
作者&投稿:兆昆往 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

请问英语四级中,作文方面文体格式错误要扣几分,就是没有按要求以书信的格式写,但还算点题,... 请问...背诵英语单词,我见过很多人很没有效率地背,wonderful,w- o- n- d- e- r- f- u- l,精彩的...2.Among the various reasons contributing to this phonomenon, ___ plays an important part.3.There...


Step1:先泛听一遍了解大意,并回答以下问题。1.How many people were killed by the storms? (from News 1)2. What progress has been made in the fight against substance abuse among U.S. teens? (from News 2)3. What group has claimed responsibility for the bombings? (from News 2)...


徭安18637965613问: 还不了解Amongus衰老模式?Amongus衰老模式游戏介绍
铜仁市地奥回答: Amongus衰老模式沧桑来袭,此模式规则有些复杂,内鬼在游戏开始之后会变成一个小婴儿,年龄是一岁,通过时间的推移会慢慢长大,直到最后变成老人.一到18岁为...

徭安18637965613问: 太空狼人杀联动命运2AmongUs联动命运2
铜仁市地奥回答: Among Us是知名狼人杀类型的联机游戏,有很多小伙伴可能还不知道官方最近宣布了与命运2的联动活动,如果是感兴趣的小伙伴,那下面就一起来看看太空狼人杀联动命...

徭安18637965613问: 新概念英语94课they should encourage those among us who cannot swim five yards before they are ……Meanwhile,they should encourage those among us who... -
铜仁市地奥回答:[答案] 同时,我们应该鼓励我们当中的那些游不到五码就必须出来透口气的人. should应该;before在……之前 who cannot swim five yards before they are gasping for air是定语从句,修饰those. gasp后为什么加for?表示目的.gasp,喘气,透气,喘气的目的...

徭安18637965613问: health and eating habit -
铜仁市地奥回答: As we all know, we are what we eat . Therefore, it's very important for us to form healthy eating habits. However, bad eating habits are still very common among us students. Some of us often go to school without breakfast; some like to have snacks; ...

徭安18637965613问: 请教几个英语选择题 -
铜仁市地奥回答: 你这题有很多的拼写错误哦. 1、C.句中有and,是个连词,后接一个单句,排除A,B,这...

徭安18637965613问: 自由女神像 凯旋门 英文简介 -
铜仁市地奥回答: Statue of LibertyLiberty Enlightening the World, known more commonly as the Statue of Liberty, is a statue given to the United States by France in the late 19th century, st...

徭安18637965613问: amongus海外服国际服下载靠什么工具好?
铜仁市地奥回答: 在《游戏蜂窝64位》就可以下载海外手游,提供稳定网络,轻松体验海外手游.你想要下载among us海外服国际服的话,通过这个平台,就可以轻松下载,便于使用. ...

徭安18637965613问: 求英语高手!明天考试英语,给我点英语作文常用的结构或比较经典在什么文章里都能通用的句子!!!!! -
铜仁市地奥回答: http://wenku.baidu.com/view/e6a4ad343968011ca3009199.html这个文档还是比较全面的~楼主可以看看~下面是一些...

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