Paris was published by Victoria Hugo in 1831 and is one of his many historical novels,set in fifteenth century Paris.The archdeacon of Notre Dame,a certain Claude Frollo,falls in lust with Esmerelda - a gypsy dancer - who is much ...

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